
(554) Ring a ring o' Roses [thought]

I'd like to introduce a nursery rhyme1), "Ring-a-ring o' roses" from Mother Goose rhyme2). This is also a children's singing game in which the children join hands3) and dance round in a circle singing this rhyme. Let's sing it.

Over the Moon, A book of nursery rhymes
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Illustrated by Charlotte Voake

Ring a Ring o' Roses: Nursery Rhymes

Ring a Ring o' Roses: Nursery Rhymes

  • 作者: Briggs, Raymond
  • 出版社/メーカー: Hamish Hamilton
  • 発売日: 2022/01/06
  • メディア: ハードカバー
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Ring4)-a-ring o' Roses,
A pocket full of posies5),
A-tishoo6)! A-tishoo!
We all fall down
ばらのはなわを つくろうよ
ポケットには はなびらいっぱい
はっくしょん! はっくしょん!
みんないっしょに しゃがもうよ
(谷川 俊太郎 訳)

  This is an old rhyme. In 1881 it first appeared in print. But it was reported that a version was already being sung in the 1790s. Nobody knows what its lyrics7) really mean. One of explanations is the Great Plague8) which happened in England in 1665. The Great plague killed almost a quoter of London's population.
  A ring of roses means red rashes on the skin. It was a sign that they had caught the plague.
  Posies are herbs warding off9) the bad smell of the disease.
  A-tishoo is a sound of a sneeze. Sneezing or coughing was a final fatal symptom10) of the plague.
  And lastly all sick people fall down to death.

  In March 2020, during the early stages of COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom, Ring-a-ring o' Roses was jokingly proposed as the "ideal choice" of song to accompay11) hand-washing in order to ward off infection.
1) nursery rhyme: (伝承)童謡
2) Mother Goose rhyme: マザーグースおばさんの唄、伝承童謡集
3) join hands: 手を握り合う、(join hands in a circle 手をつないで輪を作る)
4) ring: to form or take the shape of a ring
5) posies: posyの複数、bouquet, nosegay
6) atishoo: ətíʃuː(米国英語)、ハックション
7) lyrics: [複数形で](流行歌などの)歌詞
8) plague: (大規模な)疫病、The~ (特に)ペスト、黒死病
9) ward off: 受け流す、防ぐ、近づかせない to turn aside, deflect
10) symptom: 症状、subjective evidence of disease or physical disturbance
11) accompany: to perform an accompaniment to or for, の伴奏する

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