
(496) The Flowers [詩歌]

THE FLOWERS (Robert Louis Stevenson) 


All the names I know from nurse:
Gardener’s garters 1), Shepherd’s purse 2),
Bachelor’s buttons 3), Lady’s smock 4),
And the Lady Hollyhock 5).

Fairy places, fairy things,
Fairy woods where the wild bee wings,
Tiny trees for tiny dames
These must all be fairy names! 

Tiny woods below whose boughs
Shady fairies weave a house;
Tiny tree-tops, rose 6) or thyme 7),
Where the braver fairies climb! 

Fair are grown-up people’s trees,
But the fairest woods are these;
Where if I were not so tall,
I should live for good and all. 

Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894). A Childs Garden of Verses and Underwoods. 1913.



  • 作者: ロバート・ルイス スティーヴンスン
  • 出版社/メーカー: 白石書店
  • 発売日: 2000/10
  • メディア: 単行本

 訳・絵 よしだみどり
花々の森 ss.jpg

1) Gardener’s garters,

(庭師の靴下留め: よしだみどり訳)

(シマクサヨシRibbon Grass, Reed Canary Grass, Gardener's Garters)
gardeners' garters (uncountable)
gardener's garter s.jpg

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19th century

Some women wore stockings with a plain elastic garter or narrow material tied tightly, not suspenders, or by simply rolling the top of the stocking, because it seemed more practical or they could not afford classic corsetry, thus creating a kind of predecessor of the modern hold ups.

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Hold-ups or stay-ups (in the United States also referred to as thigh-high stockings or simply thigh highs) are stockings with an elasticized band at the top, designed to hold the stockings up when worn, without the use of a garter belt or garters. Thigh highs are held up by one or more bands sewn to the top that is backed with silicone on its inner surface. This ensures the thigh highs stay in position because of the elastic and the friction of the silicone against the skin. The silicone can become ineffective by contact with body lotions, oils and talcum powder1), as they all reduce the friction of the silicone. Thigh highs are designed so that the elastic band exerts just the right pressure on a woman's thigh, avoiding any uncomfortable tightness or unflattering2) muffin-top3) effect. Sometimes thigh highs are preferred to pantyhose for hygiene reasons, because they reduce excessive microbial growth around the groin4) due to humidity and warmth.

1) talcum powder:タルカム=パウダー(滑石粉に香料を加えた化粧用パウダー)
2) unflattering:悪印象を呈しているまたは表している(showing or representing unfavorably)
3) muffin-topA muffin top (bulging roll of flesh)、(ズボンなどを履いたときにその上に)はみ出した肉
4) groin:又の付け根の部分
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Bride putting on a garter

2) Shepherd’s purse,



shepherd's purse.jpg
seeds in the seed pod from which it gets its name


3) Bachelor’s buttons, ヤグルマギク→やくるまそう cornflower

The Bachelor Button is actually a flower that has a story behind it and this is a flower that bachelors generally wore when they had feelings for a certain person that they were trying to date. They would wear the flower and the longer that the flower lasted, the more that it showed that there was a true love there, if the flower faded away, it wasn’t meant to be.

 4) Lady’s smock, ハナタネツケバナ花種漬花

lady's smock.jpg
Cuckooflower [コピーライト] Andrew Gagg/Plantlife

 Whilst the name 'lady's smock1)' might refer to the pale, pinkish and slightly cupped nature of the petals, it might have another more debauched2) explanation. Similar to 'a bit of skirt', 'smock' was a slightly suggestive and rather derogatory3) term for a woman and it may be this name was applied due to the things young people got up to4) in the meadows in the spring! Paradoxically this wild flower is also associated with the Virgin.

1) smock: loose dress or protective coat
IMG_20200112_182122smoked cup s.jpg
warm tea in knitted smocked mug cup

2) Debauched: dɪbɔ́ːʧt(飲酒や麻薬などで)堕落した
3) Derogatory: dɪrgət`ɔːri‐rˈɔgətəri, ‐tri/ (名声・人格などを)傷つけるような; 〈言葉など〉軽蔑的な
4) got up to: <いたずらなど>をしでかす、する。

タネツケバナ(種漬花)Cardamine flexuosa
(2007年4月7日 東京都大田区・東京港野鳥公園)
アブラナ科タネツケバナ属 花期:3~6月 分布:日本全土

 5) the Lady Hollyhock. タチアオイ

lady hollyhock and her dauter.jpg

Flower Fairies of the Summer (Flower Fairies Original)

Flower Fairies of the Summer (Flower Fairies Original)

  • 作者: Cicely Mary Barker
  • 出版社/メーカー: Warne
  • 発売日: 2018/05/31
  • メディア: ハードカバー

6) rose
img227rose ss.jpg

7) Thyme
img228thyme ss.jpg


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