
(511) How to change the light bulb of Pro-Globe [調べる]

  I happened to see a plastic globe at a recycle store the other day. On the globe a lot of wild animals and famous sites are illustrated. It is a light globe. I instantly decided to buy it and presented to my wife. I don't know why but she likes globes very much.

  This is an illuminated World Globe, so after checking its light on, I bought this. Next day my wife switched the light of globe on and she stared at many creatures and sites on the globe. I noticed that the top of the globe became hot soon in a few minutes. I thought an incandescent light bulb is used to illuminate this globe. So I decided to change the light bulb to LED lamp emitting less heat.

  'Pro-Globe (c) Printed in Germany' is printed on the globe. Soon I knew on the internet, it is a product, Elenco Edu-Toys-Wildlife Globe. Its product description reads:

wildlife globe 5cm.jpg

Product Description

Let your children discover the world with this amazing illuminated World Globe - with over 250 colorful illustrated images of the world's most spectacular animals and sites. Ideal as a night light, this learning globe has a dual image effect - additional creatures appear in the oceans when the light is switched on. This stunning globe is great for learning about different places in the world and allows your child to engage in endless journeys of fun and learning.

  I knew how to change the bulb from Q&A of this product on the internet.


Just purchased the globe and the light won't stay on. Is anyone else having the same problem Not sure if it's worth returning.


The light on my son's went out too, but I figured out how to change the bulb. Pull up on the black plastic that holds the top of the globe to the stand. Then you can remove the globe from the stand and get to the bulb to change it! Hope that helps!
By Dana Ferguson on September 28, 2016

I had my globe for about two weeks and the light went out as well.
By Tselena on January 31, 2015

  Following above instruction, I pulled up on the black plastic and successfully removed the globe from the stand.

original lamp off 5cm.jpgoriginal lamp on 5cm.jpg

My light bulb can stay on,
but its screw part is a little squeezed. When unscrewed it wouldn't turn smoothly.

bulb screw 5cm.jpg

110/120V, 25W, E12
Length 50mm, Diameter 25mm

On the bottom of the base caution is written,

To reduce the risk of fire - use 25 Watt or smaller, 120V, type E12 lamp
Dry locations only
Made in China

led lamp e-12 5cm.jpgled lamp off 5cm.jpgled lamp on 5cm.jpg

  I bought a LED filament light bulb of 230lm (25W equivalent), 1.7W, 20000h life, Length 105mm, Diameter 35mm.

  Though the LED bulb is much longer than the original bulb, I can put the globe back to the stand safely. This LED bulb cannot be used with a dimmable switch.

globe light off 5cm.jpgglobe light on 5cm.jpg

I got the light globe 2,200 yen, and changed the light bulb of 1,188 yen.

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(510) Ikkyu-san's saying: Crossing the bridge [thought]

   I found an interesting article (Ikkyu) by Anita Yang (JAPAN 111, Fall 2017) from Book review by students of Japanese language program in The University of Pennsylvania.

  She read Ikkyuusan books.
一休さん (寺村輝夫のとんち話 1)

一休さん (寺村輝夫のとんち話 1)

  • 出版社/メーカー: あかね書房
  • 発売日: 1976/07/25
  • メディア: 単行本

She wrote:

Crossing the bridge is one of skits in the books. The books were about a young boy named Ikkyuu who lives in a temple, with a group of other young boys, training to become a monk. Ikkyuu is a very clever boy who have a peculiar perspective on things and the books go through various skits of when Ikkyuu responded in an unexpected manner that left the other characters speechless. An example of this was when he came across a sign that says "Do not cross the bridge (はし)", he crossed the bridge anyway. When questioned about why he crossed it, he responded by pointing out that はし in Hiragana can be translated as bridge(橋) or edge(端) and he said he did not cross the はし because he walked on the center of the bridge. I found this skit to be especially interesting because it exposed me to the use of puns in the Japanese language.

  I think, because of the puns in Japanese, it becomes very hard to translate this skit into English. Can you translate Ikkyu-san's answer with English puns?

  I searched and found Professor Yamagishi's translation using two words, 'ridge' and 'bridge'.

You're not allowed to cross this bridge.
Haha, no! I knew I was not allowed to
So I chose the ridge instead of the bridge!
(Professor YAMAGISHI Katsuei holds copyright of this English translation.)

  These two similar words sound very good to me, but I cannot get the exact meaning of 'ridge'. What part of the bridge is called the ridge? I don't know. What do you think of his translation?

  Next two translated answers are understandable but not good enough for me.

The first example:

img257 s.jpg

はじめてのえいご・むかしばなし11 一休さん
発行 キープ株式会社
絵:殿河内 勝 

+the bridge jpg 1s.jpg

The sign said,
  "Do not cross this bridge."
Ikkyu-san was asked.
  "Ikkyu, did you not see the sign?"
Then he replied.
  "Yes, that is why we did not cross the bridge but walked across it.

+the bridge jpg 2s.jpg

The second example:

The notice says,
  "Don't walk across this bridge."
Ikkyu-san said,
  "I did not walk across the bridge, but I run across the bridge."

Why not challenge to translate in English 'Ikkyu-san's crossing the bridge skit'?

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(509) Mask problem [英作文]

  We Have a Cheap, Effective Way to Keep Ourselves Safer From COVID-19. The tool are face masks―cloth, surgical, or even a bandanna. But why are some of people fighting about it?

  Trump himself continues not to wear a mask in public, despite calls coming from even inside his own political party to do so. Time Weekend Edition: July 2-5, 2020 Time Coronavirus Brief

  Trump and others in his administration have refused to wear face coverings while with others, contrary to the advice of health experts. Wednesday, May 27, 2020 Time Coronavirus Brief

  I cannot understand why President Trump has refused to appear on camera wearing a face mask. Japan Prime minister Abe proudly wears his favorite small cloth mask in public.

  I read an article written by GAVIN YAMEY, "Wd Have a Cheap, Effective Way to Keep Ourselves Safer From COVID-19. Why Are We Fighting About It?" Then I understood a little about "me first" culture and personal liberty in the U.S. Their right to go around unmasked in public matters more than saving lives.

  I also happened to read a comic essay written by Åsa Ekström. Shed is a Swedish comic artist, wrote about Japanese masks in her comic essay in 2015, "That's what Asa found in Japan". She couldn't understand at first why Japanese wear masks. She mentioned totalitarianism in Japan and individualism in her country and others.

北欧女子オーサが見つけた日本の不思議 (コミックエッセイ)

北欧女子オーサが見つけた日本の不思議 (コミックエッセイ)

  • 作者: オーサ・イェークストロム
  • 出版社/メーカー: KADOKAWA
  • 発売日: 2015/03/06
  • メディア: Kindle版
Thinking about the people around you


Common misconception among non-Japanese people is ---

"Why do Japanese people wear masks?"
"Are they worried too much about their health? Shinpai-SHO?

"I thought so when first I came here---."


My friend denied, "Wrong!"
"I wear a mask to prevent my cold from passing on to others."
"And, for kafun-SHO."



"Yes, it is increasing now."


"Shipai-SHO of pollen?"

"No way! Pollen allergy!"


  Do Japanese wear masks because they don't want to get sick? I was asked many times from non-Japanese friends. This way of thinking is the most logical from the point of individualism. But most of Japanese act according to totalitarianism. There are merits and demerits in both theories.

  Under this COVIT-19 pandemic, totalitarianism seems to work better than individualism. 

  Why many of Americans reject inevitably? Gavin Yamey wrote in his article, "In many countries that have so far successfully controlled their COVID-19 epidemics, public health leaders, politicians, and the public have fully embraced the use of face masks with no hint of controversy."

Yamey is a physician and professor of global health and public policy at Duke University, where he directs the Center for Policy Impact in Global Health.

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