
(560) Rich and riches [英単語]

The word of the day / Rich and Riches

  Rich means having much money. 
When used about food, rich means containing a lot of fat, oil, sugar, cream, etc.
For example, rich sauce, a rich chocolate cake.
chocolate cake s.jpg
  Riches mean a lot of money or a lot of valuable things.
I recently read a book. Its title is "Beauty and the Beast". This book is a retold one in easy English. I'll show you a sentence having riches from this book.
美女と野獣 Beauty and the Beast (ラダーシリーズ Level 1)

美女と野獣 Beauty and the Beast (ラダーシリーズ Level 1)

  • 作者: ザンディ・スミス-セラフィン
  • 出版社/メーカー: IBCパブリッシング
  • 発売日: 2006/08/28
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)

Beauty and her sisters s.jpg

  Beauty's elder sisters were very proud of their family's money. They thought that their riches and beautiful things made them better than other people. They laugh at poor people and were mean to other girls.

Poor is opposite rich.

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