
(596) Legend of Dragon [翻訳]

Weekly Ehime RiQ 1/19/2024
娘 s.jpg

  One day, a fisherman out on the coast of Ohshima island happened to look towards land. He saw a small woman beckoning to him. When he rowed his boat to shore*1), the woman begged, "Can you take me to the pond of Ohshima*2)?" The fisherman invited her onto the boat, but as soon as the woman put one foot on the boat, it go much lower, and when both feet were on board, it almost sank. The fisherman's face turned pale, and the woman whispered, "Please take me to the pond, if you don't tell anyone about this, I promise you a lifetime of good catches." The woman's true identity was a dragon who was looking for a place to move out of the pond*3), which had become too small for her. The fisherman obeyed her words and took her to the pond.

  Since then, whenever the fisherman went out to sea, he would always have a great catch and a bountiful catch. However, villagers became suspicious and wondered why he was the only one, so they got the fisherman drunk and found out what had happened. After that, the fisherman never went out to sea.

*1) shore: 出展:「月の抒情、瀧の激情」よれば、舌間の海岸かもしれない。
Google Map

*2) the pond of Ohshima: Ryuoike 竜王池
Ryuoike s.jpg

*3) the pond: 出展:「月の抒情、瀧の激情」
Google Map

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(550) Twenty Months in Japan / 6. House [翻訳]


 この冊子(Twenty Months in Japan)の著者であるHawkinsは、明治25年(1892)夏から27年(1894)春まで、アメリカYMCA教師として伊予尋常中学校の英語教師として勤務した。後に夏目金之助が英語教師として明治二八年四月(1895)に松山へ来ている、夏目金之助(漱石)の前任教師がジョンソンJohnson Cameronであるので、H.G. Hawkinsは前前任者にあたる。


(春ちゃん 記)

6. HOUSE 日本の家

  The houses are built mainly of wood and plaster. They are light and airy, usually one story high1). The roofs are generally of tiles, but sometimes thatched. The lumber2) is gotten mainly by hand. Into a nice house oftentimes the carpenter will tastily put as a column3) a trunk of hickory4) or other wood with bark and nice knots remaining on it, just as it came from nature.


1) one story high: 一階建て
2) lumber: 材木、木材
3) column: 丸柱
4) hickory: ヒッコリー
 Family: Juglandaceae
   Genus: Carya
   The genus Carya is in the walnut family, Juglandaceae.
hickory trimmed.jpg
Pockets TREES written by  Theresa Greenaway


 科: クルミ科 Juglandaceae
 属: クルミ属 Juglans
オニグルミ trimmed.jpg
この木なんの木?がひと目でわかる! 散歩の樹木図鑑

この木なんの木?がひと目でわかる! 散歩の樹木図鑑

  • 作者: 岩槻秀明
  • 出版社/メーカー: 新星出版社
  • 発売日: 2016/07/01
  • メディア: Kindle版

  What is the difference between hickory and walnut?
As nouns the difference between hickory and walnut is that hickory is any of various deciduous hardwood trees of the genus carya dor (taxlink) while walnut is a hardwood tree of the genus juglans.

  In government schools and many public works5) the buildings, dress, and many of the manners are greatly similar to what the young people of America are accustomed to seeing; but in the homes many things are very different. There are no chairs, no bedsteads6), no dressers7), no dining tables8), no chimneys, no fireplaces or stoves.

5) public works: 公共事業、公共施設
6) bedstead: 寝台の骨組み
7) dresser: 鏡付き化粧ダンス
8) dining table: ダイニングテーブル、食卓

  The principal9) rooms of the houses have no doors or windows proper10), but two or more sides of each room are made in pieces, which slide upon each other, back and forth. The whole house may be easily turned into one room, and whole sides of houses may be opened for the summer day. The different kinds of curious shoes never touch the matted floors. You can generally tell the number of inmates11) present at a house, or the number of guests at a hotel, by counting the shoes at the door.
9) principal: 主な、主要な
10) proper: [通例名詞の後で]厳密な意味での、本来の
11) inmate: 入所者

  In well-to-do12) homes cleanliness is very marked13), but rags14) and filth15) are plenteous16) in some quarters17). The rich man in silk dashes18), in jinrikisha, by his begging fellow men19). The extremes of life are here, as else where20).
12) well-to-do: 裕福な
13) marked: 著しい、きわ立った、明白な
14) rag: ぼろ布(きれ)、ぼろ
15) filth: 汚物
16) plenteous: plentiful, (ありあまるほど)豊富な、多くの
17) quarter: (都市内で特定の人々の住む)地域、街
18) dash: 勢いよく走る
19) fellow man: 人間同士、同胞
20) else where: (比較なし)どこかよそに[へ、で];そのほかの橋では

  The mats that form the floor are of closely woven grass, padded underneath and braided21) around. Each mat is three feet wide and six feet long. You tell of the size of a house by naming the number of rooms and the number of mats to each room. Two mats make a tsubo. Ground22) to the extent23) of three hundred tsubo rests24) at five dollars a year.
  Most homes have hanging25) about them somewhere an attractive tablet26) upon which is inscribed27) in Chinese characters the motto or charm of the house. At my house it is, when translated, "Bright moon in the clouds, beautiful flowers among the leaves28)."
--- 訳 省略 ---

21) braid: 結ぶ、縁取る
22) ground: 用地、敷地
23) to the extent of : ~の程度まで、~の範囲で
24) rent: 賃貸しされる
25) hanging: 壁掛け
26) tablet: 銘板、刻板
27) inscribe: 記入する、刻む
28) Bright moon in the clouds, beautiful flowers among the leaves.
雲間明月 葉隠の花

  September 13.-- Yesterday I went to Takahama to bathe29), but the sea was rough and it rained. I took refuge30) in a small building that is being constructed there as a kind of port-house31), and a lesson was taken in Japanese mechanics32).
--- 訳 省略 ---
29) bathe: 海水浴へ行く
30) take refuge: ・・・に逃避する、・・・して難を避ける
31) port-house: (複数形 port-houses) A building that contains the offices of officials responsible for  running a port, space for customs, etc. (Weblio)
32) mechanics: 操作、技巧、手順
三津高浜地図 2021 s.jpg
三津高浜地図 明治 s.jpg
Map of Mitsu Takahama in Meiji era.
高浜湊南桟橋 Southern Pier of Takahama port
四十島 ターナー島 Shijyushima, Turner island

The principal workmen were two beautifully formed men, clothed with a long girdle33) around the loins. Delicate as women, they plied34) their art very deftly35), pulling, not pushing, the plane. They used much whetstone36), and when they pulled, great shavings37), the whole length of the timber, flew. The planes themselves were delicate, but good implements38), the metal being very nicely set in thin wood. Another was devoting himself to sawing a piece out of a rough four-by-six block, round on one side39). He sat on the floor with the piece clutched between his feet, and worked away with his little saw. I held the plank for one of the planers. It amused and pleased him.
--- 訳 省略 ---
33) girdle: 腰巻、ベルト
34) ply: 〈仕事・商売〉に精をだす
35) deftly: 器用に、上手に、すばやく
36) whetstone: 砥石
37) shaving: 削りくず、かんなくず
大工鉋掛け 明治.jpg
近現代における鉋の変遷について 岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要第60
西洋鉋 s.jpg
B: iron; a steel blade which cuts the wood
F: cap iron or chipbreaker; reinforces the iron and curls and breaks apart wood shavings as they pass through the mouth.
38) implement: 道具、用具、器具
39) round on one side: 片方が丸い

  One inmate40) of the house seemed to be a rough but manly boatman whom the waves had driven to this haven41). He politely offered me a smoke from his own nasty42) pipe. He thought that he was showing me respect, and I thanked him.
40) inmate: any of a group occupying a single place or residence, 入所者
41) haven: 港、停泊所、避難所、a place of safety
42) nasty: 不快な、不潔な

キセルの構造 JT
キセルの構造 JT.jpg


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(528) Botchan walked around the town of Matsuyama [翻訳]

map 松山城 s Eng.jpg
坊っちゃん (1966年) (角川文庫)

坊っちゃん (1966年) (角川文庫)

  • 作者: 夏目 漱石
  • 出版社/メーカー: 角川書店
  • 発売日: 2021/03/12
  • メディア: 文庫
―坊ちゃん 夏目漱石 著
3) 兵舎:当時、旧松山城内には歩兵第二十二連隊があった。
4) 二十五万石:松山は久松氏十五万石の城下町
5) 松山着任後、漱石が実際に泊ったのは、城戸屋(きどや)旅館であった。
  My comment: It seems that his first impression of Matsuyama was bad because he was just speaking ill of Matsuyama, but he turned this negative impression into energy and completed the novel "Botchan". In other words, I thought that even things with a bad first impression might create some other value if we tackle them without running away. 

the middle school s.jpg
坊っちゃん―BOTCHAN 【講談社英語文庫】

坊っちゃん―BOTCHAN 【講談社英語文庫】

  • 出版社/メーカー: 講談社インターナショナル
  • 発売日: 1997/04/01
  • メディア: 文庫

  I walked out of the school gate with the intention of going straight back to the inn, but since I had nothing to do there, I decided to walk around the town for a while and strolled aimlessly through the streets. I saw the prefectural government office, an old building from the last century, and the army barracks.
img018 (3)二代目県庁 s Eng.jpg

These were no better than those of the regiment1) at Azabu in Tokyo. I also saw the main street, which was about half size of Tokyo's Kagurazaka, and whose shops were poorer.
明治時代の大街道 Eng.jpg

愛媛県立尋常松山中学校 s Eng.jpg
This was just a small castle town which in feudal times probably only yield its lord a paltry million and quarter bushels of grain2). I was walking along, pitying those who brag about living in a "castle town," when I suddenly found myself in front of the Yamashiroya.
--- Botchan / translated by Alan Turney.

城戸屋旅館S20年 s Eng.jpg

Kidoya Inn
is the model for Yamashiroya, the Inn where Botchan, the hero of Soseki Natsume's novel stayed at first.

1) Regiment: 連隊
2) a paltry million and a quarter bushels of grain: わずか125万ブッシェルの穀物(25万石)


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(502) 和訳Rebus / The Hunter and The Squirrel. [翻訳]

  I happened to know of Sam Loyd (1841 – 1911) from a book named Encyclopedia of mathematical Magic数学マジック辞典. He is well know for Chess, puzzles, mathematical games. Here is one of his puzzles on the internet. This is a rebus, a riddle representing syllables or words with pictures. I redraw this picture from his original one.
Rebus H and S.jpg

猟師とリス (Rebus / 判じ絵)
translated by Haruma Kinoshita 2020/05/08
古いクイズ問題にこのようなものがあります。木に留ったリスを見つけて上手に狙おうとした猟師でしたが、リスは巧みに常に反対側に留まっています。雪の上に残った足跡が示すように、猟師は完全な円を描くように木の周りを回りました、がしかし、リスも反対側を保ちながら木の幹の周りを回りました。ここで、私たちが解明したい問題は、この猟師はリスのまわりを回りをほんとうに回ったか?と言う事です。 今私がこのクイズ問題をここに提示した理由は、世界のすべての地域のパズル愛好家から、この問題への私の回答えを求められているからです。
Hunter and Squerrel 15.jpg

男がリスのまわりを回っていないことを証明するために、非常に多くの微妙で理解しにくい議論がなされました。主にこれらは、ウエブスター英語辞典のaround「・・・の周りを」の定義、「on all sides of/全ての側面を」、「encircling/取り囲んで」、「encompassing/取り囲んで」に基づいています。(※注:つまりリスは猟師に対していつも同じ側を向けていて、猟師はリスの全ての側面を見ていないので、aroundの定義からしてgo around the squirrelとは言えないという主張!)


two snakes14.jpg
地球が回転を停止しない限り、地球を回ることは不可能であると主張する同じような考えの教授達の一人は、古いヘビの物語を盲目的に固く信じています。彼は、ヘビは常に同じサイズのヘビを飲み込むことができると言います。 かつて彼はケージに2匹の4フィート(122cm)のヘビを一緒に入れていました、すると、それぞれの蛇が他の尾に食いつき、いっせいに飲み込み始め、そのため、両方の蛇が同時に消えてしまったと言います。彼はサミーに黒板にそれを図示するように頼みました、すると、ちょっとした芸術家であったサミーは次の絵を描きました: 
nobody believes a liar.jpg

猟師とリスの物語の判じ絵は”No body believes a liar.”「誰も嘘つきを信じない」
胴のない人の絵(No body Nobody)
蜜蜂(Beebe)+葉っぱ(leaves lieves)= believes
古代ギリシャの竪琴 a lyre a liar

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(448) 摩尼車 太山寺 [翻訳]


pic. 摩尼車 松山 太山寺


摩尼車 放生院


The concept of the prayer wheel is a physical manifestation of the phrase "turning the wheel of Dharma1)," which describes the way in which the Buddha taught. Prayer Wheels originated from ‘The School of Shakyamuni2) sutra, volume 3 – pagoda and temple’ which states that, “those who set up the place for worship, use the knowledge to propagate3) the dharma to common people, should there be any man or woman who are illiterate4) and unable to read the sutra, they should then set up the prayer wheel to facilitate5) those illiterate to chant the sutra, and the effect is the same as reading the sutra


1) Dharma:

2) Shakyamuni
àSakyamuni: 釈迦牟尼

3) propagate:

4) :

5) facilitate:
〈事を〉容易にする,楽にする,促進[助長]する 《★【用法】 この語は人を主語として用いない》

pic 摩尼車 説明文



平成26年 御本尊 御開帳記念

Mani Wheel (Prayer Wheel) 
This cylindrical wheel is called Mani wheel or prayer wheel. Mani stands for
Mani jewel, and this means a wish-fulfilling jewel within Buddhist traditions.
Mani symbolizes virtue of Buddha or it is compared to merits and virtues of sutra. Heart Sutra is written in Chinese Character on its spindle.
They say that turning Mani wheel one time produces the same merit as chanting one roll of sutra. Put your hand lightly on the wheel and pull it. While the wheel turns, chant the mantra:
`Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha.`
Commemoration of exposition of principal image in 2014
摩尼車 経



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(372) 9nine's interview [翻訳]

 9nine’s interview




Free Magazine J-Lifeによる英訳


JLSeika.jpg(1) せいか


(1) Seika

I’m from China, has anyone gone oversea?

have goneは「行ってしまった」と昔習ったけど?

JLUmini.jpg(2) うみにー


(2) Umini

Yes, In China, I’ve been to a suburb near Beijing and Shanghai.

そう、このhave been toが「行ったことがある」と習った。

JLKanchan.jpg(3) かんちゃん


(3) Kan-Chan

You experienced something valuable didn’t you?

JLUmini.jpg(4) うみにー


(4) Umini

I caught a chicken and ate it (lol). My dad works by himself in Shanghai, so I want to visit Shanghai soon.

JLSeika.jpg(5) せいか


(5) Seika

We should go together lol.

JLUkie.jpg(6) うっきー


(6) Ucki

I’ve been to Shanghai too. I can speak Chinese!

JLSeika.jpg(7) せいか


(7) Seika


JLUkie.jpg(8) うっきー


(8) Ucki

Xie Xie? (thank you)






…that’s it?

JLKanchan.jpg(10) かんちゃん


(10) Kan-chan

Yi, er, san, su, wu, liu (1,2,3,4,5,6)

Yi,er,san, si, wu, liu

JLHiroro.jpg(11) ひろろ


(11) Hiroro

Nin xi ku le (good job)

Nin xin kule

JLUmini.jpg(12) うみにー

加油 (がんばれ)

(12) Umini

Jia you (go for it)

Jia you

JLKanchan.jpg(13) かんちゃん


(13) Kan-Chan

Jin tian kun le (I’m tired and sleepy today.

Jintiankun le



(14) Seika

Wow, you guys are good.

JLKanchan.jpg(15) かんちゃん


(15) Kan-Chan

I study a bit in the office.

JLUmini.jpg(16) うみにー


(16) Umini

I take Chinese as a 2nd foreign language.

JLSeika.jpg(17) せいか


(17) Seika

Oh, really? That’s great.

JLChapon.jpg(18) ちゃあぽん


(18) Chapon

I have a lot of friends that are exchange students. I teach Japanese to  the Korean students and they teach me Korean. It’s a lot of fun.

exchange students

JLSeika.jpg(19) せいか


(19) Seika

Kanjio’s boy friend is Korean.

JLKanjiro.jpg(20) かんじろー


(20) Kanjiro

Wow that’s random lol

んんrandomを使う!lacking a definite plan, purpose, or pattern

JLChapon.jpg(21) ちゃあぽん


(21) Chapon

That’s so nice. So glorious, it’s like from a fairy tale. Is he good looking?


JLKanjiro.jpg(22) かんじろー


(22) Kanjiro

Umm, he is serving in the military right now…

is serving in the militaryと言うのか・・・

(23) 一同


(23) Everyone

So what (lol)???

JLKanjiro.jpg(24) かんじろー


(24) Kanjiro

Hiroro, are you in high school?

are you in high school なるほど、こういうのか。

JLHiroro.jpg(25) ひろろ


(25) Hiroro

Yes, but I’ve only been overseas when I was 2 or 3, so I’ve never actually gone overseas.

JLKanjiro.jpg(26) かんじろー


(26) Kanjiro

Where do you want to go?

JLHiroro.jpg(27) ひろろ


(27) Hiroro

I want to see an aurora. Kan-Chan and I are promising to go see it.

I are promising to go see it.

go see itか・・・

JLKanchan.jpg(28) かんちゃん


(28) Kan-Chan

Yeah, I’m interested in English too. But it’s hard to study abroad, so I think it’s important to get along with the foreigners in Japan.

to get along with


get along: be on friendly terms

JLSeika.jpg(29) せいか


(29) Seika

That makes me feel good. Everybody is busy. Then I’ll tell everyone about a massage spot where it will take away the fatigue.

massage spot where it will take away the fatigue

(30) 一同



(30) Everyone


(pushes around Chapon’s knee)

JLChapon.jpg(31) ちゃあぽん


(31) Chapon

Oh, that feels great.

JLSeika.jpg(32) せいか


(32) Seika

Your skin’s so white.

(33) 一同


(33) Everyone


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(294)  生まれ変わり、願いをかなえる [翻訳]






Speculate science consideration:
On the base of natural science, adding further  dramatic presumption to it, consideration will be done. These presumptions need to have some reasons for themselves after all. If this reasoning is weak, this becomes mystery. If this reasoning is strong enough, this will be science.

All animals including human beings have souls as main property. When people die, their bodies will decay, but the core of his soul just stop being active. Its status just changed from being active to non-active. Souls are immortal.

The soul probably has its core just like an atom has its atom core. This core of soul consists of particles of soul, which has existed since the old time when the earth was a fireball. The particles probably are supermaterial.



  • 作者: 岡部 金治郎
  • 出版社/メーカー: 第三文明社
  • 発売日: 1983/09
  • メディア: 単行本



    Changing ourselves is much faster in time than changing others, and its result will come faster, too.

    Find what you feel good at, and what you can be vivid with.

    The whole world would help you when you come to like yourself.

    Be sure that Venus of chance only has front hair to grab.



    • 作者: 見山 敏
    • 出版社/メーカー: 総合法令出版
    • 発売日: 2008/03/25
    • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)

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(275) Texas Pecan Cakes [翻訳]



a pat of butter:小さな塊のバター
a scoop of ice cream:一すくいのアイスクリーム
whipped cream:ホイップクリーム

Slicing Instructions

For best results, freeze or refrigerate before slicing
your pecan cake. Without removing the foil liner, slice with a sharp non-serrated knife in a smooth downward motion. Wipe blade with a wet cloth after each slice. Remove liner before serving. (Slicing with the liner in place yields consistent slices for a more attractive

Storage Instructions

Your cake is best when enjoyed within a few days of arrival. With refrigeration, it can stay moist and easy-to-slice for at least two  months. For longer storage, we suggest freezing.

Serving Recommendations

For breakfast, toast your slice and top with a pat of butter. In the afternoon, serve thin slices with coffee or tea. And, after dinner, serve with a scoop of ice cream or top with whipped cream.








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(258)猫語の教科書 [翻訳]

sleeping cat.jpg
This is an ordinary cat sleeping on a hot summer day. I took her picture in Uchiko Chou of Ehime prefecture. There is a book purported to be typewritten by a cat. "The Silent Miaow" is the book.

Silent Miaow

Silent Miaow

  • 作者: Paul Gallico
  • 出版社/メーカー: Three Rivers Press
  • 発売日: 1985/10/13
  • メディア: ペーパーバック

1. A cat typewrote the sentences below.

Q Nab8al Dir Kottebs Dra7d abd J1/4n14dd ca6s

 When I wad z vety ypung kotteb 9 jad tje mosfor-
tine ti lise mt motjer abd fymd mys4lf akone 9n tje
worlf zt tje aye if s9x w44ks. Howeb45 9 qad no5
und8ly diturvrd v7 7jis dince 9 qas 8mtellihemnt mot
ikkfavpur4d 5esoyrdeful abd fill if condif3nce on
myd3lf. Aslo 9 gad gad tje adban6age og seberql
w44ks if 9mstruc689m fr9m mu motjher b3for3 jer
8nfort8mate emcounm645 296j q motervqr qt n9ght.

2. Paul Gallico translated the writing above.

A Manual For Kittens, Strays, and Homeless cats

When I was a very young kitten I had the misfor-
tune to lose my mother and find myself alone in the
world at the age of six weeks. However I had not
unduly disturbed by this since I was intelligent not
illfavoured resourceful and full of confidence on
myself. AlsI had had the advantage of several
weeks of instruction from my mother before her
unfortunate encounter with a motercar at night.
resourceful :才覚がある、機略に優れた◆困難な状況の中で解決策を見いだすことができる能力があることを指す。

3. Haijima Kari translated the above into Japanese.
猫語の教科書 (ちくま文庫)

猫語の教科書 (ちくま文庫)

  • 作者: ポール ギャリコ
  • 出版社/メーカー: 筑摩書房
  • 発売日: 1998/12
  • メディア: 文庫




4. reviews from: The Silent Miaow: A Manual for Kittens, Strays, and Homeless Cats (Paperback)

(1)A timeless classic., September 15, 1999
Whether or not you are an admirer of the feline species who, as this "manual" documents, consider themselves superior to homo sapiens, there is much to enjoy in this timeless classic, purported to have been typewritten by a cat. ---
(2)From tough to sweet, August 3, 2004
Tough minded sportwriter Paul Gallico had one secret weakness, he was putty in a cat's paws, especially a goodlooking, proud feline.
(3) Heartwarming, January 10, 2001
This is a sweet book. Cat lovers will immediately recognize the traits of their favorite feline in the descriptions of kitty's charming behavioral tricks. Gallico presents these with humor from a cat's perspective, which sounds more than a little silly, but which works to the book's benefit.
Cat lovers:
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(256)島唄good translation! [翻訳]

Uuji means sugar cane in Okinawa's dialect. Sugar canes grow as high as 3 meters. "the forest of Uuji" and "under the Uuji tree" are possible.

send along my tears:send on;forward, send, transmit, pass on, deliver   
part with
:separate;divide, part, detach, sever, segregate   


(1) The deigo flower bloomed, called the wind, and now the storm is here
(2)The deigo flower bloomed, called the wind, and now the storm is here
(3)The sadess that repeats itself, is like the waves which cross the irland
(4)I met you in the forest of Uuji
(5)And under the Uuji tree, I say goodbye to you forever
(6)Island song, ride the wind, and cross the seas with the birds
(7)Island song, ride the wind, and send along my tears

(8)The deigo flowers scattered and died, and now only the small waves sway
(9)The small happiness is like a flower from the bubbly waves
(10)I sang with you in the Uuji forest
And now, I part with you forever
(11)Island song, ride the wind, and cross the seas with the birds
(12)Island song, ride the wind, and send along my love

(13)To the sea, universe, God, life,
Please let there be an evening calm forever

(14)Island song, ride the wind, and cross the seas with the birds
(15)Island song, ride the wind, and send along my love

(16)Island song, ride the wind, and cross the seas with the birds
(17)Island song, ride the wind, and send along my love ♥



(1)Deigo no hana ga saki Kaze wo yobi Arashi ga kita

(2)Deigo ga sakimidare kaze wo yobi arashi ga kita
(3)Kuri kaesu kanashimi wa Shima wataru nami no you
(4)Uuji no mori de anata to deai
(5)Uuji no shita de chiyo ni sayonara

(6)Shima uta yo kaze ni nori Tori to tomo ni Umi wo watare
(7)Shima uta yo kaze ni nori Todokete okure watashi no namida

(8)Deigo no hana mo chiri saza nami ga yureru dake
(9)Sasayaka na shiawase wa utakata no nami no hana

(10)Uuji no mori de utatta tomo yo
Uuji no shita de yachiyo no wakare
(11)Shima uta yo kaze ni nori Tori to tomo ni Umi wo watare
(12)Shima uta yo kaze ni nori Todokete okure watashi no ai wo

(13)Umi yo uchuu yo kami yo inochi yo
Kono mama towa ni yuunagi wo

(14)Shima uta yo kaze ni nori Tori to tomo ni Umi wo watare
(15)Shima uta yo kaze ni nori Todokete okure watashi no ai wo

(16)Shima uta yo kaze ni nori Tori to tomo ni Umi wo watare
(17)Shima uta yo kaze ni nori Todokete okure watashi no ai wo

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