
(587) Sport [英単語]

Sport has already become a Japanese word スポーツ (supōtsu), but I didn't know very well how to use sport as a verb. So, I collected example sentences from online dictionary. I put a relating picture to each sentence.

Pic. 1
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She sports a new hat.

Pic. 2

She is sporting expensive new shoes.
to display or wear usually ostentatiously: BOST

Pic. 3
long hair bellbottoms platform heels s.jpg

Back in the 1960s he sports bellbottoms and long hair.
Back in the 1960s he sported platform heels and hair down past his shoulders.
to wear or be decorated with something

Pic. 4
Coca Cola s.jpg
She was sporting a T-shirt with the company's logo on it.
If you say that someone sports something such as a distinctive item of clothing, you mean that they wear it without any shyness.

Pic. 5
Red maoustache.jpg
He was heavily-built and sported a red moustache

Pic. 6

Children sporting in the waves.
To play or frolic

Pic. 7
PAY-Dolphins-Riding-the-waves s.jpg
The sight of dolphins sporting amidst the wave
[intransitive] literary to play together happily


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(580) Procrastinate [英単語]

PROCRASTINATE (Pro cras tuh nate)
to put off until a late time

Larry HATED to cut the GRASS and would PROCRASTINATE about it for weeks.

Vocabulary Cartoons: Building an Educated Vocabulary With Visual Mnemonics (SAT Word Power)

Vocabulary Cartoons: Building an Educated Vocabulary With Visual Mnemonics (SAT Word Power)

  • 出版社/メーカー: New Monic Books
  • 発売日: 1997/04/01
  • メディア: ペーパーバック

Vocabulary Cartoons are mnemonics designed for learning new words.
Mnemonics: 記憶を助ける物、語呂合わせ

  I learned this word procrastinate from a member of a Goodwill Guide club. "Don't procrastinate" is her New Year's resolution. This word was new to me. I thought it is a difficult word. Procrastinate is not in the dictionary I used in high school.

  However, procrastinate seems to be a common word among students. I found the following article on the Internet.

Top 10 New Year's Resolutions for Students:
Don't Procrastinate.
This is one of 10 achievable resolutions for students looking to have a productive and enjoyable new year.

Nothing is worse than waiting until the last minute to complete a big project. Procrastination is known to increase stress and can harm the quality of your work. To avoid cramming assignments until the last day, some strategies to try include:

・ Create a timeline for your project and stick to it
・ Try breaking you project into parts
・ Minimize distractions
・ Start you work early
Your future self will thank you later! 未来の自分に、後で感謝されますよ!

The article shows that "procrastinate" is common word among students.

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(576) rather than [英単語]


rather colored.jpg


ratherの語尾erは元来比較級の接尾辞で、more readily, more quicklyの意であった。したがってthanを伴う形式も多い。

― 図解英語基本語義辞典

図解 英語基本語義辞典

図解 英語基本語義辞典

  • 作者: 政村 秀実
  • 出版社/メーカー: 桐原書店
  • 発売日: 1989/11/01
  • メディア: 単行本
Rather than
instead of somebody/something
I think I'll have a cold drink rather than coffee.
Why didn't you ask for help, rather than trying to do it on your own?
ー Oxford Lerners Dictionary
The swords produced at that time were intended to be elaborate works of art rather than practical weapons.
(NHK語学) トラッド ジャパン 2012年01月19日(木)
I prefer cloth diapers rather than disposable diapers.
(NHK語学) ニュースで英会話(2015)2015年04月30日(木)
cloth diapers s.jpgdisposable diapers.jpg
These younger employees are more likely to seek part-time or job-sharing roles rather than lock themselves into a single position.

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(574) rain [英単語]

(1) There will be rain in all parts tomorrow. (OLD)


look like rain.jpg
(2) Take your umbrella, it looks like rain [= as if it is going to rain].

light rain.jpg
(3) A light rain began to fall. (OLD)

rain or shine.jpg
jogging s.jpg

(4) He goes jogging every morning, rain or shine. (OLD)


(5) The rain was falling more heavily now. (OLD)

pouring s.jpg

(6) It's pouring with rain (= raining very hard). (OLD)


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(7) The rain let up just as we reached the house. (Merriam-webster)


rain stops.jpg
(8) It's stopped raining now. (OLD)


(OLD): Oxford Learners Dictionary

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(570) Getup [英単語]

What's that get-up!?

Getup in Doraemon s.jpg
Doraemon Gadget Cat from the Future
ドラえもん Doraemon ― Gadget cat from the future (Volume 1) Shogakukan English comics

ドラえもん Doraemon ― Gadget cat from the future (Volume 1) Shogakukan English comics

  • 出版社/メーカー: 小学館
  • 発売日: 2002/02/22
  • メディア: コミック

イギリス英語で、「get up」で「着飾る」という意味があり、それが名詞になっては生まれた単語です。アメリカ英語では「dress up」が普通です。

■ Cambridge Dictionary
getup noun [C] infml [ˈɡet̬ˌʌp]
The particular clothing, esp. when strange or unusual, that someone is wearing:
He was in a weird getup with a red wig.

■ Longman Dictionary
get・up/ˈɡetʌp/noun  [countable] informal
a set of clothes, especially strange or unusual clothes
I hardly recognized him in that getup!
女装仮装 s.jpg
■ Wiktionary 日本語版
getup (複数 getups)
You should have seen the Elvis getup he wore to the party!
プレスリー s.jpg

■ Collinsdictionary

ˈɡetˌʌp) NOUN informal
1. costume; outfit
Everyone will stare at you if you wear that getup.
黒猫コスプレ s.jpg

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(565) Listen in Peanuts (1) [英単語]


listen to.jpg

  A good friend is someone who will listen to you. Snoopy listens to Sally. He tried to hear every word she says. He pays attention to what she is saying. It's nice to be listened to. "Thank you for listening, Snoopy," Sally says.

--- Charlie Brown Dictionary ---

Charlie Brown Dictionary

Charlie Brown Dictionary

  • 作者: Schulz, Charles M.
  • 出版社/メーカー: Scholastic Paperbacks
  • 発売日: 1977/09/01
  • メディア: ペーパーバック
Example 1-1
Peppermint Patty is calling Charlie in the midnight.
Adobe Scan 2022_07_08 (1)_1 s.jpg Adobe Scan 2022_07_08 (2)_1 s.jpg
(1)もしもし、チャック・・起こしてごめんね、でも眠れないの・・ (2)近頃いろんなことで頭の中がいっぱいなのよ・・・
Adobe Scan 2022_07_08 (3)_1 highlighted s.jpg Adobe Scan 2022_07_08 (4)_1 s.jpg
(3)あなたに話したいの、いつもいい聞き手だから・・ (4)グー
Example 1-2
Spike is listening to a rock in the desert.
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Example 1-3
1-Kings chapter 18 verse 26
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26 Taking the young bull that was turned over to them, they prepared it and called upon Baal from morning to noon, saying, "Baal, answer us!" But there was no sound, and no one answering. And they hopped around the altar they had prepared.


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(560) Rich and riches [英単語]

The word of the day / Rich and Riches

  Rich means having much money. 
When used about food, rich means containing a lot of fat, oil, sugar, cream, etc.
For example, rich sauce, a rich chocolate cake.
chocolate cake s.jpg
  Riches mean a lot of money or a lot of valuable things.
I recently read a book. Its title is "Beauty and the Beast". This book is a retold one in easy English. I'll show you a sentence having riches from this book.
美女と野獣 Beauty and the Beast (ラダーシリーズ Level 1)

美女と野獣 Beauty and the Beast (ラダーシリーズ Level 1)

  • 作者: ザンディ・スミス-セラフィン
  • 出版社/メーカー: IBCパブリッシング
  • 発売日: 2006/08/28
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)

Beauty and her sisters s.jpg

  Beauty's elder sisters were very proud of their family's money. They thought that their riches and beautiful things made them better than other people. They laugh at poor people and were mean to other girls.

Poor is opposite rich.

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(536) 予診票 for COVID-19 vaccine [英単語]

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Illustrated by Mugi-san(麦さん)
  When I tried to explain 新型コロナワクチン接種の予診票 in English, I had some trouble in understanding Japanese words properly and saying suitable English words. Fortunately, I found the translations in several foreign languages. The site says "※The following are the translations of the official form in Japanese. Please fill in the Japanese form by referring to the following translations."

  I had the first dose of the vaccine and am going to receive the second dose after three weeks. I studied some English words and phrases for the COVID-19 vaccination.

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予診票 (yoshinhyou)
Pre-vaccination screening1) questionnaire

I wasn't familiar with this Japanese word "yoshinhyou". This word consists of only three kanji-characters. Yo means "in advance" and "shin" means consultation and "hyou" means a sheet. The translation by Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare can explain this sheet more in detail, that is, Pre-vaccination screening questionnaire.
1) screen: to examine usually methodically in order to make a separation into different groups

Q: 新型コロナワクチンの接種を初めて受けますか。
Are you receiving the COVID-19 vaccine2) for the first time? 
2) ワクチンを接種する: receive a vaccine / get a vaccine / have a vaccination

・副作用 adverse3) side effects,
3) adverse: harmful

Q: 接種順位の上位となる対象グループに該当しますか。
Do you fall into one target groups that have a higher priority for this vaccine?

・高齢者施設 senior citizen facility
・基礎疾患を有する person with an underlying4) disease
4) underlying: basic, fundamental
Obese people who meet the criteria (BMI 30 or higher)
BMI: Body Mass Index
/ BMI = weight(kg) ÷ height(m)÷height(m)
I don't know if obesity is a disease.

Q: 現在、何らかの病気にかかって、治療(投薬など)を受けていますか。
Are you currently suffering from any kind of illness5) and receiving treatment or medication?
5) illness: specific disease

Q: 最近1か月以内に熱が出たり、病気にかかったりしましたか。
Have you had a fever or gotten sick in the last month?

Have you ever had a convulsion6) (seizure7))?
6) convulsion: uncontrolled motion of the body (muscles)
7) seizure: physical manifestations resulting from abnormal electrical discharges in the brain(例えば、癲癇(てんかん))

Q: これまでに予防接種を受けて気分が悪くなったことはありますか。
Have you ever been sick after receiving a vaccine?

Q: 2週間以内に予防接種をうけましたか。
Have you had any vaccines within the last two weeks?
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(516) Word / Inbound [英単語]

1. Inbound: inward bound

  My friend asked me about NOBORI and KUDARI the other day. She is learning Japanese. In her Japanese class, NOBORI is explained as inbound, KUDARI is outbound. So, I added that the NOBORI train is the one headed for Tokyo, and the KUDARI train is going out of it. Then she seemed to understand better about these Japanese words.

  These words "inbound" and "outbound" reminded me of my short trip to Boston and New York. It was five years ago. I took a train of Boston Subway to visit a Toastmasters Club at Natic. I participated Toastmasters@Mathwork with my daughter as guests. I saw the words "inbound" and "outbound" on the train map. I could guess inbound means towards Boston. I was right.

Inbound, in most cases, will mean the trains going towards Boston - or going towards the metro Boston. On the other hand, outbound means going out of it.

boston subway s.jpg

2. INBAUNDO in Japanese

  I knew that Japanese word "INBAUNDO" seemed to be used as "Foreign tourists visiting Japan" or "Travel to Japan by foreigners". But I didn't get the reason why. Every time Japanese people say "INBOUNDO" I became uncomfortable. I tried finding the English dictionaries explaining that "inbound" means "Travel to Japan by foreigners". But I failed in vain, to find such a meaning.

  I asked the same friend, who asked me about "NOBORI and KUDARI", if "inbound" means something like "Foreign tourists visiting Japan". She didn't get my question and looked puzzled. At that time, I knew Japanese "INBAUNDO" doesn't have the same meaning of the English word "inbound".

  I knew the origin of Japanese word "INBAUNDO" in a dictionary of New Japanese Words!  The dictionary says "INBAUNDO" is a loanword from "inbound touring".

Weblio 新語時事用語辞典





Trave to Japan by foreigners

Foreign tourists visiting Japan


inbound touring

3. Explaining "inbound tourism"

How to use "inbound" and "outbound"

  I continued to look for the meaning "inbound touring". I came across a site explaining "inbound tourism"

Dr Hayley Stainton says in her site, "Tourism Teacher";

Inbound tourism can be defined as:

'The act of travelling to another country for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business or other purposes'.

So, according to this definition, I can be a Japanese inbound tourist when I visit Spain, for example.

China produces one of the largest outbound tourism markets in the world and Chinese tourists tend to spend more on their holidays than any other nationality.

Therefore, many countries want to attract Chinese inbound tourists due to the economic value of this market.


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(499) Word / aspire [英単語]

peco-chan with a mask.jpg
 Peco-chan wearing a face mask in a Matsuyama shopping mall.

  Andrew Cuomo知事はニューヨーク州にアメリカ全土から寄贈されてくる、沢山のマスクに対してtweeted as follows;
Our politicians should aspire to be at least half as good as the American people.
2020/4/30 2:00 am Japan time

  Governor Cuomo’s tweets can reach me better than Prime minister Abe’s, though English is the second language for me. I really feel that most of Japan’s politicians don’t work properly against this corona virus crisis.

aspire / to have a strong desire to achieve something [+to]
students aspire to a career in law.
(LONGMAN Active Study Dictionary)

aspire / aspire to sth/to do sth;
She aspired to become president of the company.

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