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(549) Rakugo Jokes #7-10 [聞き取り]

10 Rakugo Jokes about Doctors s.jpg
#7 Dogsick1)
I: Mrs. Suzuki. Would you recommend a good doctor for me?
Mrs. Suzuki: Oh, yes I would be happy to. But I thought you were happy with your doctor. Dr. Matsumoto was wonderful, wasn't he? You always said so.
I: So, ah, yes. Dr. Matsumoto was wonderful with us, his patients. But apparently his relationship with his nurses and other people at the office became bad, so strained2), so difficult for him, that the doctor himself became ill, and he had to leave his own practice.
Mrs. Suzuki: Really the doctor himself became ill. Was the working environment that bad?
I: Apparently, doc sick.

1) dogsic: (colloquial) very unwell; sick as a dog
2) strained: 緊張した、不自然な

#8 Bedside manner
I: Mrs. Suzuki, couldn't you recommend to me a good doctor?
Mrs. Suzuki: Of course, I can. But what happened to your doctor, Dr. Matsumoto?
I: Ah-, Dr. Matsumoto, his business went downhill3). And he bankrupt. 
Mrs. Suzuki: He went bankrupt. What happened?
I: Yeah It was his bedside manner4).
Mrs. Suzuki: His bedside manner. Was he a little bit abrupt5)?
I: Yes, he kept losing his temper and lost his patience.
3) downhill: 落ちぶれて、衰えて
4) bedside manner: 医者が患者に対する態度
5) abrupt: [人に対して]無骨な、ぶっきらぼうな
bedside manner s.jpg

#9 Eye doctor's new pupil
I: Mrs. Suzuki. Did you hear the news our ophthalmologist6) Dr. Matsumoto has a new assistant?
Mrs. Suzuki: Ah, yes. Our eye doctor Dr. Matsumoto apparently does have a new assistant. A new assistant, not really an assistant, more of7) a pupil.
I: A pupil. But I hope he teaches him very strictly.
Mrs. Suzuki: Ah, yes. Apparently, the doctor is very, very strict.
If he talks too much, the doctor tells him to put a lid on8) it.
If he makes a mistake the doctor gives him lashes9).
I: Ha, ha, ha. Mrs. Suzuki, I do appreciate your eye brow humor.
6) ophthalmologist: 眼科医、eye doctor
7) more of: (・・・より)むしろ
8) put a lid on: ・・・を抑制する。lid(まぶた) 
9) lashes: むちで打つこと、まつげ
eye s English.jpg
What is eyebrow humour?
"Eyebrow humor is  humor in which isn't quite funny enough to emit a laugh, but instead a 'lift of an eyebrow'".

#10 Waxy nation (Vaccination)
I: Mrs. Suzuki. Did you know that the Edo period in Japan in our country, they used to think that melting candles on different parts of the body would be preventative of10) certain ailments11) and diseases and illnesses.
Mrs. Suzuki: Oh really. They did that kind of thing in Japan.
I: Uhm. It was a kind of waxy nation.
10) be preventative(preventive) of: ~を予防する(英辞郎on the WEB)
11) ailment: (通常軽い、または慢性の)病気、不快
蝋燭家紋 s.jpg

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(544) Rakugo Jokes #4-6 [聞き取り]

#4 Keeping your restrictions

Patient: Sensei.
Doctor: Hai, hai. What seems to be the trouble?
P: Ah.. Sensei, I'm having a lot of troubles.. keeping to your restrictions1).
D: Restrictions. Oh, which restrictions were those?
P: Ah.. One cup sake, and only two puffs of my kiseru Japanese tabaco pipe a day. Very difficult to keep to these restrictions.
キセル147215 s.jpg酒2651973 s.jpg
D: Oh really, you're finding it challenging.
P: Yes, finding it very challenging, sensei.
Ah.. Though one cup of sake a day, that is not seems to be a problem. But two puffs of Japanese kiseru tabaco pipe. This is really challenging for me. I have always been a non-smoker.

However, sensei there is one piece of advice2) which I can tell you definitely having results3).
D: Oh, oh, oh, one piece of my advice's definitely having results.
P: Yes, sensei, you told me to exercise for two hours every day. And that it would add ten years to your life.
D: Ha ah, yes. Exercise for two hours every day would add ten years to your life. That has had results.
P: Yes sensei, I've been exercising for two hours every day now for the past three months, so that I already feel ten years older.
運動22001241 s.jpg
1) keep to your restrictions: restrictionsに従う、固守する
2) one piece of advice: 一つの助言
3) have results: 結果が出る
Punchline (落ち)/ Exercise would add ten years to your life. が I already feel ten years older. となった。

#5 High-tech scale
P: Sensei.
D: Hai, hai. What seems to be the trouble?
P: Ah, sensei, I'm feeling very ...bloated5).
D: Bloated. Ah, why don't you get on the scale.
P: Get on the scale.
D: Yes. You know what. This is a good timing just go on a very high-tech new scale. This is a Talking scale.
P: Talking scale.
D: Yes, I tried it to myself with my family. I put my six-year-old son on the top of the scale, it said, "Pi-pi-pie 30 kilograms, pi-pi-pie 30 kilograms, pi-pi-pie 30 kilograms."
P: Ho, ho, ho, ho, so the scale actually talks to you.
D: Yes, it does. My wife got on the scale. It said, "Pi-pi-pie, to go on a diet, pi-pi-pie, time to go on a diet, pi-pi-pie, time to go on a diet."
体重計22048912 s.jpg
P: Uh, ho, ho, ho, ho. So, the talking scale has a sense of humor as well.
D: Yes, sometimes the sense of humor gets out of hand6)
I got on a scale, it said, "Pi-pi-pie, one person at a time please.
5) bloated: ふくれた、太った
6) get out of hand: 収拾がつかなくなる、手に負えなくなる
7) personal time: プライベートな時間
Punchline (落ち)/ Talking scaleがユーモアセンスがありすぎて、最後に私が秤に乗ったときは太りすぎて二人分の体重と言いたいのか。one person at a timeと二人同時に秤に乗らないでくれと求めてきた。

#6Blood test
P: Sensei, sensei.
D: Hai, hai. What seems to be the problem?
P: Ah, Sensei. I'm red and I'm swollen8) all over. Perhaps I should swell of a good deal of 9) medicine.
D: Oh, oh, oh, ah-, I think it might be a rash10)
P: Sensei, perhaps should at least take some blood.
D: I think it might be in vain11).
8) swollen: ふくれた、はれあがった、Thicker or wider than usual
9) a good deal of: a lot of
10) rash: 発疹、吹き出物、a breaking out of the skin with red spots
11) in vain: 
[véɪn] むだな、むなしい、without result or success
[véɪn] 静脈、血管 vessel that carries blood toward the heart
Punchline (落ち)/ Blood test なので in vain が in vein につながる。

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(540) Rakugo Jokes #1 - 3 [聞き取り]

Hello ladies and gentlemen. I'm a traditional Japanese Rakugo comic story teller, Katsura Sunshine. On my highest from Boardway needs the corona virus time, I think we need a few jokes about doctors.

#1 Dreams about pigs flying
Patient: Sensei.
Doctor: Hai, hai. What seems to be the problem?
P: Sensi. I keep having these dreams about pigs flying.
D: Mmm. Sounds like swine flu1).
空を飛ぶ豚 s.jpg
Fair, Then partly Piggy / by Shiro Yadama / Translated by Keith Holeman

あしたぶたの日ぶたじかん 英語版

あしたぶたの日ぶたじかん 英語版

  • 出版社/メーカー: 岩崎書店
  • 発売日: 2021/08/10
  • メディア: 単行本
1) Swine flu: "Swine flu" was the popular name for the virus which was responsible for a global flu outbreak (called a pandemic) in 2009 to 2010. It's a type of seasonal flu and is now included in the annual flu vaccine. The virus was first identified in Mexico in April 2009. It became known as swine flu because it's similar to flu viruses that affect pigs. It is also known as the H1N1 virus.

#2 Farting a lot

P: Sensei.
D: Hai, hai. What seems to be the trouble?
P: Ah... sensei, it seems I've been farting2) a lot recently.
D: Farting a lot, I see. How often?
P: Three or four times an hour, or sometimes as much as five.
D: 3 or 4 times and sometimes as much as 5. All rihgt, all right, just wait here for one minute please.
P: Sensei, what are you doing with a long stick with a hook on the end of it3)Sensei, what are you going to do with it?
D: I'm going to open the window4).
2) fart: to expel intestinal gas from the anus
fart s.jpg
Illustrated by 丑蟻さん
3) a long stick with a hook on the end of it: window  opening pole
hook s.jpg
4) window: sash window is a window that has two frames fixed one above the other that open by being up and down
sash window s.jpg

#3 Short term memory loss

P: Sensei.
D: Hai, hai. What seems to be the trouble?
P: Recently, I've been suffering from short term memory loss5).
D: How long has it been happening?
P: How long has it been happening??
5) Short-term memory loss: In general, this involves forgetting recent things. This can lead to:
・asking the same questions repeatedly
・forgetting where you just put something
・forgetting recent events
・forgetting something you saw or read recently

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(370) 伊勢谷さんのCOCO塾のCM [聞き取り]

NHKの竜馬伝で高杉晋作を演じてた俳優(伊勢谷友介 いせやゆうすけ)さんが、COCO塾のCMにでている。 英語のセリフを聞き取ろうと頑張った。


2. I'm afraid ** sold out.

3. They must be having a big party は 聞こえた。

6. Please, you must know how important roses are for woman to say ''Yes''

8. Yes. With these roses, and girl have the confidence to tell her how I feel.
with these roses, は聞こえる。ただ次がわからない!
アンガルに聞こえる, もちろんand girlではないが、
Onaga’s English Café  のいわれるように、I'm gonna なら意味が通じる。
でも、そう聞き取れない。  むずかしい・・・

9. Get going も うまく聞き取れない。意味的にはkeep going よりget going のような気がする。




Onaga’s English Café  2012. 9.17



1.    バラをください。

1. Excuse me, Some roses, please


1. Excuse me. Some roses please?

1. Excuse me. Some roses please?

花屋さん.jpg2.    全て売り切れです。

2. I am afraid they are sold out


2. I'm afraid we've sold out.

2. I'm afraid sold out.

3.    大きなパーティーがあるとかで・・・

3. They must have a big party

3. They must be having a big party...

3. They must be having a big party


4.    そのバラを譲ってもらえますか?

4. Excuse me, Can I have them?


4. Excuse me. Can I have them?

4. Excuse me. Can I have them?

こちらも必要だ.jpg5.    こちらも必要だ。

5. I am sorry I need them


5. I'm sorry. I need them.

5. I'm sorry. I need them.

バラをください.jpg6.    女性から「YES」を引き出すのにどんなにバラが有効か、ご存知ですよね?

6. Please ! You must know how important roses are for a women just to sayYes


6. Please, you must know how important roses are for a woman to say ''Yes''.

6. Please, you must know how important roses are for woman to say ''Yes''.

こちらも必要だ.jpg7.    プロポーズか?

7. You are proposing?


7. You're proposing?

7. You're proposing?

proposer.jpg8.    このバラのおかげで、なんだか勇気が・・・

8. YES!』、We need the roses, I know I have the confidence to tell her how I am feeling・・


8. Yes. with these roses, I'm gonna have the confidence to tell her how I feel.

8. Yes. With these roses, and girl have the confidence to tell her how I feel.

こちらも必要だ.jpg9.    早くいきなさい。

9. Keep going

:Good luck!



9. Get going. Good luck.

9. Get going

:Good luck!



Thank you!

回答日時:2012/8/28 16:30:36

 伊勢谷さん:Thank you.

Thank you!


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(319) Jim の とっさの説教は感動的 [聞き取り]

Father Brown.jpg
おれたちは天使じゃないWe're No Angels


「混乱の中で、偶然祭りの説教者に選ばれたジム(Jim:Sean Penn )のとっさの説教に感動したモリー(Molly:Demi Moore )が、ネッド(Ned:Robert De Niro )に娘の同行を許可し、こうして行列は始まった。」


A couple of escaped convicts on the run find refuge with the Church when they are mistaken for two priests. The two are keen to flee but are unable to do so without the help of Molly.
on the run:逃走中の
mistaken for :〜に間違われる




53:something might give you

53 慰めが必要なのです。

54:And maybe you deserve it.
54 人間は弱いのです

55:If it comforts you,
to believe in God, you do it.
55 もし信仰が慰めになるなら神を信じなさい。

56:That's your business.

56 それも自由です。


9:I never won anything before.

9 初めて当たった。
I はほとんど聞こえないよ!

10:I'm really anxious
to get back down there
11:so the Procession will go on.
このあたりは、ほとんど聞き取れず、Procession のみ聞き取れた。

15:this year's sermon on the
miraculous properties
16:of the Shrine
of the Weeping Virgin.

19:"Have you ever felt
completely alone?

19 32口径ポケット型拳銃(My Colt,.32 Hammerless)の広告の小さな印刷物を読み始めた 
An Encounter with ...a Bear

22:"Danger on every hand,
in a world fraught with danger,

22 いつ危険におそわれないとも限りません。
23:"and at the brink of death,
brink :〔新しい状態・悪い状態に入る〕寸前、瀬戸際

I felt in my pocket,
23 私はポケットの中に何かないか探しました

36:Nothing can stave it off.
36  頼れるものはないのです。


38:affliction... we say "power."
38: 災難や不幸に対して―

44:Still, trouble befalls us.
44 十分なお金があっても、災難は降りかかります。

46:Some people are meant
to be hard.
46 世間には残酷で―
meant to:《be ~》〔人が〕~になるよう運命づけられている


1:Father Brown?
2:There he is!
3:There he is-- Father Brown.
4:It's another...
   it's another Father Brown.
5:No, no, no, it's...
  it's another Father Brown.
6:It's another Father Brown.
  It's not this one.
8:Father Brown.

9:I never won anything before.
10:I'm really anxious
to get back down there
11:so the Procession will go on.
12:It is with great happiness that
I present to you, Father Brown,

13:whom, we may say,
the hand of God himself,
14:has chosen to deliver
15:this year's sermon on the
miraculous properties
16:of the Shrine
of the Weeping Virgin.
17:Father Brown.

18:Oh, God...
19:"Have you ever felt
completely alone?
20:"Alone in a world
21:"of danger, and no one
to rely on?
22:"Danger on every hand,
in a world fraught with danger,

23:"and at the brink of death,
I felt in my pocket,
24:and what did I find?"
25:What did I find?


27:There's nothing there.

28:It's all in your head.

29:Well, they can take the money
from you.

30:They can take the position
from you.

31:I don't know, they can whip you.

32:People turn their back on you.

33:Everything happens to everybody.

34:And you ain't gonna find nothing
in your pocket

35:that can stave it off.

36:Nothing can stave it off.


38:affliction... we say "power."

39:Power doesn't do it.
40:"Cause you'll never have enough.

42:I don't know.

43:You know anybody who has enough?

44:Still, trouble befalls us.

45:Everyone has that sadness
in their heart.

46:Some people are meant
to be hard.

47:I don't know.

48:It seems like they are.

49:We meet them.

50:Is God good?

51:I don't know.

52:All I know is...

53:something might give you

54:And maybe you deserve it.

55:If it comforts you,
to believe in God, you do it.

56:That's your business.

57:People have guilty...
58:you know...

59:guilty secrets.
60:But if that's yours, that  if you
want to go believe in something?
61:Well, that's not so bad.



2 そこよ


4 名前がおなじだけだよ

5 呼ばれたのは別のブラウン神父だ。




9 初めて当たった。

10 早く行列を始めようよ








19 32口径ポケット型拳銃(My Colt,.32 Hammerless)の広告の小さな印刷物を読み始めた 
An Encounter with ...a Bear
22 いつ危険におそわれないとも限りません。

23 私はポケットの中に何かないか探しました。



26 ”32口径ポケット型拳銃”と書いてあるが、これ以上は、読み上げれない。これ以降はJIM自身のスピーチとなる。


28 希望だけです。








36  頼れるものはないのです。


38 災難や不幸に対して―






44 十分なお金があっても、災難は降りかかります。


46 世間には残酷で―


48  鬼のような人もいるようですが・・・





53 慰めが必要なのです。

54 人間は弱いのです

55 もし信仰が慰めになるなら神を信じなさい。

56 それも自由です。




60 青字で訂正したように聞こえます。





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(257)島唄 by IZZY ? [聞き取り]


・windも win・・・ d と間をおいてはっきりとdを発音している。
・Umi yo uchuu yo kami yo inochi yo Kono mama towa ni yuunagi wo

聞き取りの正解の歌詞として、Andrew W. K.
Shima uta relics
and Shima-Uta (acoustic) featuring IZZY THE BOOM

(1)のDistant winds sigh beneath the clouds
がほとんど聞き取りできなかった。listen to wind sivener round で意味不明
ROMAJI:Deigo no hana ga saki Kaze wo yobi Arashi ga kita)

(2)のDistant winds call up on a storm が
listen to school upon a storm
Distant が listen to
winds call が school
ROMAJI:Deigo ga sakimidare kaze wo yobi arashi ga kita)

(3)I embrace my sorrow deep within
Like the waves that cross the ocean shore では
deep within が DVD
like the waves が microwaves に聞こえる、空耳状態になった。
ROMAJI:Kuri kaesu kanashimi wa Shima wataru nami no you)

(4)Uuji Where We First Met
In A Forest Green And Gold では
First Met が face met
Green And Gold が we and gold に聞こえる
ROMAJI:Uuji no mori de anata to deai)

(8)Diego - The Flowers Gently Sway
Gently Fall As They Ripple In The Breeze はAndrew W. K.
の歌詞なので、As They は聞こえたようにand かもしれない。
ROMAJI:Deigo no hana mo chiri saza nami ga yureru dake)

(10)Uuji where we first sang in a forest green and goldNow I stand beneath the tree where I cried my last farewell
の最後のfarewell はフェラウエラと聞こえる
ROMAJI:Uuji no mori de utatta tomo yo
Uuji no shita de yachiyo no wakare)

From Youtube の聞き取り

(1)Deigo the flowers that we had listen wind sivener round

(2)Deigo the flowers that we lost listen to school upon a storm

(3)I'm embrace my sorrow DVD microwave
across ocean shores

(4)Uuji where we face met in a forest we and gold
(5)Now we stand eeple tree
where I cry for lost

(6)Shima uta my irland ride the wind
togeter fly my birds across ocean waves
(7)Shima uta my irland ride the wind
deliver in my tears across the ocean waves

(8)Deigo the flowers  gently sway gently fall and ripple in the breeze

(9)Time goes by
my dream happiness drifts away floating on this sea

(10)Uuji where we forsight in a forest we and gold
Now I stading    eevil tree where I cry for

(11)Shima uta my irland  ride the wind
together fly like birds across the ocean waves
(12)Shima uta my irland  ride the wind
deliver in my tears across the ocean waves
(13)Shima uta my irland  ride the wind
deliver in my love across  the ocean waves

Andrew W. K.
Shima uta relics
Shima-Uta (acoustic) featuring IZZY THE BOOM

(1)Deigo, the flowers that we held
Distant winds sigh beneath the clouds
(2)Deigo, the flowers that we lost
Distant winds call up on a storm
(3)I embrace my sorrow deep within
Like the waves that cross the ocean shore
(4)Uuji Where We First Met
In A Forest Green And Gold

(5)Now I Stand Beneath The Tree
Where I Cried My Last Farewell

(6)Shima-Uta my island ride the wind
Together fly like birds across the ocean waves
(7)Shima-Uta my island ride the wind

Delivering my tears across the ocean waves

(8)Diego - The Flowers Gently Sway
Gently Fall As They Ripple In The Breeze

(9)Time Goes By And My Dream Of Happiness
Drifts Away Petals Floating On The Sea

(10)Uuji where we first sang in a forest green and gold

Now I stand beneath the tree where I cried my last farewell
(11)Shima-Uta my island ride the wind
Together fly like birds across the ocean waves

(12)Shima-Uta my island ride the wind
Delivering my tears across the ocean waves

(13)Shima-Uta my island ride the wind Delivering my love across the ocean waves

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(253)雨の恋人 [聞き取り]

in the rain.jpg
"Laughter in the rain" is one of the songs of Neil Sedaka. I enjoyed listening to it and picking up words today. I could take most of the words, but I failed to get some of them. I could check my listening by myself with the rylic of its Karaoke.

Wrong: Sharing in love and stars me sky
Right: Sharing our love under stormy skies

My listening

Sralling along a country road with my baby
It started to rain
It begins to pore

Without an umbrella
We soaked to the skin
I feel the sever run up

my spine
I feel the warmth of her hand in mine

Woo I hear laughter in the rain
walking hand in hand
with the one I love

Woo how I love n  rainy days
that I have Happy way
I feeling  inside

After a while
we run under the tree
I turn to her and
she kisses me

rain of leaves

softly she breathes
I closed my eyes

sharing love and stars with the sky

Woo I hear laughter in the rain
Walking hand in hand
with the one love

Woo how I love rainy days
I'm a happy way
I'm feeling inside

give me

Sharing in love and stars me sky

Woo I hear laughter in the rain
walking hand in hand
with the one I love

Woo how I love rainy the days
I am in happy way I feel inside

sing again

Woo I hear laughter in the rain
walking hand in hand with the one I love

Woo how I love the rainy days I'm in a happy way I feel inside

I'm feeling happy inside

I'm feeling happy inside

Karaoke with lyric

Strolling along country roads with my baby
It starts to rain
It begins to pour

Without an umbrella
we're soaked to the skin.
I feel a shiver run up my spine
I feel the  warmth of her hand in mine

Woo I hear laughter in the rain
walking hand in hand with the one I love

Woo how I love the rainy days and the happy way
I feel inside

After a while
we run under the tree
I turn to her and
she kisses me

There with the beat
of the rain on the leaves

Softly she breathes
and I close my eyes

Sharing our love under

Woo I hear laughter in the rain
Walking hand in hand with the one I love

Woo how I love the rainy days
and the happy way
I feel inside

(8 bars Instrumental break)

Sharing our love under stormy skies

Woo I hear laughter in the rain
Walking hand in hand with the one I love

Woo how I love the rainy days and the happy day
I feel inside

Woo I hear laughter in the rain
Walking hand in hand with the one I love

Woo how I love the rainy days and the happy day I feel inside

Strolling along :  ~沿いを歩く
pour : 雨が激しく降る
we're soaked to the skin: 衣服を着たまま〕びしょぬれになる
I feel a shiver run up my spine: 背筋がゾクッとする
run under the tree: 木の下へ走りこむ

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(207)ウップシデイジー [聞き取り]

notting hill.jpg


  • 作者: リチャード カーティス
  • 出版社/メーカー: 愛育社
  • 発売日: 1999/09
  • メディア: 単行本
    I finally got Anna's phrase in this book: 'No-one has said 'whoopsidaisies' for fifty years and even then it was only little girls with blonde ringlets.

    I heard whoopsidaisies in a movie called 'Notting Hill' for the first time. Next I ran across the whoopsidaisies in a novel "Little house on the Prairie".

    Laura was up again, holding to the seat; she saw Pet's and Patty's scrambling wet backs climbing a steep bank, and Pa running beside them, shouting, "Hi, Patty! Hi, Pet! Get up! Get up! Whoopsy-daisy! Good girls!"
    ―Little House on the Prairie, Kodansa International, p.24

    I took out the video of 'Notting Hill' and tried to write down phrases of whoopsidaisies. I could only get some part of their talking on whoopsidaisies. I was vexed at my poor listening ability.  A few years have past since then. I finally got a scenario of Notting Hill movie. I got happy.

    [犬] Willium
    [猫]  Anna

Her look makes it clear that she is waiting with interest on the answer to this.
Heck no ― other people do ― but not me ― I just do what I want.
He rattles the gate, then starts his climb―but doesn't quite make it, and fall back onto the pavement...
(casually) Whoopsidaisies.

[猫]What did you say?


[猫]Yes you did.

[犬]No I didn't.

[猫]You said 'whoopsidaisies'.
tiny pause.

[犬]I don't think so. No-one says 'whoopsidaisies', do they ― I mean unless they're...

[猫]There's no 'unless'. No-one has said 'whoopsidaisies' for fifty years and even then it was only little girls with blonde ringlets.

[犬]Exactly. Here we go again.
He fails, and unfortunately, spontaneously...

they look at each other.

It's a disease I've got ― it's a clinical thing. I'm taking pills and having injections ― it won't last long.

(無意識に) ウップシーデイジー











Heck: ふん!、ちぇっ!、
ringlets: 長い巻毛
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(178)Perfect Sky [聞き取り]

Charlie-Perfect Sky.jpg
頑張って、CharlieのPerfect Sky聞き取りしてます。

Bonie Pink's Perfect Sky

*(1)Kimi no mune de naka nai
(2)Kimi ni mune kogasa nai
(3)I’m looking for a perfect sky
(4)I’m looking for a perfect sky

(5)Gozen rei-ji sotto uchi wo nukete
(6)Hitori de nonda GIMURETTO
(7)Chottodake me ga sameta yo
(8)Koujichuu no douro ni habamarete
(9)Kimi he to tsuduku ai mo
Tachigiete shimau no ka na

(10)Ikichigau omoi darake ne
(11)Asayake ga ao ni kawaru goro


**(12)Sunahama de kamoshika no TAAN
Atsui natsu wa KAASUTE de DANSU
(13)I’m looking for a perfect sky
I’m looking for a perfect sky

(14)Wakaregi ni satto kawasu kuchiduke
(15)Hitori ni naritakutte
(16)Chotto dake uso tsuita ne
(17)Kimi ga omou hodo kodomo ja nai
(19)Kidui tatte iwa nai
(20)Sore wa kiken na kakehiki ka na

(21)Wakari aeru hi ga kuru hazu
(22)Niji no o ga umi ni tokeru you


(23)Ten wo aoide MAAMEIDO JANPU
(24)Ichido kiri no shakunetsu ROMANSU
I’m looking for a perfect sky
I’m looking for a perfect sky

(25)Sono mama de ii kedo
(26)Hey,baby,when you’re lonely
(27)Kokoro hiraite
(28)Naminori mo ii kedo
(29)Hey,baby,talk to me
(30)Anata to mitai kanpeki na sora wo



Carlie's Perfect Sky
*(1)Love's overs gone an nack on a cry
(2)Naba nobalone a hold my head high
(3) I’m looking for a perfect sky
(4)I’m looking for a perfect sky 

(5)So lonely waking farm decently
(6) So I drink was me deep inside
(7)call in the dead of mine
(8)Love going knoe whear on where my streets
(9)  drifting park emotion I can't hide love made a morning break
(10)how long went tender  I o back tears of
feeling my eyes
(11)got to suvive
I don't know why

care of a nancy hop by the show
listen to the beat on
heart song boy
(13)I’m looking for a perfect sky
I’m looking for a perfect sky

(14)You kiss me gently
as you say good bye

(15) over myself is where 
want to brease 
(16)where is the taking me
no more kid now let me
couldn't tell you 
How I really feel
one thing I show bis that
Oo love find my heart
(21)yes like the fishing sea shine so bright
(22)hauted the summer light


 (23)Iku are mermaid  feeling the tree
 (24)  there are cast another sweet melody
I'm looking for a perfect sky
I'm looking for a perfect sky

(25)over I want to say
(26)Hey baby when you're lonely
(27)open your heart boy
I don't know
don't be
(29)hey baby talk to me
(30)together we can find  oh feel a perfect sky


Iku are mermaid  feeling the tree
there are cast another sweet melody
I'm looking for a perfect sky
I'm looking for a perfect sky

Bonie Pink's Perfect Sky

*(1)Kimi no mune de naka nai
(2)Kimi ni mune kogasa nai
(3)I’m looking for a perfect sky
(4)I’m looking for a perfect sky

(5)Gozen rei-ji sotto uchi wo nukete
(6)Hitori de nonda GIMURETTO
(7)Chottodake me ga sameta yo
(8)Koujichuu no douro ni habamarete
(9)Kimi he to tsuduku ai mo
Tachigiete shimau no ka na

(10)Ikichigau omoi darake ne
(11)Asayake ga ao ni kawaru goro


**(12)Sunahama de kamoshika no TAAN
Atsui natsu wa KAASUTE de DANSU
(13)I’m looking for a perfect sky
I’m looking for a perfect sky

(14)Wakaregi ni satto kawasu kuchiduke
(15)Hitori ni naritakutte
(16)Chotto dake uso tsuita ne
(17)Kimi ga omou hodo kodomo ja nai
(19)Kidui tatte iwa nai
(20)Sore wa kiken na kakehiki ka na

(21)Wakari aeru hi ga kuru hazu
(22)Niji no o ga umi ni tokeru you


(23)Ten wo aoide MAAMEIDO JANPU
(24)Ichido kiri no shakunetsu ROMANSU
I’m looking for a perfect sky
I’m looking for a perfect sky

(25)Sono mama de ii kedo
(26)Hey,baby,when you’re lonely
(27)Kokoro hiraite
(28)Naminori mo ii kedo
(29)Hey,baby,talk to me
(30)Anata to mitai kanpeki na sora wo




(1)You don’t cry in your heart
(2)I don’t burn in my heart for you
(3)I’m looking for a perfect sky
(4)I’m looking for a perfect sky

(5)At midnight I quietly slip out of the house
(6)The Gimlet I drank alone (7)perked me up just a little
(8)With my way blocked by a road under construction,
(9)I wonder if even my continuing love for you will fall through too

(10)I’m just full of nothing but feelings passing by each other, aren’t I?  (11)When the morning glow changes to blue

You don’t cry in your heart
I don’t burn in my heart for you
I’m looking for a perfect sky
I’m looking for a perfect sky

(12)On a sandy beach, I turn around like a wild goat
(13)A hot summer’s great for dancing to my car stereo
I’m looking for a perfect sky
I’m looking for a perfect sky

(14)In case we break up, let’s suddenly exchange a kiss
(15)Wanting to be alone – (16)that was just a little bit of a lie, wasn’t it?
(18)You think too much to be a child anymore
(19)I can’t say I recognized you –(20) I wonder if that isn’t bargaining dangerously

(21)As I expected, the day of reckoning has come – (22)it’s like the end of the rainbow is melting into the sea

You don’t cry in your heart
I don’t burn in my heart for you
I’m looking for a perfect sky
I’m looking for a perfect sky

(23)Leaving it up to heaven, I jump like a mermaid
(24)Just once I want a red-hot romance
I’m looking for a perfect sky
I’m looking for a perfect sky

(25)You’re fine as you are, but
(26)Hey, baby, when you’re lonely
(27)Open up your heart
(28)Even surfing is all right, but
(29)Hey, baby, talk to me
(30)I want to see a perfect sky with you

You don’t cry in your heart
I don’t burn in my heart for you
I’m looking for a perfect sky
I’m looking for a perfect sky

On a sandy beach, I turn around like a wild goat
A hot summer’s great for dancing to my car stereo
I’m looking for a perfect sky
I’m looking for a perfect sky

perked me up
fall through:失敗に終わる
wild goat:野生ヤギ。
 Japanese serow :日本カモシカ


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(146)大好物のサンデー [聞き取り]

follow me.jpg
is partial to ~ ~が大好物なんです。
芝居の台本と同じpartial to it と映画でも、言っているはずだが、パ、パーシェント ツウ イットに聞こえる。
推理して、far partial to it としてみたが、自信はまったくない。

I finished a text book, a play in one act. The play was called "Public Eye". After reading several pages, I just wondered if this play was the same as a movie called "Follow Me". I was right. I found several articles about Public Eye and Follow Me on the Internet. I remembered the title of the movie, Follow Me. I did not see the movie but I heard about it from one of my friends who saw it.
I also found this movie in You Tube. What a wonderful techonolgy it is! I can see it now, the 37 year old movie for the first time.

The Public Eye
A Play in One Act

Julian: Eleven-thirty subject in exquisite green hat walks up Brompton Road, enters The Hanging Gardens Coffee Bar. Orders a Babylon Special.

Charles: What the hell's that?

Julian: A confection of peppermint ice-cream, chocolate chips and molasses. Your wife is rather partial to it. So am I, as a matter of irrelevant fact. Do you like ice-cream?

The Movie: Follow Me
(dictation from YouTube)

Julian:Eleven-fifty three subject in exquisite green hat goes to Michelangero Coffee Bar. She ordered a Leaning tower of Pisa.

Charles: What the hell is that?

Julian: Oh. It's a magical sandae of peppermint ice cream, tooty fruity, chocolate chips, nougat, stem ginger and molasses. You wife Mrs. Sidley is really far partial to it. As a matter of irrelevant fact. So am I. Do you have a sweet tooth yourself?

exquisite 十分に美しい
tooty fruity
tooty fruity.jpg
chocolate chips チョコレートチップス
nougat ヌガー、干し果実やナッツが入った柔らかいキャンディー
stem ginger
stem ginger.jpg

molasses 糖液、糖蜜
have a sweet tooth

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