
(383) Hina doll and Dan Mitsu [名言]

 It would be a dull world if we all thought alike.


Dan Mitsu

Recent, one interesting my finding was the Hina doll resembles to Dan Mitsu who is getting famous for a gravia idol in her thirties


Hina doll (She is from Takahashi City)

Upstairs, meditatively splashing his spoon in the bread and milk, he said, “Nanny, I do think that Princess is beautiful, don’t you?”

  Nanny sniffed. “It would be a dull world if we all thought alike,” she said.

A Handful of Dust, by Evelyn Waugh

Kyouho Bina (She is from Kojima of Kurashiki city)

This phrase surely reminds me of variety of beauty of Hina dolls. Hina are dolls representing the Emperor, Empress, and members of the ancient Japanese court. The female dolls represent the Empress are called O-hina-sama.



Hina doll (She is from Nihmi City) 

Looking at old O-hina-sama’s faces, I feel that the definition of beautiful women is changing with the times. I have four leaflets of Hina festival of local cities.


Hina doll (She is from Kurashiki city)


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(342) 年をとると・・・ [名言]

She hated that moment and the knowledge that she had reached the point where face-lifts and beauty treatments could do nothing. But she remembered thinking that maybe this was part of the scheme of things; perhaps nature ruined the body so death would be more acceptable.
―A New York Sketchbook, Pete Hamill, p132
beauty treatments:美容術、美容法

ニューヨーク・スケッチブック―A New York sketchbook 【講談社英語文庫】

ニューヨーク・スケッチブック―A New York sketchbook 【講談社英語文庫】

  • 作者: ピート・ハミル
  • 出版社/メーカー: 講談社インターナショナル
  • 発売日: 1990/08
  • メディア: 文庫
"Sure I love her. But It wasn't that I wanted to touch her." And he added, without smiling; "Not that I don't think about that side of things. Even at my age, and I'll be sixty-seven January ten. It's a peculiar fact ― but, the older I grow, that side of things seems to be on my mind more and more. I don't remember thinking about it so much even when I was a youngster and it's every other minute. Maybe the older you grow and the less easy it is to put thought into action, maybe that's why it gets all locked up in your head and becomes burden. Whenever I read in the paper about an old man disgracing himself, I know it's because of this burden.
― Breakfast at Tiffany's, Truman Capote, p12
ティファニーで朝食を―Breakfast at Tiffany’s 【講談社英語文庫】

ティファニーで朝食を―Breakfast at Tiffany’s 【講談社英語文庫】

  • 作者: トルーマン・カポーティ
  • 出版社/メーカー: 講談社インターナショナル
  • 発売日: 1997/04/01
  • メディア: 文庫


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(315) スザンヌ博士の十箇条、とリカ先生の10のルール [名言]

suzanne rika.jpg
The following is the text of a talk given by Dr. Suzanne Flynn to LEX members and the general public in Japan in 2010. Dr. Flynn is MIT Professor of Linguistics and Language Acquisition in the department of Linguistics and Philosophy and has been researching multilingualism for over 30 years.

Dr. Suzanne Flynn の日本での講演の中の多言語に関する10カ条(英文)を次にしめす。
まったく、関係ないが、たまたま読んだ香山リカの、しがみつかない生き方 「ふつうの幸せ」を手に入れる10のルールを列記する。目的は、これらの十箇条の記憶を容易にするためである。効果があるかどうかは?不明だが。十箇条つながり・・・

1. Language is a unique and special human capacity. (by Suzanne)
一、恋愛にすべてを捧げない。(by リカ)
無理やり関連:そんなスペシャルの言語を操る人間の恋愛はso specialだろうが、恋愛にすべてを捧げないことが、「普通のしあわせを」つかむためには必要。

2. There is really only one human language. (by Suzanne)
二、自慢・自己PRをしない。(by リカ)

3. Given this innate plan for language, we can now understand how it is that a child is not taught language. (by Suzanne)
三、すぐに白黒つけない。(by リカ)

4. Multilingualism is the natural state of the human mind. (by Suzanne)
四、老・病・死で落ち込まない。(by リカ)

5. There is really no limit to the number of languages one can learn. (by Suzanne)
五、すぐに水に流さない。(by リカ)

6. Everyone can learn a new language regardless of age as long as there is desire. (by Suzanne)
六、 仕事に夢をもとめない(by リカ)

7. The more languages you know the easier it gets. (by Suzanne)
七、子供にしがみつかない。(by リカ)

8. You never lose the languages you acquire. (by Suzanne)
八、お金にしがみつかない。(by リカ)

9. Maintaining fluency is easiest when there is a need to be multilingual. (by Suzanne)
九、生まれた意味を問わない。(by リカ)

10. Knowing multiple languages has important positive consequences at multiple levels throughout one’s lifetime. (by Suzanne)
十、<勝間和代>を目指さない。(by リカ)

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(312) Nobody can be uncheered with a balloon [名言]

Nobody can be uncheered with a balloon.    ―Pooh
だれだって、風船もらって、不機嫌になるひとなんていないぜ。(訳 石井桃子)
cheer:to gladden or cause joy to
uncheered, adjective

クマのプーさん Winnie-the-Pooh
  • 作者: A.A.ミルン
  • 出版社/メーカー: 講談社インターナショナル
  • 発売日: 1997/04/01
  • メディア: 文庫

    風船をもてば、誰だって心がうきうきするものさ。(訳 Me: Harumak)

    I underlined these words when I read a book of Winnie-The-Pooh. I thougt this is a good saying. Even though they are adults, they might be cheered with a balloon, because all of them once were children.

    When our youngest daughter was small, I tied a balloon on her cloth in a crowd of summer Saturday nigtt fair, to spot her in tall people walking around the fair.

    When she grew up to a high school student, she brought a balloon with her to her lecture room of private tutoring school. Her appearance with a balloon surprised her private teacher.  He said she was one of unique girls in his students. She passed an entrance exam of her desired university. She studied there very hard and graduated. Now she became a nurse.

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    (285)別れの言葉 [名言]

    I read NEWSLETTER VOLUME 16, February 2011. There were farewell messages from foreign lecturers in Ehime University.
    I am going to pick out my favorite sentences from them.

    1. For me, changing environments every now and then is vital to keep my life interesting and challenging. ( by  Willem de Goei)
    vital: very important

    2. I have had a great three years teaching here at AiDai, but unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. (by Soren Kerr)

    3. I hope that you find that the roads to your dreams are smooth and fulfilling. Just remember that the journey IS the destination, and then you will find that every day is a blessing and a dream come  true.
    fulfilling: 充実した
    a dream come  true: 夢が叶った、夢の実現

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    (284) Shortcoming 短所 [名言]

     You don't know your own shortcoming.

    马不知脸长, 猴子不知屁股紅
    Ma(v) bu(\) zhi(-) lian(v) chang(/),
    hou(/) zi bu(\) zhi(-) pi(\) gu hon(/).

    Literally means "A horse doesn't know his face is long;
    a monkey doesn't know his ass is red."

    Making Out in Chinese (Making Out Books)

    Making Out in Chinese (Making Out Books)

    • 作者: Ray Daniels
    • 出版社/メーカー: Tuttle Pub
    • 発売日: 2003/09/15
    • メディア: ペーパーバック
    • p.74

    ―八木 健 の川柳アート(accrete, 2011 March vol.96, 愛媛新聞社)

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    (240)Finders keepers, losers weepers [名言]


    My Humorous Japan〈Part2〉

    My Humorous Japan〈Part2〉

    • 作者: ブライアン・W. ポール
    • 出版社/メーカー: 日本放送出版協会
    • 発売日: 1993/08
    • メディア: ペーパーバック

    1. A picture is worth a thousand words. A cartoon may be worth two thousand words.

    6. Noisy soup sipper will receive many black looks.
    black look:険悪[不機嫌]な顔つき[表情

    finders keepers.jpg
    13. Ah, my lucky day. Finders keepers, losers weepers!
    この本にはこう説明している:This means that I you find it you can keep it, although if you lose it, you will weep tears...but in Tokyo! 

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    (219)貧困が生みだす力 [名言]

    Umm Lujj in Saudi Arabia, 19 May 2009

    18. Poverty can turn a person into a flaming torch for change and revolution. 試訳:貧困は人を変えることができる、変わることへの情熱と革命への情熱を燃え上がらせる人間へと。

    26. Marci's mother repeated many times that knowlege was the only solution to poverty, and she frugally saved for her children's education. 試訳:マーシーのお母さんは、何回も何回も繰り返した、知識こそが貧困への解決策よ、そうして彼女は倹約して自分の子供の教育のためにお金をためた。

    Princess: True Story of Life Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia

    Princess: True Story of Life Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia

    • 作者: Jean Sasson
    • 出版社/メーカー: Bantam Books
    • 発売日: 1993/08/01
    • メディア: ハードカバー

      18.はChapter Six, The Tripに出てくる。主人公のPrincess Salutanaがカイロに旅行して、そこの貧しさを見たが、・・・
      I found the grinding poverty unsettling, yet it was not discouraging, for I saw in it a profound force of life.
      grinding poverty:過酷な貧困


      26.はChapter Nine, Foreign Womenの中に出てくる。Marciはフィリピンから出稼ぎに来ている若い家政婦。When Marci was only three, her father was killed in a mining accident. Her mother was seven months pregnant with a second child.

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    (215)A goal without plan... [名言]

    qunfuda's sea.jpg
    <Qunfada's sea in Saudi Arabia ,26 Oct. 2009>
    A goal without plan remains a dream.

    I got a business e-mail as cc from Saudi Arabia. Above the sender's name and adress this sentense was written in red. Is it sender's motto?

    Young worker of our office asked me what it means. The e-mail was sent to him.


    ネットで検索して、様々なarticlesがヒットした。そのひとつ中からの文章 are as follows;
    It's just like the ancient philosopher said: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." No matter how big your dream is, if you break it down into baby steps that you can do each day, you will find your journey to success filled with the joy of achieving many goals.
    A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.:千里の道も一歩から

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    (204)帰省しても、心のふるさとへは戻れない [名言]

    22 Nov. 2009 ふるさとの帰り道にあるうどん屋さんの
    招き猫(Beckoning Cat for luck)のコレクション


    Maybe everyone who has left home and gone back knows that feeling: you can always go back to your hometown but you can never really go back "home" again.
    ― American Pie ~Slice of Life Essays on America and Japan~
    written by Kay Hetherly
    American Pie―Slice of Life Essays on America and Japan

    American Pie―Slice of Life Essays on America and Japan

    • 作者: ケイ ヘザリ
    • 出版社/メーカー: 日本放送出版協会
    • 発売日: 2002/12
    • メディア: 単行本

    Walking up the slope, I found the house of my friend. I forgot her name. I would go to kindergarten with her. It was too far away for me to go alone. She was one year older than I.  I played with her and visited her house.

    One day she moved somewhere with her family. So I didn't have any more memory of her.

    The house's location is not sure but near my parents’ house. The area of her house has changed a lot. A lot of houses had been built up. So I could not find the slope leading to her house. I could not find her house. Turn to the left, and turn to the right, and turn to the left again. Then I must have reached her house.  But different house was there.

    My memory might be wrong. Any way I can not really go back to "home" again.
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