英文法 ブログトップ

(344) She will make him a good wife [英文法]

husband wife.jpg
She will make him a good wife. (彼女は彼のよい妻になるだろう。)

She made him a good wife.とい文章の意味をアルゼンチンの人が質問している。これに対してあるイギリス人が答えている。
She made him a good wife, means she was a good wife to him.

She made him a good husband.

She made him a good husband doesn't make sense, because she is not a husband!

①She made him a suit.
②She made him her husband.
③She will make him a good wife.

①は 彼女は彼スーツ作った。 と頭の中で、「に」と「を」を補って理解している
②は 彼女は彼した。 と頭の中で「を」と「に」を補って理解している。


「動詞」から始める英文法 (見て学ぶやさしい英語シリーズ (4))

  • 作者: 田中 茂範
  • 出版社/メーカー: アルク
  • 発売日: 1995/01
  • メディア: 単行本

①は him HAVE a suit
②は him BE her husband
③は him HAVE a good wife となる。


③She will make him a good wife. (彼女は彼のよい妻になるだろう。)

    b: to develop into <she will make a fine judge>

She will make a good wife. なら意味がスーと入ってくる。
She will make him a good wife. が自然に思えてくるのにもう一息だ!


ほんとうに、③の文なんてあるのか? と疑ってしまう。

そこで、調べた。 この③の例文は確かに存在する。
Luis Albornozって人が Language Forumsと言うサイトに質問している。

Language Forums
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Jul 2006
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She made him a good wife

Is this sentence correct to mean that she was a good wife to him?

What about these other two? Is the second correct?

She made him into a good husband.
She made him a good husband.

and these? is the second correct?

A toy was given to the child.
A toy was given the child.

She made him a good husband. は正しいかと尋ねている。

She made him a good husband doesn't make sense, because she is not a husband!

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May 2006
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British UK

Re: She made him a good wife

She made him a good wife, means she was a good wife to him.

She made him into a good husband means that she changed him from something to a good husband.

She made him a good husband doesn't make sense, because she is not a husband!

A toy was given to the child is correct, the second is incorrect.

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(338) Goldilocks and the 3 bears [英文法]


Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Favourite Tales)

Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Favourite Tales)

  • 作者: Audrey Daly
  • 出版社/メーカー: Ladybird Books Ltd
  • 発売日: 1993/09/30
  • メディア: ハードカバー
too 〜: 〜過ぎる をさらに強調するときは、muchを前に付ける。
much too  〜

much too high あまりに高すぎる(Father Bearの椅子)
much too hard あまりに
固すぎる(Mother Bearの椅子)
It wasn't too high. It wasn't too hard. It was just right. GoldilocksにちょうどいいBaby Bearの椅子
far too 〜 とも言える
And Mother Bear's medium-sized bed was far too soft! あまりに柔らかすぎる

1. But the porridge was much too hot to eat.

2. Nearby there lived a very naughty, mischievous little girl, She was called Goldilocks because she had long, golden hair.
Nearby:not far away

3. And the porridge in Mother Bear's medium-sized bowl was lumpy.
lumpy:塊の多い、full of lumps

4. but Father Bear's chair was much too high.
5. This one is much too hard.
6. It wasn't too high. It wasn't too hard. It was just right.
7. But she was far too heavy.
8. With a creak and a crack, the chair fell to pieces.
to falll to pieces:to break into parts 

9. Bump! Goldelocks landed in a heap on the floor.
in a heap:collapse/fall (etc.) in a heap
: to fall very suddenly to the ground and lie there 

10. She tried Father Bear's big bed, but  that was far too hard.
11. And Mother Bear's medium-sized bed was far too soft!
12. And she fell fast asleep.
fell fast asleep:When people are fast asleep or sound asleep, they are sleeping very deeply. 

13. "Oh!" squeaked Baby Bear. "Someone's been sleeping in my bed and she's still here.
squeak:to make a short, high-pitched cry or noise 

14. The first thing she saw was Father Bear, looking very cross.
cross:annoyed or angry 

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(332) can have 過去分詞 [英文法]

Robinson Crusoe (Read it Yourself)

  • 作者: Daniel Defoe
  • 出版社/メーカー: Ladybird Books Ltd
  • 発売日: 1993/02
  • メディア: ハードカバー
(Suggested reading age 6-6 1/2 years)

この本の中から14個文章を抜き出しましたが、can have 過去分詞 の文章が出てて、めずらしいと思ったので、先頭に出しました。

12. "Who can have made this footprint?"


can have 過去分詞はなぜ肯定文で使われないのですか?どの英文法参考書にも理由が...



使われないわけではありません。can have p.p.(.....したのかしら)は,肯定形であるにもかかわらずcannot have p.p.(.....したはずがない)とよく似た内容を表す表現です。しかし,下記のように若干ニュアンスの違いがあるため,使用頻度に差が生じます。

He can have sung the song. (彼がその歌を本当に歌ったのかしらねぇ)→話し手は少し疑念を持っています。
He cannot have sung the song. (彼がその歌を歌ったはずがない)→話し手は少々強い疑念を持っていて,「彼が歌った」可能性はかなり低いと思っています。

さらに,疑念を強くしたcould have p.p.というのもあります。しかしながら,一般的使用に際しては,cannot have p.p.で疑念を十分伝えることができるので,この形態がよく使われます。また,can have p.p.程度の疑念ならば,I wonder whether(if).....という方が一般的なため,can have p.p.にはあまり出会わないことになります。

nativeの人たちが違和感を持つことはたぶんないと思いますが,これも使われる局面によります。can have p.p.をnativeに対して使いたいときは,相手にもよりますので,少し配慮した方がいいかもしれません。

1. When Roibinson Crusoe was a boy, he wanted to go to sea.
to go to sea:to become a sailor

2. "There are so many dangers at sea," they said.

at sea:on the sea, especially in a ship, or in the sea

3. Robinson Crusoe liked the work and made some good friends. on the ship.
made some good friends:became a friend (of somebody)

4. Big waves crashed down on the ship.
crashed:to fall, land, or hit with destructive force

5. Then a big wave crashed down on to the ship.
on to:into

6. Then he said, " I must make a big fire, so that they will know that I am here."
make a fire:

7. "I will get a big stick, and put one cut on it each day."
put one cut on it

8. Robinson Crusoe's clothes were more and more ragged.
torn or worn to tatters

9. After that he made an umbrella to keep the sun off as he worked.
keep the sun off

10. He was very pleased with himself.
pleased with himself:《be ~》自分自身に満足する、いい気になる

11. So he cut down a big tree and made it into a boat.
made it into a boat

12. "Who can have made this footprint?"

13. "As it is Friday, I shall name you Friday."
「うん、うん、 will のところでやったよね。」
「これに対して shall は『まっすぐ行けば絶対こうなる』ってことで、これはどういうことなのかというと、『自分の意志を超えた、運命的な力によって、必ずこうなる。』ってニュアンスをだすんだよ

14. He helped milk the goats, water the corn and make the bread.
make the bread:

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(106)to between ってあり? [英文法]



英訳:To remove accumulated scales between electrodes, insert a thin plate from upper part of eledtrodes to between them with spraying water, and push out the scales.

上記の英訳文の to between は文法的におかしいのではと言われた。
インターネットで to between を検索してみた。 たくさんの to between にヒットした。上の英訳が適切かとうかは別として、前置詞+前置詞のパターンはあり得る。[参照⇒ (57)from under ]
Thus confined and unable to escape the array a second collision typically occurs within a millisecond further confining the positron to between electrodes III and VI. Typically, a third collision after some 10ms will then finally restrict the positron to electrodes IV and V. 下線部分試訳:陽電子を電極ⅢとⅥの間に閉じ込めて
In a plasma processing, the range of a supply frequency to between electrodes is set such that a stable discharge and a high output efficiency can be achieved.
Not only was private education in demand, but it was quite successful. Literacy in the North rose from 75 percent to between 91 and 97 percent between 1800 and 1840, the years prior to compulsory schooling and governmental provision and operation of education. In the South during the same time period, the rate grew among the white population from between 50 and 60 percent to 81 percent.
The emission of carbon from the combustion of fossil fuels is projected to increase from the current level of 6.3 Gt C per year to between 10 and 25 Gt C per year.
下線部分試訳:現在の数値、年間6.3Gt Cより年間10から25Gt Cとの間へ増加する

the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide would increase from the current level of about 368 ppm, to between 540 and 970 ppm by 2100,

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(102)過去、過去完了、過去完了進行形 [英文法]

time axis.jpg

1-1.過去形:studied English for two years

1-2. 過去完了形:had studied English for two years
 →用例:She had studied English for two years before giving it up.

1-3. 過去完了進行形:had been studying for two years
 →用例:She had been studying for two years before giving it up.
 ただの"had studied"に比べたら、非常に生き生きしている感じがする。

英語の時制を間違えると、変な印象を与える、これを避けるためには、英語の理論とその時間感覚で理解するのがもっとも理想的だと思われる。―日本人の英語 by Mark Petersen

日本人の英語 (岩波新書)

日本人の英語 (岩波新書)

  • 作者: マーク ピーターセン
  • 出版社/メーカー: 岩波書店
  • 発売日: 1988/04
  • メディア: -

2-1.He thought about Marian. She had left him nine years ago after five years of marriage. ―p.4
彼はメリアンのことを考えた。メリアンとは五年間いっしょに暮したが、彼女が彼のもとを去ってもう九年になる。―松村 潔 訳

2-2.He signed the divorce papers when they arrived a year later and caught a plane for Australia the next day. She had asked for nothing except her freedom.―p.5
一年後、離婚届の書類が送られてきた。彼はそれにサインして、翌日、オーストラリア行きの飛行機に乗った。彼女は自由の身になること以外、なにも要求してこなかった。―松村 潔 訳

2-3.When he was home in Bellingham, he occasionally dated the creative director for a Seattle advertising agency. He had met her while doing a corporate job.―p.8
ベリングハムにいるとき、彼はシアトルの広告会社のクリエイティブ・ディレクターと付き合っていた。ある会社の仕事を請け負ったとき、知り合ったのだ。―松村 潔 訳

The Bridges of Madison County

The Bridges of Madison County

  • 作者: Robert James Waller
  • 出版社/メーカー: Warner Books
  • 発売日: 1995/09
  • メディア: マスマーケット

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(57)from under ~ [英文法]

from under
~ ~のしたから

1.英辞郎でfrom underの用例を見ると、50ほどの例文がずらっと並んでいるが、最近読んだ本から2例を次に挙げます。

2.from underに関する英文法の記事をwikipediaに見つけたので、これもご紹介します。
なぜかfromの後には名詞しかつながらないものだと、私の頭に刷り込みがされているようで、from underという句が真新しく感じます。

(1)MANAGER lift out the telephone from under the counter.
―The Angels With Closed Eyes, by Shoji Kokami,鴻上尚史、 P32

(2)She brought it out from under her apron and exhibited it quite proudly. It was a strong , slender rope with a striped red and blue handle at each end, but Mary Lennox had never seen a skipping-rope before.
―p85, The Secret Garden,  Frances Hodgson Burnett, KODANSHA INTERNATIONAL
マーサはエプロンの下からなわとびをとりだすと、とてもとくいそうに見せた。両端に赤と青の縞模様の持ち手がついた、ほそいけど、じょうぶそうななわだったが、なわとびを見るのははじめてだったメアリーは、・・・(フォア文庫 秘密の花園、 渡辺南都子・訳)


The following examples illustrate some uses of English prepositional phrases:

  • as a modifier to a verb
    • sleep throughout the winter
    • danced atop the tables for hours
  • as a modifier to a noun
    • the weather in April
    • cheeses from France with live bacteria
  • as the complement of a verb
    • insist on staying home
    • dispose of unwanted items
  • as the complement of a noun
    • a thirst for revenge
  • as the complement of an adjective or adverb
    • attentive to their needs
    • separately from its neighbors
  • as the complement of another preposition 別の前置詞の補語として
    • until after supper
    • from beneath the bed

Classification by complement (補語による分類)

Although noun phrases are the most typical complements, adpositions can in fact combine with a variety of syntactic categories, much like verbs. 名詞句がもっとも典型的な補語であるが、接置詞(前置詞のfromなど)は実際、さまざまな構文上のカテゴリと接続し、動詞の接続の様子と似ている。

  • noun phrases: It was on {the table}.
  • adpositional phrases: Come out from {under the bed}.
  • adjectives and adjective phrases: The scene went from {blindingly bright} to {pitch black}.
  • adverb or adverb phrases: I worked there until recently
  • infinitival or participial verb phrases: Let's think about solving this problem.
  • interrogative clauses: we can't agree on {whether to have children or not}
  • full sentences (see Conjunctions below)


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英文法 ブログトップ