
(591) vitiligo 尋常性白斑 [調べる]


I read Okuna Megumi's Instagram on Sep. 1st. I was very surprised to know there are many people suffering from 尋常性白斑 in Japan. At the same time, I remembered "The Michael Jackson Story".

  Around the time of Dangerous, it was obvious to see that his brown skin had become white.

Dangerous Studio Version 1995.jpg


Regarding the lightening of his skin, Michael later admitted that he had a disease called vitiligo and he used white makeup to hide the white spots on his skin.

The Michael Jackson Story マイケル・ジャクソン・ストーリー ラダーシリーズ

The Michael Jackson Story マイケル・ジャクソン・ストーリー ラダーシリーズ

  • 作者: ジェイク・ロナルドソン
  • 出版社/メーカー: IBCパブリッシング
  • 発売日: 2013/08/16
  • メディア: Kindle版
IN the word list of the book, vitiligo is translated into Japanese, as 白斑. Now I can connect 尋常性白斑 and vitiligo.
  There are so many articles about Michael Jackson's skin color on the Internet.
Vitiligo, is an autoimmune condition which affects about 1-2% of the world's population. It causes white patches on the skin. Although it can occur to people of all skin type, it is more noticeable if the person has a dark complexion, as in Jackson's case. People who have this condition typically first start seeing signs of it beginning between 10 and 30 years old. The spread occurs quickly for most, for others over a span of years and for a lucky few, the white patches do not spread. According to studies, approximately 30% of people who had the condition had inherited it from family.
白斑 顔.jpg

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(590) Tales of Big Snakes #3 Wakigafuchi [調べる]

Were there any big snakes here in Matsuyama?

I happened to find an article about big snakes at Wakigafuchi deep water in this book.

日本魔界伝説地図 s.jpg

日本魔界伝説地図 (Gakken Mook)

日本魔界伝説地図 (Gakken Mook)

  • 作者: 東雅夫
  • 出版社/メーカー: 学研プラス
  • 発売日: 2010/07/14
  • メディア: ムック
There once were a pair of big snakes at Wakigafuchi deep water.
Please look at the map. The distance from Ishiteji temple to Wakigafuchi deep water is about 4 kilometers in a straight line.
Google Map Wakigafuchi 3 s.jpg
To tell the truth, I didn't know of Wakigafuchi at all. But Wakigafuchi seems to be famous here in Matsuyama. Next picture is the front cover of the latest issue (Sep. 2023) of Matsuyama-Hyakuten booklet. Wakigafuchi is drawn.
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Naito Meisetu, a samurai of Matsuyama fief, wrote about Wakigafuchi in his autobiography.
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Natsume Souseki made a haiku poem about Wakigafuchi.
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If you hear of a rock on which a snake was cut,
it is cold in the deep water
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Here is the picture of the Snake Bone and Stone Sword in Ishiteji temple.
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The "Snake Bone", is a bone of a male serpent that was killed by a monk of Ishite-ji Temple. If the bone is a skull of the snake, I roughly guess the snake was about 6 m long.
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The serpent had been troubling people in the old days. The monk exterminated it by the power of Buddha Dhama. He threw this stone sword at the snake.
The female snake was still alive at that time. 
I read about a female big snake at Wakigafuchi in this book.
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A lord named Hanzo lived near Wakigafuchi deep water. One day a beautiful woman came to Hanzo's house. She was so beautiful and so polite he let her in, and she came to live in his house as a servant. Her name was Oryo.
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One night, Oryo went out alone without saying anything to Hanzo, but he saw her leave, so he followed her. She walked very fast toward Wakigafuchi deep water and dived from the cliff into the river and twisted her body remarkably.
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Hanzo was frightened to see this. He went back home to get a gun and returned to Wakigafuchi to discover who she really was. He waited for a while. A dragon appeared on the surface of the river.
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Suddenly it transformed itself into Oryo. Getting up on the rock, she tied her hair looking at her image in the water. Hanzo decided to shoot this creature. He aimed at her neck and fired.
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The dragon roared. Seven days later, the remain of the dragon was found in the lower stream. Until recently, the snake bone festival, which deifies the skull of the dragon, was held every year in Wakigafuchi area. Now the bone was enshrined at Shrine of the Dragon Princess
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I did a little survey on Hanzo Miyoshi. According to the historical record of Miyoshi family, the female snake was killed between 1587 and 1602.
Wakigafuchi Dragon summary.jpg
The End

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(589) Tales of Big Snakes #2 The Eight-headed Dragon [調べる]

Boa constrictors are native to South America.

How about our Japan? Are there, were there any big snakes?

Have a look at next picture. A man in white is fighting with snakes. It is YamatanoOrochi. The eight-headed Dragon. The man is a god called "Susano-o". He killed the big snake which had eight heads and eight tails.

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Pic. 1

落語で読む古事記 はじまりは高天原 スサノオノミコトとクサナギノツルギ

落語で読む古事記 はじまりは高天原 スサノオノミコトとクサナギノツルギ

  • 出版社/メーカー: PHP研究所
  • 発売日: 2019/04/24
  • メディア: Kindle版

He was cutting through one of the snake's middle tails when he found a sacred, shining sword inside.

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Pic. 2

This sword became one of the Three Imperial Regalia. The sword is called Grass-Cutting Sword, and is enshrined at Atsuta Shrine in Nagoya.

Replica of the the Three Imperial Raglia in Yushinden.jpg
Pic. 3

Replica of the Three Imperial Regalia in Yushinden(又新殿)of Dogo hot spring

Behind the throne, we can see a part of the sword (left) and a low stand on which the Comma-Shaped Gem (middle), and the Sacred Mirror (right). 

After reading the oldest history book, called "Kojiki", I'll show you the summary.

古事記物語―若い人への古典案内 (現代教養文庫)

古事記物語―若い人への古典案内 (現代教養文庫)

  • 作者: 太田善麿
  • 出版社/メーカー: 社会思想社
  • 発売日: 2023/09/11
  • メディア: 文庫
日本の神話―Japanese myths 【講談社英語文庫】

日本の神話―Japanese myths 【講談社英語文庫】

  • 作者: ラルフ・マッカーシー
  • 出版社/メーカー: 講談社インターナショナル
  • 発売日: 1999/06/18
  • メディア: 文庫
The eight-headed snake was killed in Age of Mythology, that it, more than 3000 years ago.
Eight-headed Dragon summary.jpg
To be continued to issue #3

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(588) Tales of Big Snakes #1 Boa Constrictor [調べる]

Look at this picture. Can you guess what it is?

Boa Constrictor 1.jpg

It looks like a hat, but not a hat. A six-year-old boy drew this picture and he said: "It is the scariest animal."

I'll show you the next one.

Boa Constrictor 2.jpg 

It is a big snake swallowed an elephant. It is the inside of the big snake. The boy read a book about the jungle, called True Stories. It said: "Boa constrictors swallow their prey whole, without chewing. Afterward they are no longer able to move, and they sleep during the six months of their digestion."

These pictures are taken from a book, called "The Little Prince".


The Little Prince

The Little Prince

  • 作者: de Saint-Exupéry, Antoine
  • 出版社/メーカー: Mariner Books
  • 発売日: 2000/06/01
  • メディア: ペーパーバック
I did a little survey on boa constrictors on the internet. Here is a summary about it.
To be continue to issue #2

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(587) Sport [英単語]

Sport has already become a Japanese word スポーツ (supōtsu), but I didn't know very well how to use sport as a verb. So, I collected example sentences from online dictionary. I put a relating picture to each sentence.

Pic. 1
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She sports a new hat.

Pic. 2

She is sporting expensive new shoes.
to display or wear usually ostentatiously: BOST

Pic. 3
long hair bellbottoms platform heels s.jpg

Back in the 1960s he sports bellbottoms and long hair.
Back in the 1960s he sported platform heels and hair down past his shoulders.
to wear or be decorated with something

Pic. 4
Coca Cola s.jpg
She was sporting a T-shirt with the company's logo on it.
If you say that someone sports something such as a distinctive item of clothing, you mean that they wear it without any shyness.

Pic. 5
Red maoustache.jpg
He was heavily-built and sported a red moustache

Pic. 6

Children sporting in the waves.
To play or frolic

Pic. 7
PAY-Dolphins-Riding-the-waves s.jpg
The sight of dolphins sporting amidst the wave
[intransitive] literary to play together happily


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(586) Why did Michael Jackson wear surgical masks? [調べる]

I read The Michael Jackson Story.

The Michael Jackson Story マイケル・ジャクソン・ストーリー ラダーシリーズ

The Michael Jackson Story マイケル・ジャクソン・ストーリー ラダーシリーズ

  • 作者: ジェイク・ロナルドソン
  • 出版社/メーカー: IBCパブリッシング
  • 発売日: 2013/08/16
  • メディア: Kindle版

General information

  Michael Jackson was born on August 29, 1958. He began singing and dancing when he was just five years old and lived almost his whole life on stage. From the time he had his first hit record at the age of 11 (Jackson 5 "I Want You Back") until his death in 2009, is fan watched him grow up into one of the greatest entertainers of the 20th century.
  Michael was always in the news, there were many books written about him, and he was popular with millions of fans around the world, but he was also a man of mystery. Michael Jackson was a legend, and like so many legends, it is difficult to know what is true and what is not.

  I have been wondering why Michael Jackson wore surgical masks? But I couldn't find any answers in this book. I searched for the articles about Michael's surgical masks on the Internet.
Here is one of them.

  Considering the recent pandemic, face masks have become more and more commonplace the world over. But when Michael Jackson was first photographed sporting1) his own surgical attire2), it only added to his eccentric public persona during the mid-1980s.
1) Sport / 《口語》<・・・を>見せびらかす、誇って示す
2) Surgical attire / sˈɚːdʒɪk(ə)ətάɪɚ手術着

Health concerns:
Michael Jackson was first seen wearing a surgical mask in June 1986. In his auto biography, Moonwalk, Jackson said he was initially given a mask by a dentist to keep out germs after he had his wisdom teeth pulled.


  • 作者: Jackson, Michael
  • 出版社/メーカー: Arrow
  • 発売日: 2010/06/10
  • メディア: ペーパーバック
Upon his death, Jackson's autopsy confirmed he had some persistent lung problems throughout his lifetime.
However, it is likely that Michael Jackson was also protecting himself from the more tangible threat of the public, instead of any illness they may have been harbouring.
Why did Michael Jackson wear surgical masks? I asked.
ChatGPT instantly replied;
Michael Jackson was often seen wearing surgical masks in public, particularly during the later years of his life. There were a few reasons for this:
Health Concerns: Michael Jackson had a number of health issues, including lupus3) and vitiligo4), which affected his skin an immune system. He was also very sensitive to the sun due to a skin condition called vitiligo, which led to the loss of pigmentation in patches of his skin. Wearing a surgical masks and other protective clothing helped him shield his skin from the sun and potential infections.
3) Lupus / ˈluːpəs (米国英語)狼瘡(ろうそう)《種々の皮膚のびらんや疾患を特徴とする》
4) Vitiligo / viˈtɪlɪgo(米国英語)〔病理〕白斑(はくはん)《色素が失われて白い斑点ができる皮膚病》

Privacy: As one of the most famous and recognizable celebrities in the world, Michael Jackson often faced intense public scrutiny5) and paparazzi attention. Wearing a mask allowed him to partially conceal his face and maintain a level of privacy when he was out in public.
5) Scrutiny / 
skrúːəni(米国英語) じろじろ見ること

Fashion Statement: Michael Jackson was known for his unique fashion choices, and the surgical mask became one of his signature accessories. It added to his enigmatic6) and mysterious image, which he carefully cultivated throughout his career.
6) Enigmatic /
 ènɪgmˈæɪk(米国英語), 得体の知れない、不思議な

Respiratory7) Protection: In some instances, Michael Jackson may have worn surgical masks as a precaution against inhaling pollutants, allergens, or other airborne particles, which could have been particularly important given his health concerns.
7) Respiratory / 
It's important to note that while there were various reasons for Jackson's choice to wear surgical masks, he never explicitly8) stated all of his motivations. The combination of health considerations, privacy concerns, and his distinct sense of style likely contributed to his decision to wear surgical masks in public.
8) Explicitly / 

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(585) Ajimeshi and Taimeshi [thought]

鯵めし Ajimeshi 
I was born in Uwajima. When I was young, mother often made taimeshi but aji (horse mackerel) was used instead of tai (sea bream) and without seaweed in my family. So, it is ajimeshi precisely.
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Aji (Horse mackerel)

鯛めし Taimeshi
和風・郷土料理 かどや

It is said, long time ago, pirates started Taimeshi cookery on their boats, where fire was not available. They drank bowls of sake, then served cooked rice in the same bowl, and placed raw fish meat of tai (sea bream) on it. They eat them all together. Fresh tai fish meat is very flavorsome. Taimeshi is a special local cuisine, only found in Uwajima, Japan.
Japanese Local Cuisine KADOYA
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How to Eat Taimeshi
1. Stir dashi broth with a raw egg.
2. Put some tai fish meat with sea weed and shiso leaves in the soup.
3. Serve hot rice in a bowl.
4. Place the fish meat, sea weed and leaves on it and pour the desired amount of dashi broth over them.

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Uwajima Taimeshi Sea Bream Rice
(Selected as one of the top 100 local cuisines)
Raw Tai (sea bream) dipped in soy sauce with an egg and served with piping hot rice1).
Uwajima City Industry and Tourism Dept.
1) piping hot rice: あつあつのご飯


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(584) A frog visits a Fortune teller [joke]

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There is a young male frog. One day the frog goes to a fortune teller to find out if he will ever be lucky in love.
frog fortune teller.jpg
The fortune teller reads his palm1) and tells the frog, "I have good news and I have bad news. Which would you like to hear first?"
reading of frog's palm 2.jpg

The frog asks for the good news first.
The fortune teller says, "You are going to meet the most beautiful girl, who is very interested in you and will want to know all about you. She will want you to open up for her and you will give her your heart."

"That's great!" says the frog. "But what's the bad news?"

frog bye.jpg
"Well, you're going to meet her in Biology class."
frog anatomy.jpg
"She is a human female student."

1) read his palm: 彼の手のひらを読む(手相を見る)

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(583) Can ChatGPT solve a math problem? [調べる]

How can I enjoy using ChatGPT?

  ChatGPT can produce many answers to a given problem. I enjoy the diversity of ways of thinking about a problem.
  ChatGPT gives me many kinds of suggestions. But it doesn't seem to know which one is the right one. So, I have to choose the one I like and the right one among them.

Today I am going to ask ChatGPT to solve a math problem.
Here is a math problem.


potatoes 99.jpg
Suppose you have 100 kg of potatoes and 99% of their weight is water. After leaving them outside overnight, the water content is reduced to 98 %. How many kilograms do the potatoes weigh now?

potatoes 98.jpg

Results of Experiments

  I had to keep rephrasing the question in several ways to get a correct answer. ChatGPT answered correctly to the fourth rephased question. The correct answer is 50 kg.

  A few days later, I let ChatGPT solve the problem again. But I didn't get the correct answer. So, I regenerated response of ChatGPT many times to get the correct one. I did it 9 times. Only the 8th response was correct, 50 kg. Others were wrong.

Experiment 1.
I kept rephrasing the question until a correct answer was responded.

The 1st answer from ChatGPT was "the potatoes now weigh 2 kg". WRONG
The 2nd and 3rd one was also 2 kg. WRONG

The 4th question was rephrased like this.
Can you solve the next problem?
Suppose you have 100 kg of potatoes and 99% of their weight is water.
After leaving them outside overnight, the water content of the potatoes is reduced to 98% of their weight. How many kilograms do the potatoes weigh now?


To solve this problem, we need to calculate the weight of the potatoes after the reduction in water content.
Initially, 99% of the weight of the potatoes is water, which means that 99 kg out of 100 kg is water and 1 kg is the solid matter.
After the reduction in water content to 98%, the water would constitute 98% of the total weight, and the solid matter would be 2% of the total weight.
To find the weight of the potatoes after the reduction, we can use the following calculation;
Weight of potatoes = Weight of solid matter / Percentage of solid matter
Weight of potatoes = 1 kg / 2%
Now, we convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100:
Weight of potatoes = 1 kg / 0.02
Weight of potatoes = 50 kg
Therefore, after the reduction in water content, the potatoes would weigh 50 kg.


ジャガイモの重さ = 固形物の重さ / 固形物の割合
ジャガイモの重さ = 1kg / 2%
ジャガイモの重さ = 1kg / 0.02
ジャガイモの重さ = 50kg
The fourth answer is correct, 50 kg.

Experiment 2:
Regenerate response many times

Today I asked ChatGPT to solve the same question.
The 1st response was wrong, so I kept regenerating response. At the 8th regeneration, correct answer was responded.

ChatGPT 8/8

To solve this problem, we can set up an equation based on the given information. Let's denote the weight of the potatoes after leaving them outside overnight as x kg. According to the problem, initially, 99% of the weight of the potatoes was water. This means that 1% of the weight was the actual solid matter (potato material). So, initially, the weight of the solid matter was 1% of 100 kg, which is 1 kg.
After leaving the potatoes outside overnight, the water content reduces to 98% of their weight. This means that 2% of the weight is the solid matter. Therefore, we can set up the following equation:
2% of x kg = 1 kg
To solve for x, we can convert 2% to a decimal by dividing it by 100:
0.02*x = 1 kg
Now, let's solve for x:
x = 1 / 0.02
x = 50
Therefore, the potatoes weigh 50 kg after leaving them outside overnight.
The 8th generation of response is 50 kg, correct.

But the 9th generation of response became wrong again.

ChatGPT 9/9

To solve this problem, we'll start by determining the initial weight of water in the potatoes and then find the final weight after the water content decreases.

1. Initial Weight of Water:
The potatoes initially contain 99% water, so we can calculate the weight of water as follows:
Initial weight of water = 99% of 100 kg
= (99/100) * 100 kg
= 99 kg

2. Final Weight of Water:
After leaving the potatoes outside overnight, the water content is reduced to 98% of their weight. We can calculate the weight of water after reduction as follows:
Final weight of water = 98% of the new total weight of potatoes

3. Total Weight of Potatoes:
Since the water weight is reduced, the remaining weight mut be the weight of the actual potatoes. We can calculate this using the equation:
Total weight of potatoes = 100 kg - Final weight of water 

Now, let's calculate the final weight of water and the total weight of the potatoes:
Total weight of potatoes = 100 kg - (98% of the new total weight of potatoes)
Now we can solve this equation:
Total weight of potatoes = 100 kg -(0.98*Total weight of potatoes)
Expanding the equation:
Total weight of potatoes = 100 kg - 0.98*Total weight of potatoes
Total weight of potatoes + 0.98*Total weight of potatoes = 100 kg
1.98*Total weight of potatoes = 100 kg
Total weight of potatoes = 100 kg / 1.98
Total weight of potatoes ≒ 50.505 (rounded to three decimal places)
Therefore, the potatoes now weigh approximately 50.505 kg after the reduction in water content.

  The wrong part is:
3. Total Weight of Potatoes:
Since the water weight is reduced, the remaining weight mut be the weight of the actual potatoes. We can calculate this using the equation:
Total weight of potatoes = 100 kg - Final weight of water 

Total weight of potatoes = 100 kg - Weight of reduced water

Weight of reduced water = 99 kg - 98% of Total weight of potatoes

(1 - 0.98) * Total weight of potatoes = 100 kg - 99 kg
Total weight of potatoes = 1 kg / 0.02 = 50 kg

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(582) Ubazakura by Lafcadio Hearn [読解]

Ubazakura by Lafcadio Hearn

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 Ubazakura by Lafcadio Hearn

 Translation with the help of DeepL

 Three hundred years ago, in the village called Asamimura, in the district called Onsengōri, in the province of Iyō, there lived a good man named Tokubei. This Tokubei was the richest person in the district, and the muraosa, or headman, of the village. In most matters he was fortunate; but he reached the age of forty without knowing the happiness of becoming a father. Therefore he and his wife, in the affliction1) of their childlessness, addressed2) many prayers to the divinity3) Fudō Myō Ō, who had a famous temple, called Saihōji, in Asamimura.

At last their prayers were heard4): the wife of Tokubei gave birth to5) a daughter. The child was very pretty; and she received the name of Tsuyu. As the mothers milk was deficient6), a milk-nurse7), called O-Sodé, was hired for the little one.

O-Tsuyu grew up to be a very beautiful girl; but at the age of fifteen she fell sick, and the doctors thought that she was going to die. In that time the nurse O-Sodé, who loved O-Tsuyu with a real mothers love, went to the temple Saihōji, and fervently8) prayed to Fudō-Sama on behalf of the girl. Every day, for twenty-one days, she went to the temple and prayed; and at the end of that time, O-Tsuyu suddenly and completely recovered.

Then there was great rejoicing9) in the house of Tokubei; and he gave a feast to all his friends in celebration of the happy event. But on the night of the feast the nurse O-Sodé was suddenly taken ill10); and on the following morning, the doctor, who had been summoned11) to attend12) her, announced that she was dying.

Then the family, in great sorrow, gathered about13) her bed, to bid14) her farewell. But she said to them:

It is time that I should tell you something which you do not know. My prayer has been heard. I besought15) Fudō-Sama that I might be permitted to die in the place of O-Tsuyu; and this great favor has been granted16) me. Therefore you must not grieve about my death... But I have one request to make. I promised Fudō-Sama that I would have a cherry-tree planted in the garden of Saihōji, for a thank-offering17) and a commemoration18). Now I shall not be able myself to plant the tree there: so I must beg that you will fulfill that vow19) for me... Good-bye, dear friends; and remember that I was happy to die for O-Tsuyus sake.

After the funeral of O-Sodé, a young cherry-tree,the finest that could be found,was planted in the garden of Saihōji by the parents of O-Tsuyu. The tree grew and flourished20); and on the sixteenth day of the second month of the following year,the anniversary of O-Sodés death,it blossomed in a wonderful way. So it continued to blossom for two hundred and fifty-four years,always upon the sixteenth day of the second month;and its flowers, pink and white, were like the nipples of a womans breasts, bedewed21) with milk. And the people called it Ubazakura, the Cherry-tree of the Milk-Nurse.

2) address: 捧げる
3) divinity: 神、超人的な力



 すると徳兵衛の家では大喜び9)し、友人たちに祝宴を開いて祝った。しかし、その宴の夜、乳母のお袖が急病になり10)、翌朝、呼ばれて11)看護していた12) 医師が乳母の死期が迫っていると告げた。

16) grant: 承諾    [許可]する
S grant O2 O1



1) affliction: 苦痛、苦悩
2) address: 捧げる
3) divinity: 神、超人的な力
4) prayers were heard: 祈りが届いた
5) gave birth to: 子を産む
6) deficient: 不足した、欠けている
7) milk-nurse: 乳母
8) fervently: 熱烈に
9) rejoicing: 喜び、歓喜
10) was suddenly taken ill
11) summon: 呼びつける、・・・するように命じる
12) attend: 看護する、診療する。
13) gather about: [・・・の周りに]集まる
14) bid: <あいさつなど><>に述べる、言う
15) besought: beseech ・・・を嘆願する、懇願する。
16) grant: 承諾    [許可]する
17) thank-offering: (神への)感謝の捧げ物
18) commemoration: 記念物
19) vow: (神に対しての)誓い、誓約
20) flourish: <植物が>繁茂する
21) bedew: ・・・をぬらす

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