
(497) Cooking [joke]

(497) Cooking

  I keep staying home for COVID-19 (new corona virus) crisis. The other day I cooked wing sticks with seasoned vinegar (AJI PON / in Japanese), garlic and ginger. So I’d like to give you a joke about cooking now.

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  A newly-married society girl1) was determined to prove to her husband what an accomplished2) cook she was, and on the servant’s day off, set about3) cooking a chicken for his dinner. She plucked4) the fowl5) carefully, and arranged it neatly in a pot, and put it in the oven.

  Two hours later she heard a loud banging on the oven door. Investigation proved that the disturbance6) was being made by the chicken.
  “Lady,” it cried piteously7), “either give me back my feathers or turn on the gas. I’m freezing to death8) in this oven.”

1) society girl : an 'it' girl, or party girl. usually mega rich, some are a bit slutty, and trend setter. (by Urban Dictionary)
2) accomplished : complete or perfect
3) set about ing : start the performance of some task or activity.
4) pluck : pull off or out
5) fowl : birds, especially ones that are kept on a farm
6) disturbance : an occasion when people behave violently or make a lot of noise in public
7) piteously : pitifully
8) freeze to death : (to cause a person) to be very cold or to die from cold

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