
(594) Seppuku [joke]

SEPPUKU (Ritual suicide of samurai by cutting the stomach open)

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 A certain ronin, that is, masterless samurai, goes to a sake1) shop to provide excuses for his debt, but the owner refuses to acknowledge it.

 Having no other choice, the ronin takes off his kimono and says,
"I'll commit seppuku, so please pay off my debt. Will that still not be enough?"

 The owner responds,
"I've grown tired of that line," and mocks him. 

 The ronin thrusts his short sword into his side, cutting up to his navel, and then stares at the owner, asking,
"How about now?"

 The owner inquires,
"Why don't you cut it all the way through?"

 The ronin replies,
"The other half will be done at the rice store."

1) sake: [sάːki] 日本酒

子どもも、おとなも楽しめる 江戸こばなし(4) 江戸小ばなし

子どもも、おとなも楽しめる 江戸こばなし(4) 江戸小ばなし

  • 出版社/メーカー: フレーベル館
  • 発売日: 2020/12/14
  • メディア: Kindle版

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(593) Paronychia (ひょう疽) 2min Speech [thought]

 Friday night, I experienced strong pain at the tip of the index finger of my right hand. The finger was swollen. After going to bed, it was getting more and more painful. It was so painful that I couldn't sleep at all. Not exaggerating, I really thought this is how people die with pain.

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 The next morning, I learned on the internet that it was paronychia. Paronychia is an inflammation of the skin around the nail. It was Saturday. All hospitals were closed. I went to the nearest drug store and get anti-inflammatory ointment without a doctor's prescription. I spent two days in Kanazawa, repeatedly applying the ointment to my swollen finger. I returned to Matsuyama at midnight on Sunday.


 Monday, I went to a skin doctor and explained how it had been painful. The doctor looked at my finger a little and said, "It is a common finger trouble, don't worry. I'll give medicine taken orally for five days. You may keep using the ointment." That was all. I was a little disappointed. Have you ever experienced serious pain on a fingertip?

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(592) Hyoso (ひょうそ) Felon, 爪周囲炎(paronychia) [thought]

 I found the end of the nail was cracked and peeled off. I plucked it away from the nail of forefinger. I didn't mind it had hurt a little since then.

 Friday night, I experienced strong pain at the tip of the index finger of my right hand. The finger was swollen. After going to bed, it started aching. It was getting more and more painful. It was so painful that I couldn't sleep at all. Not exaggerating, really I thought this is how people die with pain.

 The next morning, I googled what this disease is. I did research on a painful and swollen finger. Instantly I found exactly the same picture of a swollen finger as mine. It said it is a felon. I started searching for nearby skin doctors and drug stores. All hospitals were closed because it was Saturday. I phoned the nearest drug store from Hotel Kanazawa. A clerk answered my call. I asked if she has any anti-infection medicines. She said yes. So, I went to the store and explained my finger's condition. I could get an ointment without a doctor's prescription. I joined two meetings and a dinner party with a swollen finger applied to the ointment several times.

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At night my finger pained less. I could fall asleep. But I woke up early in the morning and found my whole index finger got swollen.

 I attended a short tour of the Noh museum and Kenrokuen garden keeping my swollen finger upright.

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 But I felt it was getting better. White sticky liquid was getting out around the nail of the finger.

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 I returned to Matsuyama from Kanazawa. Monday my finger was still red and swollen a little.

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 I went to a skin doctor and explained how it had been painful. I continued, this occurred from the wound caused by plucking away a nail hangnail. The doctor looked at my finger a little and said, "It is a common finger trouble, don't worry, I'll give you medicine taken orally for five days. You may keep using the ointment.' That was all. I was a little disappointed. Have you ever experienced this serious pain of a finger?

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