
(514) A woman of the Long Neck Tribe [調べる]

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   Working with the U.N. Human Settlements Programme, the photographer Ruben Salgado Escudero traveled to Burma to showcase the transformative effect of solar energy. One of the nighttime portraits in his photo essayーDaw Mu Nan at her grandson's home in Pa Dan Kho.

  Before I threw away my old TIME magazines, I turned the pages of Nov. 3, 2014 issue. I found this photo of a woman of the Long Neck Tribe in the article, "Banish The Night Solar energy could help bring power to the powerless in Burma". Then I remembered another picture of the long neck tribe in a book named "Ebony-colored Virgin Mary", collections of poems by Kimiko Itami.



  • 作者: 公子, 伊丹
  • 出版社/メーカー: 沖積舎
  • 発売日: 2004/07/15
  • メディア: 単行本
When I compared the two pictures, I thought those pictures are the same woman, one is when she was young, another one is when she got old. I was a little bit excited to find the coincidence. But now I am not sure of this, because the young woman's photo was taken in 1997, and Time's issue is 2014. Only 17 years between them. Though I still think the two women are very much alike.
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  Kimiko wrote in her poem "A woman Long Neck Tribe",
A Polish adventurer, Victor de Gorish Called the place "a country of giraffe women"
The spiral brass brace
Is first worn
When a girl becomes six years old
And a new ring is added on every three years
Until the girl reaches twenty-one year old
According to the Kayani Tribe legend,
A father used to be wind
And a mother a dragon,
The long neck-rings
Looked like a dragon somehow

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