
(528) Botchan walked around the town of Matsuyama [翻訳]

map 松山城 s Eng.jpg
坊っちゃん (1966年) (角川文庫)

坊っちゃん (1966年) (角川文庫)

  • 作者: 夏目 漱石
  • 出版社/メーカー: 角川書店
  • 発売日: 2021/03/12
  • メディア: 文庫
―坊ちゃん 夏目漱石 著
3) 兵舎:当時、旧松山城内には歩兵第二十二連隊があった。
4) 二十五万石:松山は久松氏十五万石の城下町
5) 松山着任後、漱石が実際に泊ったのは、城戸屋(きどや)旅館であった。
  My comment: It seems that his first impression of Matsuyama was bad because he was just speaking ill of Matsuyama, but he turned this negative impression into energy and completed the novel "Botchan". In other words, I thought that even things with a bad first impression might create some other value if we tackle them without running away. 

the middle school s.jpg
坊っちゃん―BOTCHAN 【講談社英語文庫】

坊っちゃん―BOTCHAN 【講談社英語文庫】

  • 出版社/メーカー: 講談社インターナショナル
  • 発売日: 1997/04/01
  • メディア: 文庫

  I walked out of the school gate with the intention of going straight back to the inn, but since I had nothing to do there, I decided to walk around the town for a while and strolled aimlessly through the streets. I saw the prefectural government office, an old building from the last century, and the army barracks.
img018 (3)二代目県庁 s Eng.jpg

These were no better than those of the regiment1) at Azabu in Tokyo. I also saw the main street, which was about half size of Tokyo's Kagurazaka, and whose shops were poorer.
明治時代の大街道 Eng.jpg

愛媛県立尋常松山中学校 s Eng.jpg
This was just a small castle town which in feudal times probably only yield its lord a paltry million and quarter bushels of grain2). I was walking along, pitying those who brag about living in a "castle town," when I suddenly found myself in front of the Yamashiroya.
--- Botchan / translated by Alan Turney.

城戸屋旅館S20年 s Eng.jpg

Kidoya Inn
is the model for Yamashiroya, the Inn where Botchan, the hero of Soseki Natsume's novel stayed at first.

1) Regiment: 連隊
2) a paltry million and a quarter bushels of grain: わずか125万ブッシェルの穀物(25万石)


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