
(498) Word / distance [英単語]

I often hear “distance” is mentioned in the Corona virus crisis.

Nova Oxford Dictionary of English defines;
   distance / noun[C,U] the amount of space between two places or points;
 ◯ We have some distance to go.
social ditancing.jpg
  There are few "distances" I saw these days.
1. Social distance
Andrew Cuomo tweeted on Apr. 29, 2020
This sign says it all. Keep your face covered when you're in public and can't maintain social distance.

FUHGEDDABOUTIT (forget about it)

2. Physical distancing, social distancing
The Scottish government is considering if it is feasible for children to carry out physical distancing in schools once the lockdown is over. So how can you social distance in a school?

 It has published a new document outlining the basis of an exit strategy from the UK-wide lockdown that has been in place since 23 March.

A move away from the current restrictions would include the continuation of social distancing.


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(492) いろいろな皮 [英単語]

(492) いろいろな皮

A mother said to her daughter, “Eat a banana.”
The daughter ate it and left the table.
The mother said, “Peeling on the table!”
Then the child cleaned the table.

Peeling :
バナナの皮that which is peeled from something , as a piece of the skin or rind of a fruit.


Then I looked up in a Japanese-English dictionary. 

(1)   皮膚・毛皮
skin: salmon skin サケの皮
salmon s.jpg

 I burned in the sun and my skin peeled.

hide: a fox hide キツネの皮 animal skinfox s.jpg
pelt: 毛のついた皮、the untanned hide or skin of an animal.

leather: 革(かわ)

The skin of an animal, with the hair removed, prepared for use by tanning or a similar process designed to preserve it against decay and make it pliable1) or supple2) when dry.
1)    pliable: easily bent; flexible; 
2)    supple: bending readily without breaking or becoming deformed;

(2)   樹木や果実などの表皮
skin: 野菜、果物の皮 an apple skin, a tomato skin, onion skin
peel: バナナなど手でむける皮 banana peelwatermelon s.jpg
rind [rɪnd]: スイカなどの厚い皮 watermelon rind; orange rind; bacon rind.
husk(s): 穀物の
bark: 樹皮

(3)   外から覆い包んでいるもの
the bread covering of a filled bun: 饅頭の皮
a gyoza skin [wrapper]: 餃子の皮



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(488) word / tall [英単語]

Tall: difficult to believe, hard to believe

a tall tale


September 2017
("What's Going On" Matsuyama International Center, Ehime)   


螽焼く爺の話しや嘘だらけ  子規

   Inago yaku
   Ji no hanashi ya

   Uso darake

IMG_いなご S.jpg

   grilling locusts
   an old man

   full of tall tales 

Season word: locust(螽 inago), autumn
Composed in 1898, at age 31

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(484) word/ baboon [英単語]

Baboon [bæbúːn] 狒々
I saw this word, “baboon” in a children book which teaches English words beginning with the letter “b”.
Definition of baboon is large terrestrial monkeys having doglike muzzles.
ex. Hamadryas baboon

Next, I learned about the difference between apes and monkeys.
Ape: An animal of a class of primates generally larger than monkeys and distinguished from them by having no tail.
Monkey: Any of various long-tailed primates [prάɪmət霊長目の動物] (excluding the prosimians原猿).

chimpanzees (genus Pan) non-human apes (great apes)

gorillas (genus Gorilla)  non-human apes (great apes)

orangutans (genus Pongo)  non-human apes (great apes)猩々(しょうじょう)

gibbons [gíb(ə)n] (family Hylobatidae)  non-human apes (lesser apes)


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(479) word: dromedary [英単語]


I saw this word in a children book , titled “words starting with letter D.”


Dromedary [drάmədèri]: speedy one-humped camel



Bactrian camel [bˈæktriən]

Two-humped camel of the cold deserts of central Asia.



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(478) a lump of sugar [英単語]


a lump of: 一個の

a lump of sugar.jpg

There was a girl in a café who was very fond of a dog who used to come there regularly with a man and she regularly gave him a lump of sugar, one day the man came in without the dog and said the dog was dead. The girl had the lump of sugar in her hand and when she heard the dog was dead tears came to her eyes and she ate the lump of sugar (Paris France, Liveright, 1970, p. 34).


lump sugar.jpg

Chinese Lump Sugar is lumps of crystallized, refined sugar made from sugar cane.

It is opaque1) lumps of sugar, made in different sizes. The colour can be white or yellow; the yellow is referred to in English as Yellow Lump Sugar.

1) opaque: inpervious to light


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(477) word: sulk, pout [英単語]

Word: sulk, pout

Sulk [sˈʌlk]: (Vi) to refuse to speak or smile because you want people to know that you are angry about something

The child sulked in a corner after being slapped.


He's sulking in his room because I wouldn't let him have any more chocolate.

Pout [pάʊt]: (Vi) to push your lips, or your bottom lip, forward to how that you are annoyed about sth or to look sexually attractive


Vanessa always pouts if she doesn't get what she wants.

Caroline pouts her lips when she's putting on lipstick.

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(472) word: hobbyhorse [英単語]

1. toy horse on which a child rocks.
2. topic one constantly talks about.
----Merrian Webster

---RIQ(Free newspaper) なーるほど英会話

But there were spiderwebs on the dolls and the hoop, and the hobbyhorse, because there was no one there to use them.
---from picture book “The donkey prince”
hobbyhorse web小.jpg
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(471) word : mistletoe [英単語]

Word: Mistletoe

mistletoe matsuyama3.jpg
pic. mistletoe matsuyama3

Word: mistletoe [mísltòʊ|‐t`əʊ]

1. Noun. Any of several parasitic evergreen plants with white berries that grow in the crowns of oaks, apple trees and other trees. 

2. Noun. A sprig of these plants used as a Christmas decoration.

parasitic: Drawing upon another organism for sustenance.
crowns: The upper branches and leaves of a tree or other plant.

Pic. mistletoe1

It is traditional to kiss under the mistletoe.

This tradition comes from a Norse legend.

mistletoe kiss.jpg
pic. mistletoe kiss

What is the story behind it?

Mistletoe’s mystical properties stem back from the Celts and Norse people who believed there was something mystical about it as it stayed green in winter even when the tree has
lost its leaves.
Celts: A member of a European people who once occupied Britain and Spain and Gaul prior to Roman times.
Norse: An inhabitant of Scandinavia.

mistletoe matsuyama2.jpg
Pic. Mistletoe matsuyama2

It was also believed to bring luck in Medieval times.

One Norse tale explains its links to romance and love (and kissing).

Balder, son of the goddess Frigga, was killed by an evil spirit with an arrow made of mistletoe.


Frigga was so distraught that her tears turned to white berries, coating the plant and symbolizing her love for him.
Frigga was so overjoyed that she blessed the plant and promised a kiss to all who passed beneath it from that day onwards.

This turned into a tradition in ancient times when visitors would kiss the hand of a host under the mistletoe when they arrived as a way of honouring the Norse legend.

distraught: Deeply agitated especially from emotion. 

Since then, the tradition has evolved to the custom we all know.
In England, the custom of kissing under the mistletoe is referred to in late 18th century England.
mistletoe matsuyama4.jpg
pic. mistletoe matsuyama4


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(468) word: dust [英単語]

Word: dust


Dust: Noun.
Fine powdery material such as dry earth or pollen that can be blown about in
the air. "The furniture was covered with dust"

Dust: Verb. Remove the dust
from. "Dust the cabinets"

Duster: A piece of
cloth used for dusting.

Dirt: mud, dust,
or grime that makes something unclean

Poppy pig
by dick bruna

Poppy Pig (Miffy's Library)

Poppy Pig (Miffy's Library)

  • 作者: Dick Bruna
  • 出版社/メーカー: Egmont Books Ltd
  • 発売日: 1996/11/15
  • メディア: ハードカバー

She dusted down the
cupboard next

she took the greatest care

she dusted up, she dusted down

she dusted everywhere.

But look, oh dear, the duster now
was dirty as could be
so Poppy washed it in a bowl
until the
dirt came free.



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