
(325) メルヘンを正しく理解すると [読書感想]

maria morevna.png
S.Teplov. "Maria Morevna"
Box. 1990 Kholui

メルヘン(Mӓrchen 独: おとぎ話)は、暗い精神(Geist ガイスト)の魔力を克復しようと思うならば、どうふるまうべきかを示す。すなわち当の暗い精神(ガイスト)の常套手段を用いて立ち向かわなければならない。
―ユングの象徴論 メルヘンの精神現象論 66p

ユングの象徴論 (1981年)

  • 作者: 秋山 さと子
  • 出版社/メーカー: 思索社
  • 発売日: 1981/11
  • メディア: -


Maria Morevna は美しい女王で、Kashchey the Deathless という悪霊にさらわれる。主人公はPrince Ivanで悪霊の持つ名馬、より素晴らしい馬を、悪霊と同じく、Baba Yagaという魔女から手に入れる。

三羽の鳥(鳥人)raven, eagle, falcon, と三匹の動物、とり bird と ミツバチqueen bee とライオンlioness に助けられて、悪霊をやっつけて、女王をとりもどし、幸せに暮らした。

White falcon(《鳥》ハヤブサ)
They had hardly entered the palace when they heard another clap of thunder, the ceiling split in two, and a white falcon flew down into their chamber. The falcon beat himself against the floor and changed into a handsome young man. ''Greetings, Prince Ivan,'' said the newcomer. ''In former days I came as your guest, but now I have come to ask for the hand of your sister, Princess Maria.''

They had hardly entered the palace when there was another thunder-clap, the ceiling split in two, and an eagle flew down. He struck himself against the floor and changed into a handsome young man. ''Greetings, Prince Ivan,'' he said. ''In past days I came as a guest, but now I have come as a suitor I wish to marry Princess Olga.''

They returned home, but before they could even sit down there was a thunder-clap, the ceiling parted, and a raven flew down. He beat himself against the floor and changed into a handsome young man: the falcon and the eagle had been good-looking enough, but this raven was even more strikingly handsome. ''Well, Prince Ivan,'' he said, ''in past days I came as a guest, but now I have come as a suitor. Give me Princess Anna for my wife.''

the witch, Baba Yaga
So he wandered on, feeling terribly hungry, until he came to the house of the witch, Baba Yaga. The house was surrounded by twelve poles; on eleven of the poles human heads were impaled, and only one pole was without a head. He went up to the witch and said: ''Greetings, Grannie.''
''Greetings, Prince Ivan,'' she answered. ''Why have you come to visit me, of your own free will or out of necessity?''
''I have come to earn a heroic horse from you,'' he told her.
''By all means, Prince. And you will have to serve me for a year, only three altogether. If you graze my mares without losing one of them I will give you a horse fit for any hero.
your own free will:自分の自由意志
out of necessity:必要に迫られて、仕方なく、やむを得ず

The eagle, the falcon, the raven
At the very moment that Kashchey cut Prince Ivan into pieces the silver articles the prince had left with his sisters were tarnished. ''Ah,'' his brothers-in-law said, ''evidently some misfortune has happened to him.'' The eagle flew up and saw the barrel floating in the sea, and dragged it on to the shore. The falcon flew to fetch spring water, and the raven for still water. Then all three flew to the spot where the barrel was lying, broke it open, took out the pieces of Prince Ivan, washed them, and put them together as they had been. The raven sprinkled the still water over the pieces, and they grew together and became one whole; the falcon sprinkled the spring water over the body, and Prince Ivan shuddered, sat up, and remarked: ''Why, what a long time I have been asleep!''
still water:川の水が流れずに滞っている所

the bird
The sun was setting when he was awakened by the bird whose chick he had spared. ''Get up, Prince Ivan,'' she said. ''And do not worry: the mares are already at home.'' So the prince got up and went back to the witch's house. There he found her shouting and screaming at the mares: ''Why have you come back home?''
''But what else were we to do?'' they asked. ''Birds came flying from all over the world and all but pecked out our eyes.''
  ''In that case, tomorrow do not scatter over the meadows, but run into the dense forest,'' she told them.

As the sun was setting beyond the forest the lioness ran up to him and awakened him. ''Go home, Prince Ivan,'' she told him. ''The mares are all rounded up.'' So the prince went back to the house. There he found the witch raging and storming even more than before at the mares. ''Why have you come back home?'' she demanded.
''But what else could we do?'' they asked. ''Savage beasts from all over the world came running after us and all but tore us to pieces.''
''Well then,'' she said, ''tomorrow you must run right into the blue sea.''
rounded up:《be ~》に集合させられる
all but:ほとんどalmost

queen bee
The sun was setting when the queen bee flew up and told him: ''Get up, Prince. All the mares are rounded up. But when you go back, do not let the witch see you. Go into the stable and hide behind the mangers. In there you will see a sorry-looking foal rolling in the dung. Steal him, and in the dead of night ride away from the witch's house.''
Prince Ivan rose, went to the stable, and hid behind the mangers. As he lay there he heard Baba Yaga shouting and swearing at her mares: ''What have you come back for?'' she demanded.
''But what else were we to do ?'' they asked. ''Swarms of bees from all over the world flew up and stung us until they drew blood.''

draw blood:〔人を〕怒らせる、むかつかせる

・The time came when their father and mother, the tsar and tsaritsa, both died;
tsa:旧ロシア皇后、Tsaritsa (Bulgarian: царица; Russian: цари́ца), formerly spelled czaritsa (and in English usually tsarina or czarina, with a feminine suffix), is the title of a female autocratic ruler (monarch) of Bulgaria or Russia, or the title of a tsar's wife.

・Again a black cloud overcast the sky, and with it came a whirlwind and lightning.

・''I shall not compel my sister against her will; if you have fallen in love with her, and she with you, she may go with you,'' replied Ivan. Princess

・''Ride everywhere, and keep an eye on everything. But one thing you must not do: you must not even look into this boxroom,'' and she showed him the door of the boxroom.

・''But leave your silver snuffbox with us; we will look at it occasionally to remind ourselves of you.'' The prince gave them his silver snuffbox, said goodbye, and went his way.

・Kashchey was out hunting; as he returned home late in the afternoon his good horse stumbled under him. ''What is the matter with you, you old nag?'' he demanded.

・''You could sow your wheat, wait for it to grow, you could harvest it and thresh it, grind it into flour, bake bread from it in five ovens, and eat the bread, and only then set out in pursuit. And even so we would overtake them,'' said the horse.
in pursuit:追跡

・he galloped after Ivan and Maria, caught up with them, cut Ivan into little pieces with his sword, and put the pieces into a tarred barrel. Then he ringed the barrel with iron hoops and flung it into the blue sea.

・So he set off once more, reached the palace where she was being held, and asked her: ''Find out from Kashchey the Deathless where he obtained such a splendid horse as he rides.'' Maria Morevna waited for a favourable moment, and then asked Kashchey about the horse.
favourable moment:好ましい[望ましい]

・She has a mare on which she flies right round the world every day. She has many other remarkable mares too. I worked for her three days as a shepherd. She would not give me one of her mares in payment for my work, but she did give me one small foal.''

・He was plunged into despair, sat down on a stone, and began to weep; but he was so tired that he fell asleep.
plunge into despair:落胆する。

・He went to the mares and drove them out into the field. But they immediately flourished their tails and scattered about the dense forest.

・As soon as he drove the mares into the field they tossed their manes and disappeared from his sight, for they ran right into the blue sea.

・He rode up to the river, and waved Kashchey's handkerchief three times to the right. Suddenly a magnificent, lofty bridge hung over the river, appearing from nowhere.

・Next morning when the witch woke up she could not find the prince, and soon discovered that the foal had gone. So she rushed in pursuit, riding in her iron mortar and urging it on with a pestle, sweeping away her tracks behind her with a besom.

・But when she rode onto the bridge and reached the middle it collapsed, and she fell headlong into the River of Fire. There she met with a fearful death.
fall headlong:真っ逆さまに落ちる、頭から落ちる

・Meanwhile, Prince Ivan rode once more to rescue Maria Morevna; she saw him coming, ran out, and flung her arms round his neck. ''How have you been restored to life ?''
restoredto life:蘇生する

・''But can we overtake them?'' he asked.
''Goodness knows!'' the horse answered. ''Prince Ivan now has a horse fit for any hero, and it is even better than me.''
Goodness knows




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(320) 耳の聞こえない私が4ヶ国語しゃべれる理由 [読書感想]

キム スーリン.jpg 耳の聞こえない私が4カ国語しゃべれる理由

  • 作者: 金修琳 (Kim Surim)
  • 出版社/メーカー: ポプラ社
  • 発売日: 2011/04/21
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)

人間の能力、脳の能力って、すごいと思った。 耳が聞こえないのに、新しく外国語をマスターするなんて不可能と思ってしまう。 でも、彼女の母親の「この子は障害者じゃありません」と宣言し、「聴覚障害者」として育てることはしないという誓いが、この非常識とも思える誓いが、逆に、奇跡を起こすきっかけとなったみたいだ。 不可能と思う事にも、とにかく、挑戦をしなくては、奇跡もおきない。


From the moment I met her you could feel her specialness. Her quiet determination. Her passion to be the best she could be. Her willingness to be a great teammate and do what it took to achieve results. I had great respect for her.
―Thomas K. Montag
specialness: a distinguishing trait(〔人の性格の〕特徴、特質)  
do what it take to: ~するために必要なことをする

現Merrill lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc.
グローバル・パンキング &マーケット 部門プレジデント
トーマス. K. モンタグ


「百三十デシベル以上の音でないと反応しません。頭上を飛行機が通ってやっと気づくぐらいじゃないですかね。」 68p
最重度(Profound 91デジベル以上、 total hearing loss 聾)に分類される。

「・・・・感音性難聴というものです。 ・・・」 69p
感音性難聴:sensory deafness《医》
伝音性難聴:conduction deafness《医》

ちなみに、わたしが身体障害者手帳というものを取得したのは、二十歳すぎてから、自分の意思で、だった。 70p
身体障害者手帳:physical disability certificate

 こうして、わたしは、一度発音してみて通じた言葉や、日常生活で肌で感じた言葉をけっして忘れないよう、記憶に刻みつけるようにして、日本語を覚えていった。通訳してくれる人はいない。頼れるものは自分だけ。必死な毎日だった。 82p


過食症:bulimia [bjuːli'miə]
anorexia [æ`nəre'ksiə]

わたしはどんどん食べて、どんどん吐いた。それを二年くらい続けると、高校三年になったときには身長百七十センチで体重四十三キロくらいにまで落ちていた。 121p

学校が終わるとまっすぐ帰宅して、エミリーに、その日一日でインプットした単語やらなにやらを、次々とアウトプットした。 ・・・

夕食のあとも、日本の簡単な英語辞書の巻末にたいていついている、口やのどの断面図で発音を開設しているページを参考に、音の出し方を自分なりに研究したりした。それまでしたくてもできなかった不満をとりかえすように、思う存分勉強した。 142p

これが私の二つ目の外国語体験だった。 143p

 わたしはそのとき、はじめて障害者用の就職フォーラムがあることを知った。そして、以前は母が拒んだために、申請していなかった身体障害者手帳を取得し、さっそく行ってみることにした。 161p


「決まったことを勉強しても意味がないだろう? 知りたいことをどんどん追求することが勉強なんじゃないかな? ドイツ人に生まれてドイツしか知らないまま終わってしまうのは、地球人としてもったいない。億万長者になれたとしても、世界のすばらしさを見ないまま、知りたいこともわからないままでいることは、それこそ「POOR」(貧乏)なんじゃないかな」 196p

 これで、わたしは、耳が聞こえないながらも四か国語をマスターしたことになる。 220p

 美和(みわ)とともに過ごすうちに、わたしは「ありがとう」と素直に伝えることのすばらしさを、じょじょに学んでいった。 それは、わたしの人生観を変える、大きな大きな変化だった。

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(288) Mermaid [読書感想]

―米原万里の「愛の法則」 p.166
米原万里の「愛の法則」 (集英社新書 406F)

米原万里の「愛の法則」 (集英社新書 406F)

  • 作者: 米原 万里
  • 出版社/メーカー: 集英社
  • 発売日: 2007/08/17
  • メディア: 新書


著者:Atkin Stuart A.
書名:人魚姫 (Kodansha English library) 


She was given lovely clothes to wear and wonderful human food to eat. She sat at the table beside the prince, and everyone agreed that she was the most beautiful girl in the whole palace. But they all wondered why she did not speak.
  After dinner, the slave-girls began to sing and the prince praised them greatly. Oh, if only he could have heard her sing, she thought to herself. If only he knew just what she had sacrificed to be there with him!
―p. 38
if only :ただ~でさえあればいいのだが

When he kissed her on her forehead, her eyes said, "My dear prince, do you love me more than anyone else in the whole world?"
  And the prince would reply. "My dear foundling, you are the dearest and kindest person in the world, and I know how much you love me. You remind me so much of a young girl I once saw when I was shipwrecked and carried ashore by the waves. She found me on the sand and save my life. She is the only one I will ever truely love. But I have never seen her again, and I know she belongs to a convent. You have been sent here to remind me of her, I am sure. So please stay with me!"
  "He doesn't know I saved him!" thought the little mermaid. She sighed deeply, even though she couldn't cry.
―p. 41

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(286)夢ノート [読書感想]



「夢ノート」のつくりかた―あなたの願いが、きっとかなう (PHP文庫)

「夢ノート」のつくりかた―あなたの願いが、きっとかなう (PHP文庫)

  • 作者: 中山 庸子
  • 出版社/メーカー: PHP研究所
  • 発売日: 1998/09
  • メディア: 文庫
Over three deccades ago,
a dream grew into a vision. Plans rolled out into action.
And two men's steely resolve forged new beginings.
Thejo was the result of that dream.
grow into :成長して~になる
rolled out : to get out of bed
steely resolve :鋼のように固い決意
forge:to form or bring into being especially by an expenditure of effort 〔努力して関係などを〕築く、構築する

Vision: a thought, concept, or object formed by the imagination 
成就 Fulfillment

次の小川 捷之さんの言葉もすごいと思った。


会社に行きたくない!―サラリーマン心理分析室 (ハヤカワ文庫NF)

会社に行きたくない!―サラリーマン心理分析室 (ハヤカワ文庫NF)

  • 作者: 小川 捷之
  • 出版社/メーカー: 早川書房
  • 発売日: 2008/06
  • メディア: 文庫

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(262) 個人が創造性を発揮するために必要なもの [読書感想]

、「ソフトレーザー脱離イオン化法にてビタミンB12を測定 by 田中耕一さん
He mistakenly used a glycerin-UFMP mixed matrix
UFMP:Ultra Fine Metal Powder


勇気 Courage
挑戦 To challenge
不屈の闘志 Persistence
組み合わせ To combine
新たな視点 To see in a new way
遊び心 Playfullness ("Homo Ludens")
偶然 Chance
努力 Work
瞬間的ひらめき "Moment of insight"

生涯最高の失敗 (朝日選書)

生涯最高の失敗 (朝日選書)

  • 作者: 田中 耕一
  • 出版社/メーカー: 朝日新聞社
  • 発売日: 2003/09/09
  • メディア: 単行本


That research and development began in 1984. Since Mr. Akita was already a talented designer of electrical circuits and systems, I assumed the responsibility of acquiring data from the chemical experiments.
This would be a first-time ever experience for me to irradiate substances with a laser, and the first time to perform chemical experiments away from the educational context of school. However, I undertook this project thinking that it would be very interesting, drawing on the inquisitiveness that had guided me since my elementary school days.
irradiate[ire'idie`it ]:照射する
away from: ~から離れて
context :状況、事情、背景

My specific task was to search for a matrix that would enable non-destructive ionization of macromolecules by efficiently absorbing the laser energy. The laboratory stocked hundreds of substances that were candidates for the matrix. Without having studied the theory of ionization coupled with my paucity of knowledge in chemistry, I single-mindedly, day-after-day, repeated trial and error experiments with the candidate substances. Continuing this regimen tirelessly, I felt like I had become one with these substances and the instrument. However, a solution was not easily found.
trial and error experiments :試行錯誤の試験



One day in February of 1985, instead of using Cobalt Ultra Fine Metal Powder (UFMP) as a matrix, I mistakenly used a glycerin-UFMP mixed matrix. I noticed this mistake immediately, but I thought, "Mottai-nai!" at the idea of throwing the mixture away. If I allowed the glycerin to evaporate, I thought that I could still make use of the UFMP, so I placed the mixture in the vacuum chamber to dry it out. Thinking that I could even speed up the drying process by irradiating the mixture with the laser, I switched on the laser beam. On top of that, anxious to confirm the elimination of the glycerin as soon as possible, I kept the spectrometer running and monitored the results. And then, I noticed a signal peak I had never before seen mixed in with the noise peaks. I think because up to that point I had always felt annoyance at the sight of that noise wave data in the experiments, I noticed a slight difference. The signal peak that I had never seen before now appeared at the same position no matter how many times I ran the experiment.
annoyance :苛立たしさ、腹立ち、うるさがらせること

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(251)「”死ぬ”までにやっておきなさい」を読んで [読書感想]

愛媛県内子町 涅槃仏の足裏

8 practices to live a happy life with smiles

4th practice: Make a certain day as a gloomy day.
For example, make Monday as a special day when you think about someting dark and depressing of a week. But the next day, Tuesday you stop worrying and start thinking happy things.

“死ぬ”までに、やっておきなさい―人生の最期を笑って生きるために (プラチナBOOKS)

“死ぬ”までに、やっておきなさい―人生の最期を笑って生きるために (プラチナBOOKS)

  • 作者: 朝日 俊彦
  • 出版社/メーカー: 主婦と生活社
  • 発売日: 2008/04
  • メディア: 単行本
2. A proposal of old people's contribution to society

A general idea is that people over 60 years old take some easy qualifications of nursing care for the old, then provide care for those who need help. And when they become care receivers on the contrary, they can have care from healthier old people in their neighborhood. When this kind of circulation of caring is established, the area is revitalized. Because the young people can do other various activities than carenursing for the old.

3. My impression

I hope that a new subject is added to compulsory education, in which is taught how to live a happy life and have its ending peacefully.

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(148)ミュータント メッセージ [読書感想]

mutant message.jpg
Mutant message down under

ミュータント・メッセージ (角川文庫)

ミュータント・メッセージ (角川文庫)

  • 作者: マルロ モーガン
  • 出版社/メーカー: 角川書店
  • 発売日: 1999/04
  • メディア: 文庫

16章 裁縫 の部分の英文をネットで見つけたので、小沢瑞穂さんの訳と、並べて表記しました。次の5点が、この章で感銘を受けた部分です。

1.The person sitting directly opposite you in a circle is a spirit reflection of yourself. 輪になったとき自分の正面にいる人は、あなたの精神を映す鏡

2.The only way a person ever truly changes anything about himself is by his own decision, and that everyone has the ability to change anything he wants to about his personality. 自分を変える唯一の手段は自分の意志だけで、だれもが自分の性格を変える力を持っている。

3.Your businesses were started so people could get better items collectively than they could get for themselves and as a method to express individual talent, and become part of your money system. But now the goal of business is to stay in business. Business is not real, it is just an agreement, yet the goal of business is to stay in business regardless of the outcome on the people or the product and services!  あなたがたが仕事を始めたのは、人が自分の力で手に入れられる以上の品物を持ったり、自分の能力を発揮したり、お金を手に入れたりするためでしょう。でも今では仕事をつづけることが仕事の目的になっているのね。仕事は現実のものではない。ただの契約にすぎない。それなのに係わる人々や品物や品物やサービスなどの結果におかまいなしに、仕事をづづけることが仕事の目的になっている。

4.Jobs one grows too old to perform. Limited usefulness." "Never too old for worth,"  (ミュータントには)歳をとったらできない仕事がある、役立つのに限度がある。(アボリジンには)「役立つのに歳は関係ないよ」

5.She was a woman with a purpose; she lived that purpose. 彼女は目的に生きていた。

Marlo Morgan
16. Sewing
(1)We had finished our meal for the day. (2)The fire was a soft glow of embers, and occasional sparks rose into the surrounding limitless sky. (3)Several of us sat in a circle around the flickering patterns. (4)These people, like many Native American tribes, believe when you are sitting in a circle it is very important that you observe the other members of the group, most especially the person sitting directly opposite you. (5)That person is a spirit reflection of yourself. (6)The things you see in that individual that you admire are qualities within yourself that you wish to make more dominant. (7)The actions, appearances, and behavior that you do not like are things about yourself that need working on. (8)You cannot recognize what you deem to be good or bad in others unless you yourself have the same strengths and weaknesses at some level of your being. (9)Only the degree of self-discipline and self-expression differ. (10)They believe the only way a person ever truly changes anything about himself is by his own decision, and that everyone has the ability to change anything he wants to about his personality. (11)There is no limit to what you can release and what you can acquire. (12)They also believe the only true influence you have on anyone else is by your own life, how you act, what you do. (13)Believing this way makes the tribal members committed every day to being better persons.

(14)I was sitting across from Sewing Master. (15)Her head bent as she gave serious concentration to the repair job at hand. (16)Earlier in the day, Great Stone Hunter had come to her after the water vessel he carried around his waist belt suddenly fell to the ground. (17)It was not the kangaroo bladder filled with our precious cargo that wore out, only the leather strap holding it to his side.

(18)Sewing Master cut the natural thread with her teeth. (19)They were worn smooth and about half their original height. (20)Raising her head from the working posture, she said, "It is interesting, Mutants and aging. Jobs one grows too old to perform. Limited usefulness."

(21)"Never too old for worth," someone added.

(22)"It seems business has become a hazard to Mutants. (23)Your businesses were started so people could get better items collectively than they could get for themselves and as a method to express individual talent, and become part of your money system. (24)But now the goal of business is to stay in business. (25)It seems so strange to us because we see the product as a real thing, and people as real things, but business isn't real. (26)A business is only an idea, only an agreement, yet the goal of business is to stay in business regardless. (27)Such beliefs are difficult to understand," Sewing Master commented.

(28)So I told them about the free-enterprise system of government, private ownership, corporations, stocks and bonds, unemployment benefits, social security, and unions. (29)I told them what I knew about the Russian form of government, and how the Chinese and Japanese economies differ. (30)I have lectured in Denmark, Brazil, Europe, and Sri Lanka, so I shared what I knew about life in those places.

(31)We talked about industry and products. They all agreed, automobiles were handy objects of transportation. (32)Being a slave to the payment of it, however, and possibly being involved in an accident where you would most certainly have a confrontation to settle, possibly creating an enemy, and sharing the limited desert water with four wheels and a seat, wasn't worth it, in their opinion. (33)Besides they are never in a hurry.

(34)I looked at Sewing Master sitting across from me. (35)She had many remarkable traits I admired. (36)She was well versed on the history of the world and even on current events, yet she did not read or write. (37)She was creative. (38)I noticed she offered to make the necessary repair for Great Stone Hunter before he asked. (39)She was a woman with a purpose; she lived that purpose. It seemed true; I could learn from observing the one sitting opposite me in the circle.

(40)I wondered what she thought of me. (41)When we formed a circle, someone always sat opposite me but there was never a big rush for the position. (42)One major flaw, I knew, was asking too many questions. (43)I needed to remember that these people shared openly, so when the time was right, I would be included. (44)I probably sounded like some pesty child.

(45)After we had retired for the night, I was still thinking about her remarks. (46)Business is not real, it is just an agreement, yet the goal of business is to stay in business regardless of the outcome on the people or the product and services! (47)That was quite an astute observation for someone who has never read a newspaper, seen a television, or listened to the radio. (48)At that moment I wished the entire world could hear this woman.

(49)Maybe instead of calling this place the Outback, they should consider it the center of human concern.

16. 裁縫
































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(134)赤ちゃんを見る瞳は大きくなる [読書感想]

The female even before she had bred, seems to be primed for maternal reactions.


Manwatching  から編集して作られた英語テキスト(KINSEIDO TOKYO)を読んだ。


  • 作者: Desmond Morris
  • 出版社/メーカー: Jonathan Cape
  • 発売日: 1977/10/17
  • メディア: ハードカバー

Pupil dilations and constrictions indicating change of mood

Human female coos over someone else's new baby, and she means it.
The women showed strong pupil dilation when viewing pictures of human babies.
The pupil's changes form a valuable guide to our true feelings.

The female even before she had bred, seems to be primed for maternal reactions.

dilation 拡張
constriction 収縮
coo 優しく語りかける

pupil signal
If we see something that excites us, whether with pleasurable anticipation or with fear, our pupils expand more than usual for the existing light conditions. If we see something mildly distasteful, they contract more than they should in the existing light conditions. These changes normally occur without our knowledge and, since they are also largely beyond our control, they form a valuable guide to our true feelings.

The women showed strong pupil dilation when viewing these picture (of human babies) , regardless of whether they were single, married and childless, or parents. The men, in contrast, showed pupil constriction if they were single or married and childless, but showed strong dilation if they were parents. In other words, the childless human male who coos over someone else's new baby is probably merely being polite, but female means it.




expand 大きくなる
contract 収縮させる。


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(97)抗うつ薬 SSRI [読書感想]




  • 作者: 酒井 和夫
  • 出版社/メーカー: リヨン社
  • 発売日: 1999/07
  • メディア: 単行本













⑥「友達が液体状態になり死んだ、戦車の運転席に座ったまま。何もかも全てを私は見てた。」というのが、もっともありふれた所感だ。もうひとつは、「あのどでかい、くそ爆弾が、私の友達の頭を吹き飛ばした、ほんの50m私から離れたところで。」 こんな消し去ることのできない光景 ―そして、いろいろ心配する、いつだろうか、どこでだろうか、次の爆弾が落ちるのは― こうして、幾千もの兵士が抗うつ薬を服用するようになると、軍の精神科医は言う。


TIME June 16, 2008
The U.S. Military's Secret Weapon
①For the first time in history, thousands of troops are being given antidepressant drugs to deal with battlefield stress. Is this any way to fight a war?

②Sergeant Christopher LeJeune visited a military doctor in Iraq, who, after a quick session, diagnosed depression. The doctor sent him back to war armed with the antidepressant Zoloft and the antianxiety drug clonazepam. "It's not easy for soldiers to admit the problems that they're having over there for a variety of reasons," LeJeune says. "If they do admit it, then the only solution given is pills."

antidepressant 抗うつ剤、抗うつ薬
diagonose depression うつの診断をする
Zoloft ゾロフト◆米国のファイザー社製の抗うつ剤。1992年に発売開始。
antianxiety drug 抗不安薬
clonazepam 《薬学》クロナゼパム

③The military's rising use of antidepressants also reflects their prevalence in the civilian population. In 2004, the last year for which complete data for the U.S. are available, doctors wrote 147 million presciptions for antidepressants, according to IMS Health, a pharmaceutical-market-research firm. This number reflects in part the common practice of cycling through different medications to find the most effective drug. A 2006 federally funded study found that 70% of those taking antidepressants along with therapy experience some improvement in mood.

At least 115 soldiers killed themselves last year, including 36 in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Army said on May 29. That's the highest toll since it started keeping such records in 1980. ④Nearly 40% of Army suicide victimes in 2006 and 2007 took psychotropic drugs ― overwhelmingly, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIS) like Prozac and Zoloft. While the Army cites failed relationships as the primary cause, some outside experts sense a link between suicides and prescription-drug use ― though there is also no way of knowing how many suicide attempts the antidepressants may have prevented by improving a soldier's spirits. "The high percentage of U.S. soldiers attempting suicide after taking SSRIS should raise serious concerns." says Dr. Joseph Glenmullen, who teaches psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. "And there's no question they're using them to prop people up in difficult circumstances."

toll 代価
psychotropic drugs 向精神薬
SSRIS selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
Prozac プロザック◆イーライリリー社が1988年に米国で発売を開始したSSRI型の抗鬱剤。
Zoloft ゾロフト◆米国のファイザー社製の抗うつ剤。1992年に発売開始。
psychiatry 精神医学
people up 下支えする

The Trauma of War
Before the advent of SSRIS ― LILLY's Prozac was the first to be approved by the FDA, in1987, followed by Zoloft from Pfizer, Paxil from GlaxoSmithKline, Celexa from Forest Pharmacuticals and others ― existing antidepressants had many disabling side effects. Impaired memory and judgment, diziness, drowsiness and other complications made them ill suited for troops in combat. The newer drugs have fewer side effects and, unlike earlier drugs, are generally not addictive or toxic, even when taken in large quantities. ⑤They work by keeping neural connections bathed in a brain chemical known as serotonin. That amplifies serotonin's mood-brightening effect, at least for some people.


advent 出現、到来
FDA =Food and Drug Administration 《米》食品医薬品局
Paxil パキシル◆錠剤
Celexa セレクサ◆米国の製薬会社フォレスト・ラボトリーズの抗うつ剤。
disabling 何もできなくなるほどの[日常生活に支障を来すほどの]
Impaired memory 記憶障害
complications 合併症
bathed in 浴びる、そまる
serotonin セロトニン◆アミノ酸のトリプトファンから作られる有機化合物で、脳内、血清、胃粘膜に多く分布し、神経伝達やけがをした組織の血管収縮などの働きをする。

The trickle of new drugs became a flood after the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Details of America's medicated wars come from the mental-health surveys the Army has conducted each year since the war began. If the surveys are right, many U.S. soldiers experience a common but haunting mismatch in combat life: while nearly two-thirds of the soldiers surveyed in Iraq in 2006 knew someone who had been killed or wounded, fewer than 15% knew for certain that they had actually killed a member of the enemy in return. That imbalance between seeing the price of war up close and yet not feeling able to do much about it, the survey suggests, contributes to feelings of "intense fear, helplessness or horror" that plant the seeds of mental distress.  ⑥"A friend was liquefied in the driver's position on a tank, and I saw everything," was a typical comment. Another:"A huge f____ bomb blew my friend's head off like 50 meters from me." Such indelible scenes ―and wondering when and where the next one will happen ― are driving thusands of soldiers to take antidepressants, military psychiatrists say. It's not hard to imagine why.

liquefied 液体になる
indelible 消せない、消去できない
But in his most recent stint in Baghdad in 2006, he treated a soldier who guarded Iraqi detainees.  ⑦"He was distraught while he was having high-level interactions with detainees, having emotional confrontations with them ― and carrying weapons," Horam says. "But he was part of a highly trained team, and we didn't want to lose him. So we put him on an SSRI, and within a week, he was a new person, and we got him back to full duty."
It wasn't until November 2006 that the Pentagon set a uniform policy for all the services. But the curious thing about it was that it didn't mention the new antidepressants. Instead, it simply barred troops from taking older drugs, including "lithium, anticonvulsants and antipsychotics." The goal, a participant in crafting the policy said, was to give SSRIS a "green light" without saying so. Last July, a paper published by three military psychiatrists in Military Medicine, the independent journal of the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States, urged military doctors headed for Afghanistan and Iraq to "request a considerable quantity of the  SSRI they are most comfortable prescribing" for the "treatment of  new-onset depressive disorders" once in the war zones. The medications, the doctors concluded, help "to 'conserve the fighting strength," the motto of the Army Medical Corps.

stint 〔仕事・活動などに従事していた〕期間
detainees. 抑留者
distraught 狂った、狂気の、錯乱状態の
put ・・・ on ~ ~(薬など)を・・・に処方する
lithium リチューム
anticonvulsants 鎮痙[抗けいれん]剤[薬]
antipsychotics  抗精神病薬
crafting ~を巧妙に作る
new-onset 新たに生じた(発症した)
disorders 抑うつ傷害

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(91)猫のシンプキン [読書感想]

Simpkin the cat.jpg

Simpkin the cat

 This figure copied the  original picture of The Tailor of Gloucester. This cat is called Simpkin. He just came back with the pipkin of milk, bread, sausages, and cherry-coloured silk.



simpkin came back.jpg
Simpkin is a good cat. He is not a special cat, just ordinary cat.  I can love him. His favorite food is fat mouse. He captured mice and imprisoned under teacups. His master happened to loose Simpkin's mice. Mice is food for cat, it means a lot. He got angry at his master, the tailor. So he concealed the  cherry-colored twist from the tailor. The most important thing at that time for the tailor. I can understand his action, it was bad though.
  Simpton is so pure-harted that he feels quite ashamed of his badness compared with those good little mice. He handed a skein of cherry-coloured twisted silk to the tailor. And the tailor saw the repentant Simpkin standing beside his bed on the Christmas morning.

simpkin repentant 1.jpg

  The tailor of Gloucester grew quite stout, and quite rich from then on. I just wonder what become of Simpkin. He had to give up eat those mice, because they became very talented helpers of his master. He might leave the tailor so that he was able to eat mice. At a new place, he can eat his favorite food, mice, he is poor agaion though.


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