
(171)出産と育児が女の仕事? [英借文]


[犬]Bobby: "(1) Women are for bearing and rearing children at home, it is commonly said, not for taking charge of public affairs." 女性は出産し、家庭で子供を育てるのが仕事だと、一般に言われていて、公務につくことはない。」

[猫]Yukari: "(2) Things are no longer today as they used to be in former times." 「今日では物事は昔とはすっかり変わっているわ。」

[猫]Yukari: "(3) Now is the time for our nation to have a woman as prime minister." 「今こそ、私たちの国で女性が総理大臣になるときよ。」

[犬]Bobby: "Even now, the occupation for highly educated women are limited in the medical and educational field in your nation, Kingdom of X. It's impossible."

[犬]Bobby: "(4) All work and no play makes Jill a dullgirl." " Yukari, why not eat out with me, tonight?"  「勉強ばかりで遊ばない子供は駄目になる。 ユカリ、今晩、一緒に食事しない?」

[猫]Yukari: "I prefer seeing sumo matches on TV to eating at a restaurant. (5) To every rule there is an exception. I am an exception." 「レストランで食事するよりテレビで相撲見る方がいいわ。(5)例外のない規則はないわ。 私は例外よ。」

[犬]Bobby: "Alright, alright. But, what is sumo? 「わかったよ。でもスモウって何?」

[猫]Yukari: "It is a traditional sport in Japan. (6) All the two men have to do is somehow to push the other out of a ring; and the first one to push the other out wins the victory. You see?" 「日本の伝統的なスポーツよ。 (6)ふたりの男の人がすることはとにかく、相手を土俵の外へ押し出すこと;そうして最初に相手を押し出した人が勝利を勝ち取るの。わかった?」

[犬]Bobby: "Okay, sumo is enough. Japan is a far away country from here. I am not interested in it" 「わかったよ。スモウはもういい。日本は遠い国だし、僕は興味ないよ。」

[猫]Yukari: "By the way, Bobby, do you know about a Japanese proverb;(7) Even Kobo Daishi makes slips of the pen." 「どころで、ボビー、日本のこの諺知ってる:(7)弘法も筆の誤り。

[犬]Bobby: "No I don't know. What does it mean?" 「知らないよ。どんな意味?」

[猫]Yukari: "It means that wisest man can not know everything." 「どんなかしこい人も知らないこともあるってことよ。」

[犬]Bobby: "I can not know everything, but (8) For unlike the enthralled spectators watching the bout, or the many more TV viewers glued to the screen in their homes, foreigh man like me may be said to be free from all brain-washing. 「僕はわからないことだらけだけど、(8)相撲の試合に夢中になっている観衆や家のテレビに釘付けになっている視聴者とは違って、僕のような外国人は相撲に対して洗脳されてはいないかもしれない。」

[猫]Yukari: Anyway sumo is very interesting to me! 「(私は洗脳されているかもしれないけど)とにかく相撲は面白いのよ、私にとっては。」

[犬]Bobby: Why don't you go back to your nation, Kingdom of X during summer vacation? 「どうしてX王国へ夏休みに帰らないの?」

[猫]Yukari: "Because my school's rules are very strict. (9) All the emphasis is on the insignificant points of a law that has been one-sidedly imposed from above." 「私の学校の校則が厳しすぎるからよ。(9)規範の重要でない点ばかりが強調されて、その規範も上から一方的に押し付けれれたものなのよ。」

[犬]Bobby: "What do your friends think of the rules?" 「君の友達たちはその規則のことどう思っているの?」

[猫]Yukari: "(10) Gradually they begin to wonder why they have to obey the orders, and they may even feel antipathy to them." (10)だんだんと変だなって思い始めてるわ。なんでこれらの規則を守らなくてはならないのかってね。規則に反感さえ抱いてるかもしれません。」

[犬]Bobby: "You can change the rules by youselves." 「自分たちで規則を変えることができるよ。」

[猫]Yukari: "(11) Some things are easier said than done." (11)「言うほど簡単じゃないよ。」

Bobby: "What do they want to do?" 「何をしたいんだい?」

[猫]Yukari: "(12) The boys want to grow their hair long and even to adopt punk hair-styles, while the girls want to be free to wear make-up."
Another rule is (13) the flying fo the national flag and the singing of the national anthem at official functions in public.
 「(12)男子は髪を長くのばしたがるし、パンクの髪型をしたがる男子もいるわ、女子の方はと言えば、自由なお化粧をしたがっているわ。」 「もう一つの規則に、公式行事のときには国旗掲揚と国歌斉唱があります。」

[犬]Bobby: "(14) There will be no end to the demands."
"(15) The Kingdom of X government today may be very different from that which held sway in this country during the war years." 

Reasons for Debating, Peter Milward



  • 作者: ピーター・ミルワード
  • 出版社/メーカー: 英友社
  • 発売日: 1997/09
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)

(1) Women are for bearing and rearing children at home, it is commonly said, not for taking charge of public affairs. 出産と育児
(2) Things are no longer today as they used to be in former times. もはや~でない
(3) Now is the time for Japan to have a woman as prime minister. 今が~が~する時
(4) All work and no play makes Jack(Jill) a dullboy(girl). 勉強ばかりで遊ばない子供は駄目になる
(5) To every rule there is an exception. 例外のない規則はない
(6) All the two men have to do is somehow to push the other out of a ring; and the first one to push the other out wins the victory. 勝利を勝ち取る
(7) Even Kobo Daishi makes slips of the pen. 弘法も筆の誤り
(8) For unlike the enthralled spectators watching the bout, or the many more TV viewers glued to the screen in their homes, such a visitor may be said to be free from all brain-washing. テレビ視聴者
(9) All the emphasis is on the insignificant points of a law that has been one-sidedly imposed from above. ~が強調される
(10) Gradually they begin to wonder why they have to obey the orders, and they may even feel antipathy to them. ~に反感を抱く
(11) Some things are easier said than done. 言うほど簡単ではない
(12) The boys want to grow their hair long and even to adopt punk hair-styles, while the girls want to be free to wear make-up. 髪を伸ばす、 化粧をする
(13) the flying fo the national flag and the singing of the national anthem at official functions in public. 国旗掲揚、国歌斉唱
(14) There will be no end to the demands. 要求に限界がない
(15) The Japanese government today may be very different from that which held sway in this country during the war years. 
支配する、 戦時中

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