
(283)紙コップはもったいない [英作文]

paper cup.jpg
Paper cup & plastic muddler

A good idea for environment in Japan does not  always works in other countries.

Using my-own-cup is a good idea for environment, because we could stop wasting paper cups.
I agree with this idea, but people at a certain place in Republic of Guatemala would not  agree with this Japanese good idea. They would not waste their scarece water for washing my-own-cups.

I agreed that wasting disposal paper cups is bad, when I read a book titled "Moshimo, Mono ga hanashitara; If things could talk to us". In this book a paper cup complained;
"I want to live longer like plastic cups or pottery cups."
"I feel touched, then hot  coffee is filled and soon I will be thrown into a rubbish bin."



  • 作者: atelier GRIZOU
  • 出版社/メーカー: 良品計画
  • 発売日: 2006/05
  • メディア: 単行本

I forgot one condition should be met for this good idea. We should have enough water to use for washing my-own-cups.

An article on an information free magazine, Saisai vol.28 Feb. 2011, taught me having enough water is not easy for some people in Republic of Guatemala. Watanabe Sachi gave a environmental education in Republic of Guatemala from April 2005 to April 2008 as a Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer. 

One day she suggested use my-own-cup repeatedly by washing it with water, they turned down her idea. they said, "If we have some water, we drink it, never waste it for washing the cup. In their society water is more precious than paper cups.

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