
(519) Karyobinga at Isaniwa shrine [調べる]

What is this? It's a Karyōbinga!
がりょうびんが s.jpgご本殿の蟇股/
DSC_4136 全景 s.jpgDSC_4136 trimmed arranged.jpg
The figure of Karyobinga (迦陵頻伽) is carved on the gable on the south side of the main shrine of Isaniwa. Karyobinga is a fantastical immortal creature in Buddhism, with a human head and a bird's torso, with a long flowing tail. In "Amitabha sutra 阿弥陀経", Karyobinga is said to live in the Western pure land (極楽浄土 Gokuraku Jodo). A transliteration of the Sanskrit "kalavinka", an imaginary creature in Buddhism. It is also translated to myōoncho (妙音鳥, "exquisite sounding bird"). Although it appears as a human head bird in Chinese Buddhist mural paintings, in Japanese Buddhist art it has been drawn with the lower body of a bird on the upper body of a winged Bodhisattva (菩薩

  This carving is a detailed design of Buddhist construction, which tells the long history of Shinbutsu Shugo (神仏習合、"syncretism of kami and buddhas"), which was started by Hachiman God. Hachiman god joined the Buddhist pantheon as Hachiman Great Bodhisattva (八幡大菩薩, Hachiman Daibosatsu).

For Your Information;
Kalavika / Sanskrit: कलविङ्क kalavika; [Callwink] is spelled in the characters of different languages of Asian countries.

Chinese: 迦陵頻伽 Jiālíngpínqié; [↑チャーリンピンチャー]
Japanese: Karyōbinga (迦陵頻伽)
Korean: 가릉빈가; [galeungbinga]
Vietnamese: Ca Lăng Tn Già; [カーランタンザー]
Burmese: ကရဝိက်; [karawiatフィアウエイ] mythical bird supposed to have a melodious cry
Thai: การเวก, [Kārwekチャーラウエーイ] Names of birds in fairy tales Believed to be in the Himmapan forest. It looks like Garuda Prasom with a swan, fly high above the clouds, feast on food, and have a beautiful voice. All the animals heard will be stopped by the grasp of the cry, the wig calling.
Malay: karawek

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