
(556) Synchronicity of YADOKARI [調べる]

In the afternoon, I read about Yadokari in Hawkins's booklet.
In the evening, I saw Yadokari illustrations in a children's TV program. I knew Yadokari is a hermit crab in English, and remembered Natsume Soseki had a hermit-like personality.
At night, I found another hermit crab in a book, Gift from the Sea.
This state of being synchronous might be a kind of synchronicity of Yadokari, hermit crab.

  One afternoon in February, at an online meeting, my friends and I enjoyed reading an old booklet written by an American teacher, Hawkins. He taught English in Matsuyama middle school in 1892 and 1893, 25 and 26 in the Meiji era. The school is now Matsuyama East high school. Hawkins wrote about his bathing in summer. He went to Takahama to swim. It goes like this.

Yesterday I picked up a shell, thinking to bring it home. As I held it a teacher called attention to some smaller shells upon the edge of the sea, in which very curious crab-like animals were making their homes, moving back and forth with the waves, crawling on one foot when the waves did not supply motive power. Looking at my shell, I saw the half of an ugly body protruding. 
ーTwenty Months in Japanー

裸のヤドカリ s.jpg
a naked YADOKARI (hermit crab)
  I thought he didn't know of YADOKARI, because he just mentioned them as curious crab-like animals.

  On the same evening, I was watching a children's program of NHK TV. Children tried to get anything begin with YA on the screen. Illustrations of YADOKARI appeared.
ヤドカリ.jpgI instantly remembered about Hawkins's diary. It was a coincident happening.

  I just wondered what they call YADOKARI in English. I looked it up in a dictionary of smart phone for the first time. It said YADOKARI is a hermit crab in English. I was a little bit surprised at this word. Because western people expressed the crab as one who lives in solitude. Hermit is unfamiliar word for me, but I know it. Because Natsume Soseki used this word in his first letter from Matsuyama to his former teacher in Tokyo university. He wrote that he has a hermit-like personality, so it is difficult to live in an environment with close relationships of Matsuyama. Natsume Soseki became a teacher of English in Matsuyama middle school after Hawkins and Johnson left the school.

  At the night, when I was thinking about a hermit crab, two books titled "Gift from the sea" were coincidentally, right next to me. I had brought them from the bookshelf a few days before. One is a paperback and the other is a pocket-sized one. I bought the same essays by mistake. I had not read them yet. But its title "Gift from the sea" reminded me of hermit crabs. I guess that something about a hermit crab must be written in this book. My guess was right. I found the writing about a hermit crab in the second chapter.

  The shell in my hand is deserted. It once housed a whelk, a snail-like creature, and then temporarily, after the death of the first occupant, a little hermit crab, who has run away, leaving his tracks behind him like a delicate vine on the sand. 
-Gift from the Sea-

海からの贈りもの - Gift from The Sea【講談社英語文庫】

海からの贈りもの - Gift from The Sea【講談社英語文庫】

  • 出版社/メーカー: 講談社インターナショナル
  • 発売日: 2006/08/03
  • メディア: 文庫

paperback Gift from the Sea s.jpg
This book was published by Anne Morrow Lindbergh in 1955.

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