
(586) Why did Michael Jackson wear surgical masks? [調べる]

I read The Michael Jackson Story.

The Michael Jackson Story マイケル・ジャクソン・ストーリー ラダーシリーズ

The Michael Jackson Story マイケル・ジャクソン・ストーリー ラダーシリーズ

  • 作者: ジェイク・ロナルドソン
  • 出版社/メーカー: IBCパブリッシング
  • 発売日: 2013/08/16
  • メディア: Kindle版

General information

  Michael Jackson was born on August 29, 1958. He began singing and dancing when he was just five years old and lived almost his whole life on stage. From the time he had his first hit record at the age of 11 (Jackson 5 "I Want You Back") until his death in 2009, is fan watched him grow up into one of the greatest entertainers of the 20th century.
  Michael was always in the news, there were many books written about him, and he was popular with millions of fans around the world, but he was also a man of mystery. Michael Jackson was a legend, and like so many legends, it is difficult to know what is true and what is not.

  I have been wondering why Michael Jackson wore surgical masks? But I couldn't find any answers in this book. I searched for the articles about Michael's surgical masks on the Internet.
Here is one of them.

  Considering the recent pandemic, face masks have become more and more commonplace the world over. But when Michael Jackson was first photographed sporting1) his own surgical attire2), it only added to his eccentric public persona during the mid-1980s.
1) Sport / 《口語》<・・・を>見せびらかす、誇って示す
2) Surgical attire / sˈɚːdʒɪk(ə)ətάɪɚ手術着

Health concerns:
Michael Jackson was first seen wearing a surgical mask in June 1986. In his auto biography, Moonwalk, Jackson said he was initially given a mask by a dentist to keep out germs after he had his wisdom teeth pulled.


  • 作者: Jackson, Michael
  • 出版社/メーカー: Arrow
  • 発売日: 2010/06/10
  • メディア: ペーパーバック
Upon his death, Jackson's autopsy confirmed he had some persistent lung problems throughout his lifetime.
However, it is likely that Michael Jackson was also protecting himself from the more tangible threat of the public, instead of any illness they may have been harbouring.
Why did Michael Jackson wear surgical masks? I asked.
ChatGPT instantly replied;
Michael Jackson was often seen wearing surgical masks in public, particularly during the later years of his life. There were a few reasons for this:
Health Concerns: Michael Jackson had a number of health issues, including lupus3) and vitiligo4), which affected his skin an immune system. He was also very sensitive to the sun due to a skin condition called vitiligo, which led to the loss of pigmentation in patches of his skin. Wearing a surgical masks and other protective clothing helped him shield his skin from the sun and potential infections.
3) Lupus / ˈluːpəs (米国英語)狼瘡(ろうそう)《種々の皮膚のびらんや疾患を特徴とする》
4) Vitiligo / viˈtɪlɪgo(米国英語)〔病理〕白斑(はくはん)《色素が失われて白い斑点ができる皮膚病》

Privacy: As one of the most famous and recognizable celebrities in the world, Michael Jackson often faced intense public scrutiny5) and paparazzi attention. Wearing a mask allowed him to partially conceal his face and maintain a level of privacy when he was out in public.
5) Scrutiny / 
skrúːəni(米国英語) じろじろ見ること

Fashion Statement: Michael Jackson was known for his unique fashion choices, and the surgical mask became one of his signature accessories. It added to his enigmatic6) and mysterious image, which he carefully cultivated throughout his career.
6) Enigmatic /
 ènɪgmˈæɪk(米国英語), 得体の知れない、不思議な

Respiratory7) Protection: In some instances, Michael Jackson may have worn surgical masks as a precaution against inhaling pollutants, allergens, or other airborne particles, which could have been particularly important given his health concerns.
7) Respiratory / 
It's important to note that while there were various reasons for Jackson's choice to wear surgical masks, he never explicitly8) stated all of his motivations. The combination of health considerations, privacy concerns, and his distinct sense of style likely contributed to his decision to wear surgical masks in public.
8) Explicitly / 

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