
(591) vitiligo 尋常性白斑 [調べる]


I read Okuna Megumi's Instagram on Sep. 1st. I was very surprised to know there are many people suffering from 尋常性白斑 in Japan. At the same time, I remembered "The Michael Jackson Story".

  Around the time of Dangerous, it was obvious to see that his brown skin had become white.

Dangerous Studio Version 1995.jpg


Regarding the lightening of his skin, Michael later admitted that he had a disease called vitiligo and he used white makeup to hide the white spots on his skin.

The Michael Jackson Story マイケル・ジャクソン・ストーリー ラダーシリーズ

The Michael Jackson Story マイケル・ジャクソン・ストーリー ラダーシリーズ

  • 作者: ジェイク・ロナルドソン
  • 出版社/メーカー: IBCパブリッシング
  • 発売日: 2013/08/16
  • メディア: Kindle版
IN the word list of the book, vitiligo is translated into Japanese, as 白斑. Now I can connect 尋常性白斑 and vitiligo.
  There are so many articles about Michael Jackson's skin color on the Internet.
Vitiligo, is an autoimmune condition which affects about 1-2% of the world's population. It causes white patches on the skin. Although it can occur to people of all skin type, it is more noticeable if the person has a dark complexion, as in Jackson's case. People who have this condition typically first start seeing signs of it beginning between 10 and 30 years old. The spread occurs quickly for most, for others over a span of years and for a lucky few, the white patches do not spread. According to studies, approximately 30% of people who had the condition had inherited it from family.
白斑 顔.jpg

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