
(598) 命口腹心気 [詩歌]

命口腹心気 活字.jpg

Can you read these Chinese characters, kanji? Please read from right to left. Some transformation of each kanji is needed to read correctly.

命口腹心気 s.jpg

How about this? Can you guess its meaning? The answer is as follows.

気は長く If you have a long temper,

心は丸く   a round heart,

腹立てず   don't get angry, (kanji 腹 falls sideways. this means "don't get angry" in Japanese)

口を慎めば and keep your mouth shut,

命長らえる you will live a long life.

食堂の道歌 横 s.jpg

I saw this waka-poem at the 51st restaurant on the approach to Ishiteji temple. The tanka poem contains a wonderful life lesson.

If you will be patient, have a generous mind, refrain from getting angry, and watch your words, you can enjoy a long life.

This kind of poem is called douka-poem (道歌)

I absolutely agree with the life lesson.

But, easy to say, difficult to do.

There are similar proverbs in Bible.

”Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city.”(Proverbs 16:32, Bible)

”戦士よりも忍耐強い人がよい。町を奪う者のりも自制心のある人がよい。” (箴言 16:32、聖書)

"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."  (Proverbs 15:1, Bible)

”優しい答えは怒りを遠ざけるが、厳しい言葉は怒りをかき立てる” (箴言 15:1、聖書)

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