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(601) The Ubazakura in a Matsuyama folklore [thought]

  Have you ever seen cherry blossoms blooming directly from the trunk? I saw such cherry blossoms at Matsuyama castle this spring.
This is the photo.

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(2024.04.06 near Otemon of Matsuyama castle)

I was very surprised to find them because I had thought such cherry blossoms didn't exist. They look cute, but they mean more to me than that.

  The way they bloom is exactly the same as the Ubazakura in a Matsuyama folk tale. Ubazakura means the Cherry tree of the Milk-Nurse.

  The story goes like this:

  Once upon a time, a wealthy man in Matsuyama asked Yakushi, the main deity of Taihoji-temple, to grant him a child as he had none. He was blessed with a baby girl whom he named Tsuyu. A milk nurse lovingly cared for her. Tsuyu grew into a remarkably beautiful young girl. But at the age of fifteen, she fell seriously ill. The nurse prayed to Yakushi to spare the girl's life in exchange for her own. When Tsuyu regained her health, the nurse herself fell ill and passed away. She requested before passing away, "Please plant a cherry tree in gratitude to Yakushi."  The wealthy man planted a cherry tree in front of the main building of Taihoji Temple as she wished. Strangely, a few milky-colored cherry blossoms bloomed directly from the trunk, bearing a resemblance to the nurse's breast.


  This story was translated into English by Lafcadio Hearn in the late 19th century. It is one of the tales featured in Hearn's book, Kwaidan, which was published in England and the United States.

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2024.03.24 Ubazakura at Taihoji Temple

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(600) Vinegar Valentines [詩歌]

Valentine's Day is known as a time for people to send love notes, including anoymous1) ones signed "your secret admirer." But during the Victorian era2) and the early 20th century, February 14 was also a day on which unlucky victims could receive "vinegar valentines" from their secret haters. 匿名

1) anonymous:  [ənάnəməs] 匿名の、作者不明の、読み日と知らずの、特徴のない
2) Victorian era: <英> ビクトリア朝[時代] ◆ビクトリア女王の即位(1837)からその死(1901年)までの、イギリスが最も繁栄した時代を指す。


I am introducing four Vinegar Valentines from Pinterest.

Vinegar Valentine 1

vinegar valentine 1 s.jpg

Pity a poor

'Tis3) said you share your love with many,
But I believe you have not any
At least4) enough to give away.
You keep it for yourself they say.

3) 'Tis: it is の短縮形
4) at least: 少なくとも



Vinegar Valentine 2

vinegar valentine 2.jpg

This Pickle, which you plainly see.
Is surely your affinity.
And yet, poor thing! We tell you true.
It's very sweet, compared to6) you.

5) affinity: [əfínəi](共通の起源からくる)密接な関係、類似性、姻戚関係、好み、相性、親近感、親和力
6) compared to: 比べると;くらべて;のに対して;比較すると;比べて



Vinegar Valentine 3

vinegar valentine 3.jpg
All decked out7) in suits and ties
    That nearly scream aloud
You flash a lady-killing smile
    And think you have 'em wowed!

You think that you are heaven's gift
    To every gal you see
But you're really just a two-bit8) chump9)
    As corny as can be!

7) deck out; 飾り立てる、装飾する、飾る
8) two-bit: 《俗語》安っぽい、くだらない

アメリカでは25セント硬貨を「クォーター(quarter)」以外に、「ツゥー・ビッツ(two bits)」とも呼ぶ。直訳すれば、「二つのかけら」という意味。18世紀のアメリカでは、スペインのコインのかけらを「ビット」と呼んでいた。当時、スペイン製の1ドル硬貨は銀製で、とても大きかった。そこで、8等分されて使われ、その小片が「ビット」で、12セント半の価値があった。
9) chump: ばか、まぬけ、だまされやすい人




Vinegar Valentine 4

vinegar valentine 4.jpg

Why maiden why, are you so very shy?
Pray don't imagine for a moment I,
Am on the point of making love to you,
For you are much mistaken12) if you do.
10) bliss: 無常の喜び、至福
11) folly: [
fάli] 愚かさ、愚劣
12) you are much mistaken: あなたはとんでもなく間違っている



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(599) the legend of St. Valentine [読解]

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The Legend of St. Valentine

The legend of St. Valentine begins in the 3rd century BC with Emperor Claudius ll's quest1) to build the world's strongest army. Believing unmarried and fatherless men created the best soldiers, he banned marriagees for all young men. Valentine realized the injustice of the decree2) and defied3) Claudius by performing marriages for yound lovers in secrest. When his actions were discovered, he was arrested and sentenced to death by beheading4).

While waiting in prison5), he became acquainted with6) his jailers7), one of whom had a blind daughter. When Valentine met the daughter, he cured the little girl of her blindness8), resulting in the immediate conversion of her entire family. Before his execution, Valentine sent the little girl a note sighed "from your Valentine," laying9) the foundation for the present-day romantic moniker10).

It's important to note that not all religious historians believe this vesion of events. Some believe a second martyred11) man, Valentine, bishop of Terni, takes credit for12) the holiday's namesake13). Because of the similarities of these accounts, it's thought they may refer to the same person. Enough confusion surrounds the true identity of St. Valentine that the Catholic Church discontinued liturgical veneration14) of him in 1969, though his name remains on its list of officially recognized saints.

1) quest: 探求、追及
2) decree: 法令、政令
3) defied: defy, を無視する
4) beheading: behead, の首を切り取る
5) in prison: 刑務所、「囚人を収監しておく」という「機能」を表すので、無冠詞。
6) became acquainted with: と知り合った
7) jailers: 看守
8) cured the little girl of her blindness: SVO1 of O2, <医者・薬>が
9) laying: <基礎など>を築く
10) moniker: [
mάnɪkɚ] あだ名
11) martyred: [mɑrtɝd] 殉教した
12) takes credit for: の功績を認められる
13) namesake: (ある人に)ちなんで名づけられた人(会社、地名など)
liturgical veneration: 典礼式的尊敬、畏敬

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(598) 命口腹心気 [詩歌]

命口腹心気 活字.jpg

Can you read these Chinese characters, kanji? Please read from right to left. Some transformation of each kanji is needed to read correctly.

命口腹心気 s.jpg

How about this? Can you guess its meaning? The answer is as follows.

気は長く If you have a long temper,

心は丸く   a round heart,

腹立てず   don't get angry, (kanji 腹 falls sideways. this means "don't get angry" in Japanese)

口を慎めば and keep your mouth shut,

命長らえる you will live a long life.

食堂の道歌 横 s.jpg

I saw this waka-poem at the 51st restaurant on the approach to Ishiteji temple. The tanka poem contains a wonderful life lesson.

If you will be patient, have a generous mind, refrain from getting angry, and watch your words, you can enjoy a long life.

This kind of poem is called douka-poem (道歌)

I absolutely agree with the life lesson.

But, easy to say, difficult to do.

There are similar proverbs in Bible.

”Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city.”(Proverbs 16:32, Bible)

”戦士よりも忍耐強い人がよい。町を奪う者のりも自制心のある人がよい。” (箴言 16:32、聖書)

"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."  (Proverbs 15:1, Bible)

”優しい答えは怒りを遠ざけるが、厳しい言葉は怒りをかき立てる” (箴言 15:1、聖書)

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(597) Jesus and Satan [joke]

Bickering jokes

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Jesus and Satan were having an ongoing argument about who was better on his computer. They had been going at it for days, and God was tired of hearing all of the bickering1).

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Finally, God said, "Cool it. I am going to set up a test that will run two hours and I will judge who does the better job."

So, Satan and Jesus sat down at the keyboards and typed away. They moused. They did spreadsheets2). They wrote reports. They sent faxes. They sent e-mail. They sent out e-mail with attachments. They downloaded. They did some genealogy3) reports. They made cards. They did every known job. But ten minutes before their time was up, lightning suddenly flashed across the sky, thunder rolled, the rain poured and, of course, the electricity went off.

Satan stared at his blank screen and screamed every curse word known in the underworld. Jesus just sighed. The electricity finally flickered back on and each of them restarted their computers.

Satan started searching frantically, screaming "It's gone! It's all gone! I lost everything when the power went out!"

Meanwhile, Jesus quietly started printing out all of his files from the past two hours. Satan observed this and became irate4).

"Wait! He cheated, how did he do it?"

God 1.jpg

God shrugged and said, "Jesus saves5)."

1) bickering: [ˈbɪkɝɪŋ] 口論
2) spreadsheet: 表計算シート
3) genealogy: [dʒìːniάlədʒi]家系、血筋、(動植物・言語の)系統、系図、系図学、系譜学、(動植物などの)系統学
4) irate; ひどく怒った
5) save: 救う/[コンピューター](情報・データなど)を保存する、セーブする。


Jesus saves: The Bible teaches us that Jesus came to save sinners.
(One of the first things to learn is to save your work on the computer.)

Jesus saves s.jpg

The Christian doctrine of the Trinity defines one God existing in three coequal, coeternal, consubstantial divine persons: God the Father, God the son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit, three distinct persons (hypostases) sharing one essence/substance/nature (homoousion).



Google 翻訳










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(596) Legend of Dragon [翻訳]

Weekly Ehime RiQ 1/19/2024
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  One day, a fisherman out on the coast of Ohshima island happened to look towards land. He saw a small woman beckoning to him. When he rowed his boat to shore*1), the woman begged, "Can you take me to the pond of Ohshima*2)?" The fisherman invited her onto the boat, but as soon as the woman put one foot on the boat, it go much lower, and when both feet were on board, it almost sank. The fisherman's face turned pale, and the woman whispered, "Please take me to the pond, if you don't tell anyone about this, I promise you a lifetime of good catches." The woman's true identity was a dragon who was looking for a place to move out of the pond*3), which had become too small for her. The fisherman obeyed her words and took her to the pond.

  Since then, whenever the fisherman went out to sea, he would always have a great catch and a bountiful catch. However, villagers became suspicious and wondered why he was the only one, so they got the fisherman drunk and found out what had happened. After that, the fisherman never went out to sea.

*1) shore: 出展:「月の抒情、瀧の激情」よれば、舌間の海岸かもしれない。
Google Map

*2) the pond of Ohshima: Ryuoike 竜王池
Ryuoike s.jpg

*3) the pond: 出展:「月の抒情、瀧の激情」
Google Map

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(595) Isaniwa Yukiya and Hidden Christian in Matsuyama [調べる]

  First of all, I'm going to explain about Isaniwa Yukiya, whom you know very well:
In 1889 (M22), the town and village system started using. Isaniwa Yukiya became the first mayor of Dogo-Yuno-machi town in 1890 (M23) at the age of 62. At that time, the buildings of Dogo Hot Springs had become too old and had to be reconstructed.


Therefore, Isaniwa Yukiya planned to reconstruct the building into a magnificent, three-story structure. Because of the large cost (130,000 yen at that time), many residents opposed the plan.

Isaniwa persuaded them by saying, "The first thing that counts is building something that no one else can imitate, even 100 years from now". And he finally completed the reconstruction of the main building in 1894 (M27).


Next, I am explaining about Hidden Christian in Matsuyama. This picture shows the Monument to Nagasaki Christian Deportation in Matsuyama.

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The inscription says:
In the first year of Meiji (AD 1868), more than 100 of hidden Christians were deported from Nagasaki to Matsuyama. They endured three and half years of hard labor, and were forced to give up their faith.

Map of Christian graveyard s.jpg

  A guiding booklet explained about the Monument as follows:
In those days, continuing from the Shogunate era, Christianity was prohibited, and its followers were subject to severe punishment. However, even in the Nagasaki region, there were still Christian believers. Christian believers in the Nagasaki region had been divided and entrusted to various clans, with the aim of persuading them to convert. Matsuyama clan had the Christian believers under its care. Isaniwa Yukiya and Naitou Meisetsu and another person were assigned the role of handling the foreign religion believers.

  I was surprised to find Isaniwa Yukiya here. There was Isaiwa Yukiya whom we don't know very well. Why him? What was so special about Isaniwa Yukiya? I was interested in how Isaniwa persuaded and converted the Christian believers?


  Naito Meisetsu wrote about Isaniwa in his autobiography:
Meiji government officers visited Matsuyama clan to inspect the condition of the Christian believers. The Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs recommended that our clan officers take a gentler approach, as it would be more effective. So, as an inexperienced student, I was tasked with giving a sermon to the believers. Since I had little experience, I asked Isaniwa Yukiya, a more experienced individual, to go in my place. He was eloquent and had some knowledge of religious matters, so he spoke gently and generously, using various analogies to deliver a successful sermon.

  One of the believers argued vehemently, but his arguments were heard, and it was clear he had misunderstood. In the end, both sides expressed their views, and the matter was left unresolved for that day.


  With the arrival of foreign diplomats, including Mr. Parks from England, who interfered in various matters, including the treatment of these believers. As a result, the handling of Christian believers needed to be somewhat lenient.

  In 1873 (M6), Urakami Christians were allowed to return to their homes. Thus, Christianity and Christian believers gradually gained acceptance.

Deportation: 国外追放
inscription: 碑文

Shogunate: 幕府

subject: 服従している
entrusted: ゆだねる
autobiography: 自叙伝

inspect: 視察する

vehemently: 激しく

lenient: 厳しくしない



伊佐庭如矢年譜 3.jpg


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(594) Seppuku [joke]

SEPPUKU (Ritual suicide of samurai by cutting the stomach open)

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 A certain ronin, that is, masterless samurai, goes to a sake1) shop to provide excuses for his debt, but the owner refuses to acknowledge it.

 Having no other choice, the ronin takes off his kimono and says,
"I'll commit seppuku, so please pay off my debt. Will that still not be enough?"

 The owner responds,
"I've grown tired of that line," and mocks him. 

 The ronin thrusts his short sword into his side, cutting up to his navel, and then stares at the owner, asking,
"How about now?"

 The owner inquires,
"Why don't you cut it all the way through?"

 The ronin replies,
"The other half will be done at the rice store."

1) sake: [sάːki] 日本酒

子どもも、おとなも楽しめる 江戸こばなし(4) 江戸小ばなし

子どもも、おとなも楽しめる 江戸こばなし(4) 江戸小ばなし

  • 出版社/メーカー: フレーベル館
  • 発売日: 2020/12/14
  • メディア: Kindle版

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(593) Paronychia (ひょう疽) 2min Speech [thought]

 Friday night, I experienced strong pain at the tip of the index finger of my right hand. The finger was swollen. After going to bed, it was getting more and more painful. It was so painful that I couldn't sleep at all. Not exaggerating, I really thought this is how people die with pain.

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 The next morning, I learned on the internet that it was paronychia. Paronychia is an inflammation of the skin around the nail. It was Saturday. All hospitals were closed. I went to the nearest drug store and get anti-inflammatory ointment without a doctor's prescription. I spent two days in Kanazawa, repeatedly applying the ointment to my swollen finger. I returned to Matsuyama at midnight on Sunday.


 Monday, I went to a skin doctor and explained how it had been painful. The doctor looked at my finger a little and said, "It is a common finger trouble, don't worry. I'll give medicine taken orally for five days. You may keep using the ointment." That was all. I was a little disappointed. Have you ever experienced serious pain on a fingertip?

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(592) Hyoso (ひょうそ) Felon, 爪周囲炎(paronychia) [thought]

 I found the end of the nail was cracked and peeled off. I plucked it away from the nail of forefinger. I didn't mind it had hurt a little since then.

 Friday night, I experienced strong pain at the tip of the index finger of my right hand. The finger was swollen. After going to bed, it started aching. It was getting more and more painful. It was so painful that I couldn't sleep at all. Not exaggerating, really I thought this is how people die with pain.

 The next morning, I googled what this disease is. I did research on a painful and swollen finger. Instantly I found exactly the same picture of a swollen finger as mine. It said it is a felon. I started searching for nearby skin doctors and drug stores. All hospitals were closed because it was Saturday. I phoned the nearest drug store from Hotel Kanazawa. A clerk answered my call. I asked if she has any anti-infection medicines. She said yes. So, I went to the store and explained my finger's condition. I could get an ointment without a doctor's prescription. I joined two meetings and a dinner party with a swollen finger applied to the ointment several times.

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At night my finger pained less. I could fall asleep. But I woke up early in the morning and found my whole index finger got swollen.

 I attended a short tour of the Noh museum and Kenrokuen garden keeping my swollen finger upright.

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 But I felt it was getting better. White sticky liquid was getting out around the nail of the finger.

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 I returned to Matsuyama from Kanazawa. Monday my finger was still red and swollen a little.

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 I went to a skin doctor and explained how it had been painful. I continued, this occurred from the wound caused by plucking away a nail hangnail. The doctor looked at my finger a little and said, "It is a common finger trouble, don't worry, I'll give you medicine taken orally for five days. You may keep using the ointment.' That was all. I was a little disappointed. Have you ever experienced this serious pain of a finger?

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