
(544) Rakugo Jokes #4-6 [聞き取り]

#4 Keeping your restrictions

Patient: Sensei.
Doctor: Hai, hai. What seems to be the trouble?
P: Ah.. Sensei, I'm having a lot of troubles.. keeping to your restrictions1).
D: Restrictions. Oh, which restrictions were those?
P: Ah.. One cup sake, and only two puffs of my kiseru Japanese tabaco pipe a day. Very difficult to keep to these restrictions.
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D: Oh really, you're finding it challenging.
P: Yes, finding it very challenging, sensei.
Ah.. Though one cup of sake a day, that is not seems to be a problem. But two puffs of Japanese kiseru tabaco pipe. This is really challenging for me. I have always been a non-smoker.

However, sensei there is one piece of advice2) which I can tell you definitely having results3).
D: Oh, oh, oh, one piece of my advice's definitely having results.
P: Yes, sensei, you told me to exercise for two hours every day. And that it would add ten years to your life.
D: Ha ah, yes. Exercise for two hours every day would add ten years to your life. That has had results.
P: Yes sensei, I've been exercising for two hours every day now for the past three months, so that I already feel ten years older.
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1) keep to your restrictions: restrictionsに従う、固守する
2) one piece of advice: 一つの助言
3) have results: 結果が出る
Punchline (落ち)/ Exercise would add ten years to your life. が I already feel ten years older. となった。

#5 High-tech scale
P: Sensei.
D: Hai, hai. What seems to be the trouble?
P: Ah, sensei, I'm feeling very ...bloated5).
D: Bloated. Ah, why don't you get on the scale.
P: Get on the scale.
D: Yes. You know what. This is a good timing just go on a very high-tech new scale. This is a Talking scale.
P: Talking scale.
D: Yes, I tried it to myself with my family. I put my six-year-old son on the top of the scale, it said, "Pi-pi-pie 30 kilograms, pi-pi-pie 30 kilograms, pi-pi-pie 30 kilograms."
P: Ho, ho, ho, ho, so the scale actually talks to you.
D: Yes, it does. My wife got on the scale. It said, "Pi-pi-pie, to go on a diet, pi-pi-pie, time to go on a diet, pi-pi-pie, time to go on a diet."
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P: Uh, ho, ho, ho, ho. So, the talking scale has a sense of humor as well.
D: Yes, sometimes the sense of humor gets out of hand6)
I got on a scale, it said, "Pi-pi-pie, one person at a time please.
5) bloated: ふくれた、太った
6) get out of hand: 収拾がつかなくなる、手に負えなくなる
7) personal time: プライベートな時間
Punchline (落ち)/ Talking scaleがユーモアセンスがありすぎて、最後に私が秤に乗ったときは太りすぎて二人分の体重と言いたいのか。one person at a timeと二人同時に秤に乗らないでくれと求めてきた。

#6Blood test
P: Sensei, sensei.
D: Hai, hai. What seems to be the problem?
P: Ah, Sensei. I'm red and I'm swollen8) all over. Perhaps I should swell of a good deal of 9) medicine.
D: Oh, oh, oh, ah-, I think it might be a rash10)
P: Sensei, perhaps should at least take some blood.
D: I think it might be in vain11).
8) swollen: ふくれた、はれあがった、Thicker or wider than usual
9) a good deal of: a lot of
10) rash: 発疹、吹き出物、a breaking out of the skin with red spots
11) in vain: 
[véɪn] むだな、むなしい、without result or success
[véɪn] 静脈、血管 vessel that carries blood toward the heart
Punchline (落ち)/ Blood test なので in vain が in vein につながる。

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