
(545) Twenty Months in Japan / 1. Pacific Royal steamship "Empress of Japan" [読解]

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TWENTY MONTHS IN JAPAN (松山 明治25年~27年、1892~1894)
/ by Henry G. Hawkins, Publishing House of the M.E. Church, South / 86p., 19 cm
In 1892 he became an English instructor in the Japanese Government Middle School at Matsuyama (松山尋常中学校), after which he wrote a booklet titled "Twenty Months in Japan.
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Name: Empress of Japan
Owner: Canadian Pacific Steamship Company
Years of service: 1890 - 1922
Type: Ocean liner
Tonnage: 5,905 tons
Length: 456 ft (139 m)
Beam: 51 ft (16 m)
Propulsion: twin propellers
Speed: 16 knots
Capacity: 160 1st passengers
              40 2nd class
              Up to 700-sterage passengers


On Ocean, July 9.

  The Empress of Japan is a floating palace to a passenger with a first-class ticket. The dining room is for the rich viands1) and occasional concert; the library for reading, writing, or lounging2); the deck for sitting and gazing at the sunset, or walking and talking with companions from the ends of the earth. The smoking room and card table have a place3). But if the passenger be in his berth4) asleep midnight, perhaps the great foghorn5) will awake and remind him him that he is at the mercy of6) the waves and the mariner7). Excepting the servants, and a gambling lot of Chinese passengers in their end of the ship, nearly all on board are English-speaking people, chiefly from London and New York. Few children are along. I have made the acquaintance of 8) one little boy whose father is a customhouse official9) at Shanghai. He has been in Ireland a year, and went to school there a little. His talk, in the main, is about fine sleeping cars of America and the great band stand10) at Shanghai.
1) viands: piece of food
2) lounge: ゆったりと横になる
3) have a place: ・・・のための場所がある
4) berth: a place to sit or sleep especially on a ship or vehicle, 寝台
5) fog horn: warning horn sounded in a fog, 霧笛
6) at the mercy of: ・・・のなすがままに(なって)
7) mariner: 水夫
8) make the acquaintance of: ・・・と知り合いになる
9) customhouse official: 税関の役人
10) band stand: 野外ステージ

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  This evening for tomorrow morning I expect to see land for the first time in twelve days. We will be at Yokohama twenty-four hours, then go by the same steamer to Kobe, remaining there for passports. It is turning warm fast. Excepting two or three days spent about Vancouver, the weather has required overcoats for the open air ever since leaving Winnipeg, until yesterday. At Victoria the ship stopped on night: since then, the sailing has been uninterrupted at the rate of nearly fifteen miles an hour. The sights have been a few whales spouting12) in the distance; two far-off vessels on the Bering Sea, thought to be provision13) carries; a few sea gulls searching for any food that may fall from the ship; several dense fogs, requiring a horn to be blown about every five minutes; many clouds; an occasional sun or moon, revealing a vast expanse of water, most of the time greatly waving, and last Sunday tossing the ship from side to side, so that the captain ordered, "No services14)." He had prviously arranged for a Rev. Dr. Vincent, M.A.15), LL. D.16), to read the service a la Anglaise17), and for Bishop Key to preach.
11) far-off: 遠くの
12) provision: 食料
13) service: 集会礼拝
14) M.A.: Master of Arts. 文学修士
15) LLD: Legum Doctor(=Doctor of Laws)法学博士
16) a la Anglaise: 音節à l'an • glaise 発音ɑː lɑːŋɡléiz, æ 


  Besides some lighter amusement, there is every afternoon upon the outer deck a game of cricket17) the ball being kept in by netting. Chinamen are the servants; Englishmen form the crew. The boss cook is a Frenchman. A glance at the luncheon lists printed daily will give an idea of the sumptuous18) fare19). Last night there was given, by some of the passengers and chief officers, a concert. The mostly20) throng21) of Chinamen, with their long hair, chopsticks, and intense gambling, are a sight22).
17) a game of cricket: クリケットの試合
18) sumptuous: 豪華な
19) fare: (食卓に出された)食物
20) mostly: 主に、主として
21) throng: 人だかり、大勢;多数
22) a sight: 見もの;物笑い(の種)、ひどい有様だ。
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(Even now, a game of cricket on sea seems to be very popular.)

  Save threatened seasickness once or twice, my health has been good. We have a fine, large, well-managed ship, with many of the conveniences of modern civilized life; but I cannot say that I like water travel as well as land. The tossing in not pleasant. We have not had much of it, but one lady gave up the second day, and has not been of23) her state-room24) since. They say that every ship has a peculiar odor; and I thought they are scrubbing and painting in25) this one all the time, it has in same places a very distinct odor that certainly cannot be counted26) among the luxurious of travel.
23) be of; ~の出
24) state-room: (客船、列車の) 個室、特別室
25) paint in: を書き[描き] 加える
26) count: を・・・と考える、思う

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