
(547) 9/11 in 2001 [読解]

  I bought this newspaper, the daily Yomiuri in the early morning at a convenience store after a night shift. It was twenty years ago!
2001.9.12Yomiuri newspaper s.jpg

2 planes crash into World Trade Center

1 tower collapses; plane plows into1) Pentagon; "White House evacuated2)

Compiled from news services
  NEW YORKーPlanes crashed into the upper floors of both World Trade Center towers minutes apart Tuesday in a horrific3) scene of explosions and fires that razed4) one of the 110-story towers and left gaping5) holes in the other.
1) plow into: ・・・と衝突する、to move forcefully into or through something
2) evacuate: 避難させる、to remove especially from a dangerous area
3) horrific: ぞっとする
4) raze: ・・・を倒壊させる、to destroy to the ground
5) gap: すき間ができる、to fall or stand open

  There was no immediate word on injuries or fatalities6) in the twin disasters, which happened shortly before 9 a.m. and then right around 9 a.m.
6) fatality: 死亡者

  Palestinian DFLP7) claimed responsibilities for8) the attack, according to Abu Dhabi TV.
  President George W. Bush
said Tuesday that the crashes were "an apparent terrorist attack on9) our country."
7) DFLP: Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, パレスチナ解放民主戦線
8) claim responsibility for: 犯行声明を出す、to assert to be rightfully one's own
9) attack on: (武力による)攻撃、襲撃

  A somber10) Bush told an audience in Sarasota, Florida, gathered to hear an address on education that "this is a difficult moment for America." He said he would be returning immediately to Washington.
10) somber: 深刻な、暗たんたる、of a dismal or depressing character

  "Today we've had a national tragedy," Bush said. "Two airplanes have crashed into the World Trade Center in an apparent terrorist attack on our country."
  In Washington, officials said the FBI was investigating reports of a plane hijacking11) before the crashes.
11) hijack: ハイジャックする、to commandeer (a flying airplane) especially by coercing the pilot at gunpoint

  A sinor government official, speaking on condition of anonymmity12), said the agency is pursuing reports that one or both of the planes were hijacked and that the crashes my have been the result of suicide mission13).
12) on condition of anonymity: 匿名を条件に
13) suicide mission: 自爆任務、killing or injuring others while annihilating yourself

  The source stressed that the reports are preliminary14) and officials do not know the cause of the crashes.
14) preliminary: 予備の、準備の、coming before and usually forming a necessary prelude to something else

  "It certainly doesn't look like an accident," said a second government official, also speaking on condition of anonymity.
  The towers were struck by bombers15) in February 1993.
15) bomber: 爆撃機

  "The plane was coming in low and ... it looked like it hit at a slight angle16)," said Sean Murtagh, a CNN vice president, the network reported.
16) at a slight angle: わずかな角度で

  Large holes were visible in side of the 110-story buildings, landmark17) twin towers.
17) landmark: a structure (such as a building) of unusual historical and usually aesthetic interest

  "I was watching TV. and heard a sonic boom18) ... ," witness Jeanne Yurman told CNN. "The side of the world trade center exploded. Debris19) is falling like leaflets20). I hear ambulances. The northern tower seems to be on fire21)."
18) a sonic boom: 衝撃音波
19) debris: 瓦礫、remains of something destroyed
20) leaflet: pamphlet
21) be on fire: 燃えている

  The tops of the twin towers were obscured22) by the smoke.
22) obscure: 不明瞭な、dim and hazy

  Thousands of pieces of what appeared to be office paper came drifting23) over Brooklyn, about three miles (48 kilometers) from the tower, one witness said.
23) come drifting: 吹き積る

  The center bombing on Feb. 26, 1993, killing six people and injured more than 1,000 others.
  In 1945, an Army Air Corps B-25, a twin-engine bomber, crashed into the 76th floor of the Empire State Building in dense fog.
  A senior government official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that agency is pursuing reports that one or both of the planes were hijacked and that the crashes may have been the result of a suicide mission.
  The source stressed that the reports are preliminary and officials do not know the cause of the crashes.
  "It certainly doesn't look like an accident," said a second government official, also speaking on condition of anonymity.
  Asked what he knew about the planes, Bush replied, "I'll talk about it later."
  The New York Stock Exchange, located in lower Manhattan near the trade center where many financial offices are kept, indefinitely24) suspended trading.
24) indefinitely: 不明確に、 not defining or identifying

Left: An aircraft at right about to fly into the World Trade Center in New York in this image made from television Tuesday. The aircraft was the second to fly into the tower Tuesday morning.
Right: Smoke and fire pour from the upper floors of World Trade Center in New York city after the second airplane hit the tower.

Pentagon evacuated
WASHINGTON ー The Pentagon was evacuated Tuesday after a plane crashed into the building, following an apparent terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York, officials said.
  Pentagon officials ordered employees out of the building just outside Washington.
  The West Wing of the White House was also evacuated amid terrorist threats.

Official Visitor Map 2015

9.11 Map s.jpg

65: 9/11 Memorial & Museum
9.11memorial and museum s.jpg

66: 9/11 Tribute Center
The 9/11 Tribute Museum, formerly known as the 9/11 Tribute Center and Tribute WTC
9.11tribute museum s.jpg

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(546) Righthanded and Lefthanded [調べる]


  This rotating migi(right)-mitsudomoe crest looks very familiar to me. I believe this crest should turn like this, it must turn counterclockwise, but I cannot explain the reason.

  So, I decided to search for similar natural phenomena. This crest reminds me of a typhoon.
typhoon postcard s.jpg
This is a picture postcard of a typhoon or hurricane. We can see typhoon video on the net,

and I confirm that all typhoons are turning counterclockwise, lefthandedly.

右三つ巴1577574 s.jpg反時計回り s.jpg
  So, my opinion is that the crest called migi(right)-three-comma-shape should be changed to hidari(left)-three-comma-shape. I get confident with my conclusion.

But it doesn't last long. I am astonished to see a cross-section of typhoon or hurricane on the internet.
Please pay attention to the direction of winds. 
Air spirals in toward the center in a counter-clockwise pattern.
反時計回り s.jpg
This happens in the northern hemisphere (clockwise in the southern hemisphere), and air spirals out the top in the opposite direction.時計回り s.jpg
  Typhoon has two different rotations of its clouds. One is in a counterclockwise pattern at the bottom of it, and the other is a clockwise pattern at the top of it.

Please take a close look at this video of typhoon #19 in 2019, Asian name is Hagibis. The outer thin clouds away from the center appears to rotate in the opposite direction compared to near the center. These are the thin clouds that blow out from the typhoon and flow outward.

右三つ巴1577574 s.jpg時計回り s.jpg右三つ巴時計回り.gif
Migi-three-comma-shaped crest is not bad naming. Right-three-comma-shaped crest, righthanded-comma-shaped crest is not wrong.
Because I now understand that this shape can rotate both ways, clockwise and counter clockwise just like a typhoon.

右三つ巴時計回り.gif 右三つ巴反時計回り.gif

I often confused with right and left.
From now on I used clockwise instead of righthanded, and counterclockwise for lefthanded when I talk about spinning.

When I tell two different mitsudomoe, three-comma-shaped crests, I will check which hand's thumbs-up sign matches to the crest. 
migi-mitsudomoe.jpg左手コンマ反転 s.jpg

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(545) Twenty Months in Japan / 1. Pacific Royal steamship "Empress of Japan" [読解]

j656423141.1Twenty Months In Japan 1.jpg
TWENTY MONTHS IN JAPAN (松山 明治25年~27年、1892~1894)
/ by Henry G. Hawkins, Publishing House of the M.E. Church, South / 86p., 19 cm
In 1892 he became an English instructor in the Japanese Government Middle School at Matsuyama (松山尋常中学校), after which he wrote a booklet titled "Twenty Months in Japan.
the Empress of Japan (2) s.jpg
Name: Empress of Japan
Owner: Canadian Pacific Steamship Company
Years of service: 1890 - 1922
Type: Ocean liner
Tonnage: 5,905 tons
Length: 456 ft (139 m)
Beam: 51 ft (16 m)
Propulsion: twin propellers
Speed: 16 knots
Capacity: 160 1st passengers
              40 2nd class
              Up to 700-sterage passengers


On Ocean, July 9.

  The Empress of Japan is a floating palace to a passenger with a first-class ticket. The dining room is for the rich viands1) and occasional concert; the library for reading, writing, or lounging2); the deck for sitting and gazing at the sunset, or walking and talking with companions from the ends of the earth. The smoking room and card table have a place3). But if the passenger be in his berth4) asleep midnight, perhaps the great foghorn5) will awake and remind him him that he is at the mercy of6) the waves and the mariner7). Excepting the servants, and a gambling lot of Chinese passengers in their end of the ship, nearly all on board are English-speaking people, chiefly from London and New York. Few children are along. I have made the acquaintance of 8) one little boy whose father is a customhouse official9) at Shanghai. He has been in Ireland a year, and went to school there a little. His talk, in the main, is about fine sleeping cars of America and the great band stand10) at Shanghai.
1) viands: piece of food
2) lounge: ゆったりと横になる
3) have a place: ・・・のための場所がある
4) berth: a place to sit or sleep especially on a ship or vehicle, 寝台
5) fog horn: warning horn sounded in a fog, 霧笛
6) at the mercy of: ・・・のなすがままに(なって)
7) mariner: 水夫
8) make the acquaintance of: ・・・と知り合いになる
9) customhouse official: 税関の役人
10) band stand: 野外ステージ

航海図 s.jpg
  This evening for tomorrow morning I expect to see land for the first time in twelve days. We will be at Yokohama twenty-four hours, then go by the same steamer to Kobe, remaining there for passports. It is turning warm fast. Excepting two or three days spent about Vancouver, the weather has required overcoats for the open air ever since leaving Winnipeg, until yesterday. At Victoria the ship stopped on night: since then, the sailing has been uninterrupted at the rate of nearly fifteen miles an hour. The sights have been a few whales spouting12) in the distance; two far-off vessels on the Bering Sea, thought to be provision13) carries; a few sea gulls searching for any food that may fall from the ship; several dense fogs, requiring a horn to be blown about every five minutes; many clouds; an occasional sun or moon, revealing a vast expanse of water, most of the time greatly waving, and last Sunday tossing the ship from side to side, so that the captain ordered, "No services14)." He had prviously arranged for a Rev. Dr. Vincent, M.A.15), LL. D.16), to read the service a la Anglaise17), and for Bishop Key to preach.
11) far-off: 遠くの
12) provision: 食料
13) service: 集会礼拝
14) M.A.: Master of Arts. 文学修士
15) LLD: Legum Doctor(=Doctor of Laws)法学博士
16) a la Anglaise: 音節à l'an • glaise 発音ɑː lɑːŋɡléiz, æ 


  Besides some lighter amusement, there is every afternoon upon the outer deck a game of cricket17) the ball being kept in by netting. Chinamen are the servants; Englishmen form the crew. The boss cook is a Frenchman. A glance at the luncheon lists printed daily will give an idea of the sumptuous18) fare19). Last night there was given, by some of the passengers and chief officers, a concert. The mostly20) throng21) of Chinamen, with their long hair, chopsticks, and intense gambling, are a sight22).
17) a game of cricket: クリケットの試合
18) sumptuous: 豪華な
19) fare: (食卓に出された)食物
20) mostly: 主に、主として
21) throng: 人だかり、大勢;多数
22) a sight: 見もの;物笑い(の種)、ひどい有様だ。
cricket on ship s.jpg
(Even now, a game of cricket on sea seems to be very popular.)

  Save threatened seasickness once or twice, my health has been good. We have a fine, large, well-managed ship, with many of the conveniences of modern civilized life; but I cannot say that I like water travel as well as land. The tossing in not pleasant. We have not had much of it, but one lady gave up the second day, and has not been of23) her state-room24) since. They say that every ship has a peculiar odor; and I thought they are scrubbing and painting in25) this one all the time, it has in same places a very distinct odor that certainly cannot be counted26) among the luxurious of travel.
23) be of; ~の出
24) state-room: (客船、列車の) 個室、特別室
25) paint in: を書き[描き] 加える
26) count: を・・・と考える、思う

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(544) Rakugo Jokes #4-6 [聞き取り]

#4 Keeping your restrictions

Patient: Sensei.
Doctor: Hai, hai. What seems to be the trouble?
P: Ah.. Sensei, I'm having a lot of troubles.. keeping to your restrictions1).
D: Restrictions. Oh, which restrictions were those?
P: Ah.. One cup sake, and only two puffs of my kiseru Japanese tabaco pipe a day. Very difficult to keep to these restrictions.
キセル147215 s.jpg酒2651973 s.jpg
D: Oh really, you're finding it challenging.
P: Yes, finding it very challenging, sensei.
Ah.. Though one cup of sake a day, that is not seems to be a problem. But two puffs of Japanese kiseru tabaco pipe. This is really challenging for me. I have always been a non-smoker.

However, sensei there is one piece of advice2) which I can tell you definitely having results3).
D: Oh, oh, oh, one piece of my advice's definitely having results.
P: Yes, sensei, you told me to exercise for two hours every day. And that it would add ten years to your life.
D: Ha ah, yes. Exercise for two hours every day would add ten years to your life. That has had results.
P: Yes sensei, I've been exercising for two hours every day now for the past three months, so that I already feel ten years older.
運動22001241 s.jpg
1) keep to your restrictions: restrictionsに従う、固守する
2) one piece of advice: 一つの助言
3) have results: 結果が出る
Punchline (落ち)/ Exercise would add ten years to your life. が I already feel ten years older. となった。

#5 High-tech scale
P: Sensei.
D: Hai, hai. What seems to be the trouble?
P: Ah, sensei, I'm feeling very ...bloated5).
D: Bloated. Ah, why don't you get on the scale.
P: Get on the scale.
D: Yes. You know what. This is a good timing just go on a very high-tech new scale. This is a Talking scale.
P: Talking scale.
D: Yes, I tried it to myself with my family. I put my six-year-old son on the top of the scale, it said, "Pi-pi-pie 30 kilograms, pi-pi-pie 30 kilograms, pi-pi-pie 30 kilograms."
P: Ho, ho, ho, ho, so the scale actually talks to you.
D: Yes, it does. My wife got on the scale. It said, "Pi-pi-pie, to go on a diet, pi-pi-pie, time to go on a diet, pi-pi-pie, time to go on a diet."
体重計22048912 s.jpg
P: Uh, ho, ho, ho, ho. So, the talking scale has a sense of humor as well.
D: Yes, sometimes the sense of humor gets out of hand6)
I got on a scale, it said, "Pi-pi-pie, one person at a time please.
5) bloated: ふくれた、太った
6) get out of hand: 収拾がつかなくなる、手に負えなくなる
7) personal time: プライベートな時間
Punchline (落ち)/ Talking scaleがユーモアセンスがありすぎて、最後に私が秤に乗ったときは太りすぎて二人分の体重と言いたいのか。one person at a timeと二人同時に秤に乗らないでくれと求めてきた。

#6Blood test
P: Sensei, sensei.
D: Hai, hai. What seems to be the problem?
P: Ah, Sensei. I'm red and I'm swollen8) all over. Perhaps I should swell of a good deal of 9) medicine.
D: Oh, oh, oh, ah-, I think it might be a rash10)
P: Sensei, perhaps should at least take some blood.
D: I think it might be in vain11).
8) swollen: ふくれた、はれあがった、Thicker or wider than usual
9) a good deal of: a lot of
10) rash: 発疹、吹き出物、a breaking out of the skin with red spots
11) in vain: 
[véɪn] むだな、むなしい、without result or success
[véɪn] 静脈、血管 vessel that carries blood toward the heart
Punchline (落ち)/ Blood test なので in vain が in vein につながる。

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(543) Mitsudomoe (Three-comma) [thought]

  I learned which hand is right and which is left. The hand holding a rice bowl is left, and the hand using chopsticks is right. I took some time to understand the idea of right and left when I was small.

  A few years ago, an English teacher told us his way to learn which is his left hand. As far as you have already learned a capital L, you can try his way. Can you guess what it is? Please make a capital L with your thumbs and index fingers. Your hand forming a correct capital L is your left hand. I love his method!

左手でL s.jpg左手でL鏡図 s.jpg

   Next problem is Mitsu-domoe. Mitsu-domoe is one of Japanese emblems used as a family crest or roof tile's design of castles or shrines.

One is called "hidari-mitsudomoe" in Japanese, meaning left-three-commas. The other is called "migi-mitsudomoe", meaning right-three-commas.

I make commas with my both hands. Look at these pictures.
左手コンマ s.jpg左手コンマ反転 s.jpg
If you consider thumbs as comma's tails, and compare your hands and the emblems, you will understand that emblem (A) is left-three-commas, and (B) is right -three-commas. Don't you think it's a smart way?

Now my problem of Right and Left is completely solved?

Not really. To me these emblems look like water eddies rotating like this.

Emblem (A) is rotating clockwise, so right-handed. But its Japanese name is left-three-commas. Emblem (B) is rotating counterclockwise, but called right in Japan. I am confused again!

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(542) UFO and Seike Shinichi [調べる]

(CNN)The Defense Department has confirmed that leaked photos and video of  "unidentified aerial phenomena" taken in 2019 are indeed legitimate1) images of unexplained objects.

Photos and videos of triangle-shaped objects blinking and moving through the clouds were taken by Navy personnel2), Pentagon spokeswoman Sue Gough said in a statement to CNN. She also confirmed that photos of three unidentified flying objects -- one "sphere" shaped, another "acorn3)" shaped and one characterized as a "metalic blimp" -- were also taken by Navy personnel.triangle UFO s.jpg

oblong UFO (1) s.jpg

1) legitimate: genuine 正当な
2) personnel: [plural] the people who work for an organization or one of the armed forces
3) acorn: nut of the oak どんぐり

  This news reminded me of George Adamski.

George Adamski
  George Adamski was the first, and most famous, of several so-called UFO contactees who came to prominence the 1950s.
Inside the spaceship

  A Japanese got an inspiration from pictures of UFO taken by George Adamski. The Japanese was Seike Shinichi. He tried making a UFO by himself with his unique theory.
清家のUFO図 s.jpg
宇宙の四次元世界 清家新一著 より



  • 作者: 清家 新一
  • 出版社/メーカー: 大陸書房
  • 発売日: 2021/09/03
  • メディア: 単行本
Seike Shinichi
  Residence: Uwajima City, Ehime, Japan
  Known for: Antigravity
  Fields: Professor of Physics

  Uwajima city is my hometown, so I knew of Seike Shinichi. I remember I couldn't understand what he expressed with many mathematical equations in his book. It was about 40 years ago. In this occasion, I googled about him. I knew he had passed away at the age of 72, in 2009. I also got some other information about him.

1. Shortest introduction of him 清家新一ってどんな人?
"The Worldwide List of Alternative Theories and Critics" written by Jean de Climont says;

Shinichi Seike
Category: New Energy
Key statements: Does the Gravity on Coils of Peculiar Winding Decrease While Electric Currents Flow in the Coils?

2. Abbreviated Report on Prof. Seiki about the use of the G-enery
  Professor Shinichi Seiki, Uwajima City, Ehime Prefecture, Japan, developed a somewhat more elaborate theory of the Lorentz-Force, incorporating the use of the "ether."
Starting with the so-called "Kramer-equation," which describes the movements of atoms in the presence of exterior electrical and magnetic fields -- the basic components of thee Lorentz-force --. Professor Seiki conceived of the possibility of creating "negative gravitational energies" by utilizing a suitable electro-magnetic field.

Currently, in a process called NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance), we only utilize the charges in spatial electron spins due to the application of magnetic fields. The substance to be examined is placed in a high frequency field, and we observe energy absorption effects peculiar to the frequencies typical of a given molecule of matter.

Seiki went one step further and introduced NER (Nuclear Electrical Resonance), which influences both the polar and the axial spin. Polar spin, he claimed, is directly related to the gravitational field.

Describing a rotation electrical AC field superimposed on DC magnetic field, he claims that an exponential increase of "negative gravitational energies" occurs at a certain resonance frequency. This means that energy from the earth-gravitational field enters the system of the secondary artificial field created by the anti-gravitational motor. The negative G-energies cause a weakening of the earth-gravitational field, ultimately cancelling it altogether. Further depolarization then causes the vehicle to be repulsed by the larger gravitational body (earth).

It seems that the reason Prof. Seiki's NER effects have not been "officially" utilized, is that nuclear electrical resonance can only occur only at extremely high electrical voltage simultaneously with ultra-high AC frequencies.

Below this threshold, the probability of negative-G-energy conditions is extremely small. Above this critical frequency (also called - "Larmor Frequency"), the effect of this type of gravity engine is also dependent upon the electro-magnetic potential of materials used.

Professor Seiki proposes ferromagnetic substances, such as ferrite and ferromagnetic materials such as barium-strontium-titanate. In his design, three spherical condensers are alternately charged and discharged by three magnetic coils. At first glance, the entire idea seems to be just another "perpetuum mobile."

However, the only energy transformed used is that of gravitational energy into mechanical and electrical and vice-versa.

Seiki calculated a power output of 3*10^9 kW for an anti-gravity engine, using one ton each of ferrite and barium-strontium-titanate for design. This is more than total output of a Saturn rocket, but, even so, Seiki's vehicle could carry a payload of about one ton!
清家は、フェライトとチタン酸バリウム・ストロンチウムをそれぞれ1トン使用して、反重力エンジンの出力を3x10^9 kWと計算しました。これはサターンロケットの総出力を上回っていますが、それでも、清家の乗物は約1トンの有効荷重を運ぶことができます。

Professor Seiki's word does not seem to be taken seriously, as attested to by the fact that DR. WERNHER VON BRAUN considered it of sufficient interest to discuss it personally with him during one of Von Braun's trips to Japan.

Excerpted from Professor Shinichi Seike's book
"The Principles of Ultra Relativities".


He failed to make his own flying vehicle but obtained a few patents.

3. He obtained a few patents. One of them is Generation Set.

Japan Paten #6269155
Generation Set
Shinichi SEIKE; Kazusumi TOMIYOSHI
generation set.jpg
Classification: - international: H02K53/00; H02K53/00; (IPC1-7): H02K53/00
Abstract --- PURPOSE: To obtain a clean generation set, which does not require power, fuel and the like from outside.
CONSTITUTION: Three stages of capacitor coils, within conductors of a gold alloy are wound as Melbium windings, are provided in a toroidal core made of rare earth material. A rod-shaped single-pole magnet 2, which is magnetized as a quasi-single pole, is arranged so as to pass the centers of the toroidal cores. A resonance disk 3, wherein three gold balls 4 are equally embedded, is provided. The same exciting power coils 5 as the capacitor coils 1 are provided. A nuclear electric resonator and a resonance circuit are formed of singe-pole magnet 2, the capacitor coils 1 and the resonance disk3. The three-phase AC generated in the coils in the Moebius winding is taken out outside.


4. One of Seike's experiments (G-Strain Energy Absorber) was confirmed.
gseav31a s.jpg

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