
(548) Noguchi Hedeyo Medical doctor [調べる]

のぐち・ひでよ s.jpg
1. Biography of Hideyo Nuguchi 野口英世の伝記
  A person who overcame the double challenges of poverty and a handicapped hand due to childhood burn, and went to the United States alone to become a world-class medical scientist. And finally, he died in the middle of his research in Africa. A great story that every Japanese knows.

のぐち・ひでよ (絵本版こども伝記ものがたり)

のぐち・ひでよ (絵本版こども伝記ものがたり)

  • 出版社/メーカー: チャイルド本社
  • 発売日: 2021/10/02
  • メディア: 単行本

2. Betrayers of the Truth:
Fraud and Deceit in the Halls of Science

by William J. Broad, Nicholas Wade
Examines instances of scientific fraud in research areas from astronomy and physics to biology and medicine, and assesses the influence of huge monetary rewards and enormous research organizations on corruption in science.

Betrayers of the Truth: Fraud and Deceit in the Halls of Science

Betrayers of the Truth: Fraud and Deceit in the Halls of Science

  • 出版社/メーカー: Ebury Press
  • 発売日: 1983/07/21
  • メディア: ハードカバー
  In 1982 Nicholas Wade had co-authored the book Betrayers of the Truth: Fraud and Deceit in the Halls of Science.
  Wade documented how the uncritical acceptance of elite opinions has led to bad science.
  For example, the story of Hideyo Noguchi, once hailed as the greatest microbiologist since Louis Pasteur. When he died in 1928, Noguchi had published 200 papers claiming he had identified the causes of yellow fever, polio, rabies and others. Although his work proved wrong 50 years later, he had never been challenged, simply because he worked for the most prestigious research institute of his time.
3. 英語達人列伝
英語達人列伝―あっぱれ、日本人の英語 (中公新書)

英語達人列伝―あっぱれ、日本人の英語 (中公新書)

  • 作者: 斎藤 兆史
  • 出版社/メーカー: 中央公論新社
  • 発売日: 2000/05/01
  • メディア: 新書
  Noguchi Hideyo is introduced as one of the Japanese English masters in this book. Anyone can get some of his theses from the site of Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Museum. I showed below, one very beginning part from one of his theses. They say that most of his theses proved wrong today. But his English is another thing. I tried reading this part filled with difficult medical words. I cannot say his English was good or not.
野口英世記念会館(Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Museum)

Rabies 狂犬病
(From the Laboratories of The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York.)

  Galtier and Pasteur demonstrated the infectiousness of rabies. Negri next described the characteristic inclusions in the ganglion2) cells, and Babes, J. Koch, Volpino, Proescher, and others found minute granular3) or pleomorphic4) particles in the central nervous system of animals infected with rabies. Remlinger, Poor and Steinhardt, Bertarelli and Volpino demonstrated the filterability5) of the rabic virus; but the nature of the virus itself had remained unknown.
  In the early part of 1912 I undertook to cultivate the rabic virus and I have now obtained certain results regarding which a brief report is appended6). About fifty series of cultivations were made with brain or medulla7) removed aseptically8) from rabbits, guinea pigs9), and dogs infected with "street" virus, "passage" virus, or "fixed" virus. Usually the animals were etherized10) just before spontaneous death occurred.
1) cultivation: 養殖、培養、養成
2) ganglion: 神経節、ガングリオン、結節腫、中心、
3) granular: 粒(状)の、顆粒(かりゅう)状の、(表面が) ざらざらした
4) pleomorphic: 多形性(たけいせい)の

5) filterability: 濾過性
6) append: (・・・に) 添える、付加する
7) medulla: 髄質、骨髄、延髄、髄 
8) aseptically: 無菌で
9) guinea pigs: モルモット
10) etherize: ・・・にエーテル麻酔をかける

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