
(550) Twenty Months in Japan / 6. House [翻訳]


 この冊子(Twenty Months in Japan)の著者であるHawkinsは、明治25年(1892)夏から27年(1894)春まで、アメリカYMCA教師として伊予尋常中学校の英語教師として勤務した。後に夏目金之助が英語教師として明治二八年四月(1895)に松山へ来ている、夏目金之助(漱石)の前任教師がジョンソンJohnson Cameronであるので、H.G. Hawkinsは前前任者にあたる。


(春ちゃん 記)

6. HOUSE 日本の家

  The houses are built mainly of wood and plaster. They are light and airy, usually one story high1). The roofs are generally of tiles, but sometimes thatched. The lumber2) is gotten mainly by hand. Into a nice house oftentimes the carpenter will tastily put as a column3) a trunk of hickory4) or other wood with bark and nice knots remaining on it, just as it came from nature.


1) one story high: 一階建て
2) lumber: 材木、木材
3) column: 丸柱
4) hickory: ヒッコリー
 Family: Juglandaceae
   Genus: Carya
   The genus Carya is in the walnut family, Juglandaceae.
hickory trimmed.jpg
Pockets TREES written by  Theresa Greenaway


 科: クルミ科 Juglandaceae
 属: クルミ属 Juglans
オニグルミ trimmed.jpg
この木なんの木?がひと目でわかる! 散歩の樹木図鑑

この木なんの木?がひと目でわかる! 散歩の樹木図鑑

  • 作者: 岩槻秀明
  • 出版社/メーカー: 新星出版社
  • 発売日: 2016/07/01
  • メディア: Kindle版

  What is the difference between hickory and walnut?
As nouns the difference between hickory and walnut is that hickory is any of various deciduous hardwood trees of the genus carya dor (taxlink) while walnut is a hardwood tree of the genus juglans.

  In government schools and many public works5) the buildings, dress, and many of the manners are greatly similar to what the young people of America are accustomed to seeing; but in the homes many things are very different. There are no chairs, no bedsteads6), no dressers7), no dining tables8), no chimneys, no fireplaces or stoves.

5) public works: 公共事業、公共施設
6) bedstead: 寝台の骨組み
7) dresser: 鏡付き化粧ダンス
8) dining table: ダイニングテーブル、食卓

  The principal9) rooms of the houses have no doors or windows proper10), but two or more sides of each room are made in pieces, which slide upon each other, back and forth. The whole house may be easily turned into one room, and whole sides of houses may be opened for the summer day. The different kinds of curious shoes never touch the matted floors. You can generally tell the number of inmates11) present at a house, or the number of guests at a hotel, by counting the shoes at the door.
9) principal: 主な、主要な
10) proper: [通例名詞の後で]厳密な意味での、本来の
11) inmate: 入所者

  In well-to-do12) homes cleanliness is very marked13), but rags14) and filth15) are plenteous16) in some quarters17). The rich man in silk dashes18), in jinrikisha, by his begging fellow men19). The extremes of life are here, as else where20).
12) well-to-do: 裕福な
13) marked: 著しい、きわ立った、明白な
14) rag: ぼろ布(きれ)、ぼろ
15) filth: 汚物
16) plenteous: plentiful, (ありあまるほど)豊富な、多くの
17) quarter: (都市内で特定の人々の住む)地域、街
18) dash: 勢いよく走る
19) fellow man: 人間同士、同胞
20) else where: (比較なし)どこかよそに[へ、で];そのほかの橋では

  The mats that form the floor are of closely woven grass, padded underneath and braided21) around. Each mat is three feet wide and six feet long. You tell of the size of a house by naming the number of rooms and the number of mats to each room. Two mats make a tsubo. Ground22) to the extent23) of three hundred tsubo rests24) at five dollars a year.
  Most homes have hanging25) about them somewhere an attractive tablet26) upon which is inscribed27) in Chinese characters the motto or charm of the house. At my house it is, when translated, "Bright moon in the clouds, beautiful flowers among the leaves28)."
--- 訳 省略 ---

21) braid: 結ぶ、縁取る
22) ground: 用地、敷地
23) to the extent of : ~の程度まで、~の範囲で
24) rent: 賃貸しされる
25) hanging: 壁掛け
26) tablet: 銘板、刻板
27) inscribe: 記入する、刻む
28) Bright moon in the clouds, beautiful flowers among the leaves.
雲間明月 葉隠の花

  September 13.-- Yesterday I went to Takahama to bathe29), but the sea was rough and it rained. I took refuge30) in a small building that is being constructed there as a kind of port-house31), and a lesson was taken in Japanese mechanics32).
--- 訳 省略 ---
29) bathe: 海水浴へ行く
30) take refuge: ・・・に逃避する、・・・して難を避ける
31) port-house: (複数形 port-houses) A building that contains the offices of officials responsible for  running a port, space for customs, etc. (Weblio)
32) mechanics: 操作、技巧、手順
三津高浜地図 2021 s.jpg
三津高浜地図 明治 s.jpg
Map of Mitsu Takahama in Meiji era.
高浜湊南桟橋 Southern Pier of Takahama port
四十島 ターナー島 Shijyushima, Turner island

The principal workmen were two beautifully formed men, clothed with a long girdle33) around the loins. Delicate as women, they plied34) their art very deftly35), pulling, not pushing, the plane. They used much whetstone36), and when they pulled, great shavings37), the whole length of the timber, flew. The planes themselves were delicate, but good implements38), the metal being very nicely set in thin wood. Another was devoting himself to sawing a piece out of a rough four-by-six block, round on one side39). He sat on the floor with the piece clutched between his feet, and worked away with his little saw. I held the plank for one of the planers. It amused and pleased him.
--- 訳 省略 ---
33) girdle: 腰巻、ベルト
34) ply: 〈仕事・商売〉に精をだす
35) deftly: 器用に、上手に、すばやく
36) whetstone: 砥石
37) shaving: 削りくず、かんなくず
大工鉋掛け 明治.jpg
近現代における鉋の変遷について 岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要第60
西洋鉋 s.jpg
B: iron; a steel blade which cuts the wood
F: cap iron or chipbreaker; reinforces the iron and curls and breaks apart wood shavings as they pass through the mouth.
38) implement: 道具、用具、器具
39) round on one side: 片方が丸い

  One inmate40) of the house seemed to be a rough but manly boatman whom the waves had driven to this haven41). He politely offered me a smoke from his own nasty42) pipe. He thought that he was showing me respect, and I thanked him.
40) inmate: any of a group occupying a single place or residence, 入所者
41) haven: 港、停泊所、避難所、a place of safety
42) nasty: 不快な、不潔な

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キセルの構造 JT.jpg


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